
  17   Library introduction                      [lib.library]


1 This clause defines the contents of the Standard C++  library,  how  a
  well-formed C++ program makes use of the library, and how a conforming
  implementation may provide the entities in the library.

2 The Standard C++ library contains components  for:  language  support,
  predefined  exceptions,  strings,  locales,  bit  sets,  bit  strings,
  dynamic arrays, complex numbers, and iostreams.  The language  support
  components  are required by certain parts of the C++ language, such as
  memory allocation (_expr.new_, _expr.delete_) and exception processing

3 The  strings and other containers provide commonly used data types not
  directly defined in the C++ language.  The predefined exceptions  pro­
  vide  support  for  uniform error reporting from the components in the
  library.  Complex numbers extend support for numeric processing.   The
  iostreams  components  are  the  primary  mechanism  for  C++  program

4 This library also makes available the facilities  of  the  Standard  C
  library, suitably adjusted to ensure static type safety.

5 This   subclause   describes   the   scope  (_lib.scope_),  references
  (_lib.references_), definitions  (_lib.definitions_),  and  method  of
  description   (_lib.description_)   for   the   library.    Subclauses
  (_lib.requirements_)     and     (_lib.language.support_)      through
  (_lib.input.output_)  specify the contents of the library, and library
  requirements and constraints on both well-formed C++ programs and con­
  forming implementations.

  17.1  Definitions                                    [lib.definitions]

  --Category:  A  logical  collection  of  library entities.  Subclauses
    _lib.language.support_ through _lib.input.output_  each  describe  a
    single category of entities within the library.

  --Comparison  function:  An operator function (_over.oper_) for any of
    the equality (_expr.eq_) or relational (_expr.rel_) operators.

  --Component: A group of library entities directly related as  members,
    parameters, or return types.  For example, the class wstring and the
    non-member functions that operate on wide-character strings  can  be
    considered the wstring component.

  --Default  behavior: A description of replacement function and handler
    function semantics.  Any specific behavior provided by the implemen­
    tation, within the scope of the required behavior.

  --Handler  function:  A  non-reserved function whose definition may be
    provided by a C++ program.  A C++ program may  designate  a  handler
    function  at various points in its execution, by supplying a pointer
    to the function when calling  any  of  the  library  functions  that
    install handler functions (_lib.language.support_).

  --Modifier  function:  A  class  member function (_class.mfct_), other
    than constructors, assignment, or destructor, that alters the  state
    of  an  object of the class.  The state of an object can be obtained
    by using one or more observer functions

  --Observer function: A class member function  (_class.mfct_)  accesses
    the  state of an object of the class, but does not alter that state.
    Observer  functions  are  specified  as   const   member   functions

  --Replacement  function:  A  non-reserved function whose definition is
    provided by a C++ program.  Only one definition for such a  function
    is  in  effect  for  the duration of the program's execution, as the
    result of creating the program (_lex.phases_) and resolving the def­
    initions of all translation units (_basic.link_).

  --Required behavior: A description of replacement function and handler
    function semantics, applicable to both the behavior provided by  the
    implementation  and the behavior that shall be provided by any func­
    tion definition in the program.  If a function defined in a C++ pro­
    gram  fails  to  meet  the  required  behavior when it executes, the
    behavior is undefined.

  --Reserved function: A function, specified as part of the Standard C++
    library,  that must be defined by the implementation.  If a C++ pro­
    gram provides a definition for any reserved  function,  the  results
    are undefined.  Subclause _intro.defs_ defines additional terms used
    elsewhere in this International Standard.

  17.2  Method of description                          [lib.description]

1 This  subclause  describes  the  conventions  used  throughout  clause
  _lib.library_  to describe the Standard C++ library.  It describes the
  structures of the normative subclauses _lib.language.support_  through
  _lib.input.output_ (_lib.structure_), conventions used to specify con­
  straints on  template  arguments(_lib.template.constraints_),  conven­
  tions    to    describe    types    defined   by   an   implementation
  (_lib.implementation.types_),   and   other   editorial    conventions

  17.2.1  Structure of each subclause                    [lib.structure]

1 Subclause  _lib.organization_  provides  a summary of the Standard C++
  library's contents.  Other Library clauses provide detailed specifica­
  tions for each of the components in the library, as shown in Table 1:

                       Table 1--Library Categories

                Clause                   Category

                _lib.language.support_   Language support
                _lib.diagnostics_        Diagnostics
                _lib.utilities_          General utilities
                _lib.strings_            Strings
                _lib.localization_       Localization
                _lib.containers_         Containers
                _lib.iterators_          Iterators
                _lib.algorithms_         Algorithms
                _lib.numerics_           Numerics
                _lib.input.output_       Input/output

2 Each Library clause contains the following elements:


  --Detailed specifications

  --References to the Standard C library

3 The  Summary  provides a synopsis of the category, listing the headers
  specified in the subclause and the library entities provided  in  each
  header.   The summary and the detailed specifications are presented in
  the order:







4 The detailed specifications each contain the following elements:1)
  1) The form of these specifications was designed to follow the conven­

  --Name and brief description

  --Synopsis (class definition or function prototype, as appropriate)

  --Restrictions on template arguments, if any

  --Decription of class invariants

  --Description of function semantics

5 Descriptions   of   class   member  functions  follow  the  order  (as

  --Constructor(s) and destructor

  --Copying & assignment functions

  --Comparison functions

  --Modifier functions

  --Observer functions

  --Operators and other non-member functions

6 Descriptions of function semantics contain the following elements  (as

  --Requires, the preconditions for calling the function

  --Effects,  the actions performed by the function, and/or the postcon­
    ditions established by the function

  --Returns, a description of the value(s) returned by the function

  --Throws, any exceptions thrown by the function,  and  the  conditions
    that would cause the exception

7 For non-reserved replacement and handler functions, this clause speci­
  fies two behaviors for the functions in question: their  required  and
  default  behavior.   The default behavior describes a function defini­
  tion provided by the implementation.  The required behavior  describes
  the  semantics  of a function definition provided by either the imple­
  mentation or a C++ program.  Where no distinction is  explicitly  made
  in the description, the behavior described is the required behavior.
  tions established by existing C++ library vendors.
  2) To save space, items that do not apply to a class are omitted.  For
  example,  if  a class does not specify any comparison functions, there
  will be no ``Comparison functions'' subclause.
  3)  To  save space, items that do not apply to a function are omitted.
  For example, if a function does not specify any  preconditions,  there
  will be no ``Requires'' paragraph.

  17.2.2  Constraints on template             [lib.template.constraints]

1 This subclause describes names that are used to specify constraints on
  template  arguments.   These  names  are  used, instead of the keyword
  class, to describe the types that may be supplied as  arguments  by  a
  C++ program when instantiating template components from the library.

2 To  ensure  that  the different components in a library work together,
  they must satisfy some basic requirements.  Requirements should be  as
  general  as  possible,  so instead of saying ``class X has to define a
  member function operator++(),'' we say ``for any object x of class  X,
  ++x is defined.''  (It is unspecified whether the operator is a member
  or a global function.)  Requirements are  stated  in  terms  of  well-
  defined  expressions,  which define valid terms of the types that sat­
  isfy the requirements.  For every set of requirements there is a table
  that  specifies  an  initial  set  of  the valid expressions and their
  semantics.  Any generic algorithm that uses the requirements has to be
  written  in terms of the valid expressions for its formal type parame­

3 If an operation is required to be linear time, it means no worse  than
  linear  time, and a constant time operation satisfies the requirement.

4 In some cases we present the semantic  requirements  using  C++  code.
  Such code is intended as a specification of equivalence of a construct
  to another construct, not necessarily as the way the construct must be
  implemented  (although  in  some cases the code given is unambiguously
  the optimum implementation).  Traits                                     [lib.trait.types]

1 The string and iostreams components use an explicit representation  of
  operations  required of template arguments.  They use a template class
  name XXX_baggage to define these constraints.

  +-------                 BEGIN BOX 1                -------+
  At the Kitchener meeting, the Library WG decided to change  the  names
  used  from  ``baggage''  to ``traits''.  However, Tom Plum objected to
  doing this without a formal proposal and vote.  These names are there­
  fore unresolved, and subject to change.
  +-------                  END BOX 1                 -------+  Iterator types                          [lib.iterator.types]

1 Iterators  are a generalization of pointers that allow a programmer to
  work with different data structures (containers) in a uniform  manner.
  To  be  able  to construct template algorithms that work correctly and
  efficiently on different types of data structures, we need to  formal­
  ize  not  just  the  interfaces  but also the semantics and complexity
  assumptions of iterators.  Iterators are objects that  have  operator*
  returning a value of some class or built-in type T called a value type
  of the iterator.  For every iterator type  X  for  which  equality  is

  defined, there is a corresponding signed integral type called the dis­
  tance type of the iterator.

2 Since iterators are a generalization of pointers, their semantics is a
  generalization of the semantics of pointers in C++.  This assures that
  every template function that takes iterators works with regular point­
  ers.  Depending on the operations defined on them, there are five cat­
  egories of iterators: input iterators, output iterators, forward iter­
  ators,  bidirectional  iterators and random access iterators, as shown
  in Table 2.

               Table 2--Relations among iterator categories

       |Random access   -> Bidirectional   -> Forward   -> Input  |
       |                                                -> Output |

3 Forward iterators satisfy all the requirements of the input and output
  iterators and can be used whenever either kind is specified.  Bidirec­
  tional iterators satisfy all the requirements of the forward iterators
  and  can  be  used  whenever  a forward iterator is specified.  Random
  access iterators satisfy all the requirements of bidirectional  itera­
  tors  and  can be used whenever a bidirectional iterator is specified.
  There is an additional attribute that forward, bidirectional and  ran­
  dom  access iterators might have, that is, they can be mutable or con­
  stant depending on whether the result of the operator*  behaves  as  a
  reference  or as a reference to a constant.  Constant iterators do not
  satisfy the requirements for output iterators.

4 Just as a regular pointer to an  array  guarantees  that  there  is  a
  pointer  value pointing past the last element of the array, so for any
  iterator type there is an iterator value that  points  past  the  last
  element  of  a corresponding container.  These values are called past-
  the-end values.  Values of the iterator for  which  the  operator*  is
  defined  are  called  dereferenceable.  The library never assumes that
  past-the-end values are dereferenceable.  Iterators  might  also  have
  singular values that are not associated with any container.  For exam­
  ple, after the declaration of an uninitialized pointer x (as with int*
  x;), x should always be assumed to have a singular value of a pointer.
  Results of most expressions are undefined for  singular  values.   The
  only exception is an assignment of a non-singular value to an iterator
  that holds a singular value.  In this case the singular value is over­
  written  the  same  way as any other value.  Dereferenceable and past-
  the-end values are always non-singular.

5 An iterator j is called reachable from an iterator i  if  there  is  a
  finite  sequence of applications of operator++ to i that makes i == j.
  If j is reachable from i, they refer to the same container.

6 Most of the library's  algorithmic  templates  that  operate  on  data
  structures  have  interfaces  that  use  ranges.  A range is a pair of
  iterators that designate the beginning and end of the computation.   A
  range  [i,  i) is an empty range; in general, a range [i, j) refers to
  the elements in the data structure starting with the one pointed to by
  i  and  up to but not including the one pointed to by j.  Range [i, j)
  is valid if and only if j is reachable from  i.   The  result  of  the
  application  of  the  algorithms  in  the library to invalid ranges is

7 All the categories of iterators require only those functions that  are
  realizable  for a given category in constant time (amortized).  There­
  fore, requirement tables for the iterators do not  have  a  complexity

8 In  the following sections, we assume: a and b are values of X, n is a
  value of the distance type Distance, u, tmp, and m are identifiers,  r
  is a value of X&, t is a value of value type T.  Input iterators                      [lib.input.iterators]

1 A  class  or  a built-in type X satisfies the requirements of an input
  iterator for the value type T if the following expressions are  valid,
  as shown in Table 3:

                   Table 3--Input iterator requirements

  |expression       return type        operational            assertion/note         |
  |                                     semantics           pre/post-condition       |
  |X(a)                                               a == X(a).                     |
  |                                                   note: a destructor is assumed. |
  |X u(a);                                                                           |
  |X u = a;                                           post: u == a.                  |
  |a == b       convertible to bool                   == is an equivalence relation. |
  |a != b       convertible to bool   !(a == b)                                      |
  |*a           convertible to T                      pre: a is dereferenceable.     |
  |                                                   a == b implies *a == *b.       |
  |++r          X&                                    pre: r is dereferenceable.     |
  |                                                   post: r is dereferenceable or  |
  |                                                   r is past-the-end.             |
  |                                                   &r == &++r.                    |
  |r++          X                     { X tmp = r;                                   |
  |                                     ++r;                                         |
  |                                     return tmp;                                  |
  |                                   }                                              |

2 NOTE:  For input iterators, a == b does not imply ++a == ++b.  (Equal­
  ity does not guarantee the substitution property or referential trans­
  parency.)   Algorithms on input iterators should never attempt to pass
  through the same iterator twice.  They should  be  single  pass  algo­
  rithms.   Value  type  T  is  not required to be an lvalue type. These
  algorithms can be used with istreams as the source of the  input  data
  through the istream_iterator class.  Output iterators                    [lib.output.iterators]

1 A  class  or a built-in type X satisfies the requirements of an output
  iterator if the following expressions are valid, as shown in Table 4:

                  Table 4--Output iterator requirements

  |expression      return type        operational            assertion/note         |
  |                                    semantics           pre/post-condition       |
  |X(a)                                              a = t is equivalent to X(a) =  |
  |                                                  t.                             |
  |                                                  note: a destructor is assumed. |
  |X u(a);                                                                          |
  |X u = a;                                                                         |
  |*a = t       result is not used                   pre: a is dereferenceable.     |
  |++r          X&                                   pre: r is dereferenceable.     |
  |                                                  post: r is dereferenceable or  |
  |                                                  r is past-the-end.             |
  |                                                  &a == &++a.                    |
  |r++          X                    { X tmp = r;                                   |
  |                                    ++r;                                         |
  |                                    return tmp;                                  |
  |                                  }                                              |

2 NOTE:  The  only  valid use of an operator* is on the left side of the
  assignment statement.  Assignment through the same value of the itera­
  tor  happens  only  once.  Algorithms on output iterators should never
  attempt to pass through the same iterator twice.  They should be  sin­
  gle  pass  algorithms.   Equality and inequality might not be defined.
  Algorithms that take output iterators can be used with ostreams as the
  destination  for  placing  data  through the ostream_iterator class as
  well as with insert iterators and insert pointers.  Forward iterators                  [lib.forward.iterators]

1 A class or a built-in type X satisfies the requirements of  a  forward
  iterator if the following expressions are valid, as shown in Table 5:

                  Table 5--Forward iterator requirements

  |expression       return type        operational             assertion/note           |
  |                                     semantics            pre/post-condition         |
  |X u;                                               note: u might have a singular     |
  |                                                   value.                            |
  |                                                   note: a destructor is assumed.    |
  |X()                                                note: X() might be singular.      |
  |X(a)                                               a == X(a).                        |
  |X u(a);                            X u; u = a;     post: u == a.                     |
  |X u = a;                                                                             |
  |a == b       convertible to bool                   == is an equivalence relation.    |
  |a != b       convertible to bool   !(a == b)                                         |
  |r = a        X&                                    post: r == a.                     |
  |*a           convertible to T                      pre: a is dereferenceable.        |
  |                                                   a == b implies *a == *b.          |
  |                                                   If X is mutable, *a = t is valid. |
  |++r          X&                                    pre: r is dereferenceable.        |
  |                                                   post: r is dereferenceable or r   |
  |                                                   is past-the-end.                  |
  |                                                   r == s and r is dereferenceable   |
  |                                                   implies ++r == ++r.               |
  |                                                   &a == &++a.                       |
  |r++          X                     { X tmp = r;                                      |
  |                                     ++r;                                            |
  |                                     return tmp;                                     |
  |                                   }                                                 |

2 NOTE:  The condition that a == b implies ++a == ++b (which is not true
  for input and output iterators) and the removal of the restrictions on
  the  number  of the assignments through the iterator (which applies to
  output iterators) allows the use of multi-pass  one-directional  algo­
  rithms with forward iterators.  Bidirectional iterators      [lib.bidirectional.iterators]

1 A class or a built-in type X satisfies the requirements of a  bidirec­
  tional  iterator  if  to the table that specifies forward iterators we
  add the following lines, as shown in Table 6:

  Table 6--Bidirectional iterator requirements (in addition to forward iterator)

  |expression   return type    operational          assertion/note        |
  |                             semantics         pre/post-condition      |
  |--r          X&                            pre: there exists s such    |
  |                                           that r == ++s.              |
  |                                           post: s is dereferenceable. |
  |                                           --(++r) == r.               |
  |                                           --r == --r implies r == s.  |
  |                                           &r == &--r.                 |
  |r--          X             { X tmp = r;                                |
  |                             --r;                                      |
  |                             return tmp;                               |
  |                           }                                           |

2 NOTE: Bidirectional iterators allow algorithms to move iterators back­
  ward as well as forward.  Random access iterators      [lib.random.access.iterators]

1 A  class  or  a built-in type X satisfies the requirements of a random
  access iterator if to the table that specifies bidirectional iterators
  we add the following lines, as shown in Table 7:

  Table 7--Random access iterator requirements (in addition to bidirectional iterator)

  |expression       return type         operational             assertion/note         |
  |                                      semantics            pre/post-condition       |
  |r += n       X&                    { Distance m =                                   |
  |                                   n;                                               |
  |                                     if (m >= 0)                                    |
  |                                       while (m--)                                  |
  |                                   ++r;                                             |
  |                                     else                                           |
  |                                       while (m++)                                  |
  |                                   --r;                                             |
  |                                     return r; }                                    |
  |a + n                              { X tmp = a;                                     |
  |             X                       return tmp +=   a + n == n + a.                |
  |                                   n; }                                             |
  |n + a                                                                               |
  |r -= n       X&                    return r += -n;                                  |
  |a - n        X                     { X tmp = a;                                     |
  |                                     return tmp -=                                  |
  |                                   n; }                                             |
  |b - a        Distance              { X tmp = a;      pre: there exists a value n of |
  |                                     Distance m =    Distance such that a + n == b. |
  |                                   0;                b == a + (b - a).              |
  |                                     while (tmp !=                                  |
  |                                   b)                                               |
  |                                       ++tmp, ++m;                                  |
  |                                     return m; }                                    |
  |a[n]         convertible to T      *(a + n)                                         |
  |a < b        convertible to bool   b - a > 0         < is a total ordering relation |
  |a > b        convertible to bool   b < a             > is a total ordering relation |
  |                                                     opposite to <.                 |
  |a >= b       convertible to bool   !(a < b)                                         |
  |a <= b       convertible to bool   !(a > b)                                         |
  +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  Allocator types                        [lib.allocator.types]

1 One of the common problems in portability is to be able to encapsulate
  the information about the memory model.  This information includes the
  knowledge of pointer types, the type of their difference, the type  of
  the  size of objects in this memory model, as well as the memory allo­
  cation and deallocation primitives for it.

2 The library addresses this problem by  providing  a  standard  set  of
  requirements  for  allocators, which are objects that encapsulate this
  information.  All of the containers  are  parameterized  in  terms  of
  allocators.   That  dramatically  simplifies  the task of dealing with
  multiple memory models.

3 In the following Table 8, we  assume  X  is  an  allocator  class  for
  objects  of type T, a is a value of X, n is of type X::size_type, p is
  of type X::pointer which was obtained from X.

4 All the operations on the allocators are expected to be amortized con­
  stant time.

                     Table 8--Allocator requirements

       expression             return type                 assertion/note
   X::value_type        T
   X::pointer           pointer to T              the result of operator* of
                                                  values of X::pointer is of
   X::const_pointer     pointer to const T type   the result of operator* of
                                                  values of X::const_pointer is
                                                  of const value_type; it is the
                                                  same type of pointer as
                                                  X::pointer, in particular,
                                                  sizeof(X::const_pointer) ==
   X::size_type         unsigned integral type    the type that can represent
                                                  the size of the largest object
                                                  in the memory model.
   X::difference_type   signed integral type      the type that can represent
                                                  the difference between any two
                                                  pointers in the memory model.
   X a;                                           note: a destructor is assumed.
   a.allocate(n)        X::pointer                memory is allocated for n ob­
                                                  jects of type T but objects
                                                  are not constructed. allocate
                                                  may raise an appropriate ex­
   a.deallocate(p)      result is not used        all the objects in the area
                                                  pointed by p should be de­
                                                  stroyed prior to the call of
                                                  the deallocate.
   a.init_page_size()   X::size_type              the returned value is the op­
                                                  timal value for an initial
                                                  buffer size of the given type.
                                                  It is assumed that if k is re­
                                                  turned by init_page_size, t is
                                                  the construction time for T,
                                                  and u is the time that it
                                                  takes to do allocate(k), then
                                                  k * t is much greater than u.

  |                                                                              |
  |                                                                              |
  |                                                                              |
  |                                                                              |
  |a.max_size()         X::size_type              the size of the largest buffer |
  |                                               that can be allocated          |
  +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  Container types                        [lib.container.types]

1 Containers are objects that store other objects.  They control alloca­
  tion and deallocation of these objects through constructors,  destruc­
  tors, insert and erase operations.

2 In  the following Table 9, we assume X is a container class containing
  objects of type T, a and b are values of X, u is an identifier  and  r
  is a value of X&.

                     Table 9--Container requirements

       expression               return type                   assertion/note            complexity
   X::value_type        T                                                              compile time
   X::iterator          iterator type pointing to T   any iterator category except     compile time
                                                      output iterator.
   X::const_ iterator   iterator type pointing to     any iterator category except     compile time
                        const T                       output iterator.
   X::difference_type   signed integral type          is identical to the distance     compile time
                                                      type of X::iterator and
   X:: size_type        unsigned integral type        size_type can represent any      compile time
                                                      non-negative value of differ­
   X u;                                               post: u.size() == 0.             constant
   X()                                                X().size() == 0.                 constant
   X(a)                                               a == X(a).                       linear
   X u(a);                                            post: u == a.                    linear
   X u = a;                                           Equivalent to: X u; u = a;

   (&a)->               result is not used            post: a.size() == 0.             linear
    ~X()                                              note: the destructor is ap­
                                                      plied to every element of a,
                                                      all the memory is returned.
   a.begin()            iterator;                                                      constant
                        for constant a
   a.end()              iterator;                                                      constant
                        for constant a
   a == b               convertible to bool           == is an equivalence relation.   linear
                                                      && equal(a.begin(),
                                                      a.end(), b.begin())

  |                                                                                                 |
  |                                                                                                 |
  |                                                                                                 |
  |                                                                                                 |
  |a != b               convertible to bool           Equivalent to: !(a == b)         linear       |

  |expression     return type         operational       assertion/note   complexity |
  |                                    semantics      pre/post-condition            |
  |r = a      X&                  if (&r != &a) {     post: r == a.      linear     |
  |                                 (&r)->X::~X();                                  |
  |                                 new (&r) X(a);                                  |
  |                                 return r; }                                     |
  |a.size()   size_type           a.end() - a.begin()                    constant   |
  |a.max_     size_type                               size() of the      constant   |
  |                                                   largest possible              |
  |                                                   container.                    |
  |size()                                                                           |
  |a.empty()  convertible to bool a.size() == 0                          constant   |
  |a < b      convertible to bool lexicographical_    pre: < is defined  linear     |
  |                               compare (a.begin(), for values of T.              |
  |                               a.end(),            < is a total or­              |
  |                                b.begin(),         dering relation.              |
  |                               b.end())                                          |
  |a > b      convertible to bool b < a                                  linear     |
  |a <= b     convertible to bool !(a > b)                               linear     |
  |a >= b     convertible to bool !(a < b)                               linear     |

  equal    and    lexicographical_compare    are   defined   in   Clause

3 The member function size() returns the number of elements in the  con­
  tainer.   Its  semantics  is  defined  by  the  rules of constructors,
  inserts, and erases.

4 begin() returns an iterator referring to the first element in the con­
  tainer.  end() returns an iterator which is the past-the-end value.  Sequences                            [lib.sequence.reqmts]

1 A  sequence  is  a  kind  of  container that organizes a finite set of
  objects, all of the same type, into  a  strictly  linear  arrangement.
  The library provides three basic kinds of sequence containers: vector,
  list, and deque.  It also provides container  adaptors  that  make  it
  easy  to  construct abstract data types, such as stacks or queues, out
  of the basic sequence kinds (or out of other kinds of  sequences  that

  the user might define).

2 In  the  following Table 10, X is a sequence class, a is value of X, i
  and j satisfy input iterator requirements, [i, j) is a valid range,  n
  is  a value of X::size_type, p is a valid iterator to a, q, q1, q2 are
  valid dereferenceable iterators to a, [q1, q2) is a valid range, t  is
  a value of X::value_type.

3 The complexities of the expressions are sequence dependent.

        Table 10--Sequence requirements (in addition to container)

  |   expression          return type                        assertion/note                      |
  |                                                        pre/post-condition                    |
  |X(n, t)                                  post: size() == n.                                   |
  |X a(n, t);                               constructs a sequence with n copies of t.            |
  |X(i, j)                                  post: size() == distance between i and j.            |
  |X a(i, j);                               constructs a sequence equal to the range [i, j).     |
  |a.insert(p, t)      iterator             inserts a copy of t before p.                        |
  |a.insert(p, n, t)   result is not used   inserts n copies of t before p.                      |
  |a.insert(p, i, j)   result is not used   inserts copies of elements in [i, j) before p.       |
  |a.erase(q)          result is not used   erases the element pointed to by q.                  |
  |a.erase(q1, q2)     result is not used   erases the elements in the range [q1, q2).           |

4 vector,  list,  and  deque  offer  the programmer different complexity
  trade-offs and should be used accordingly.   vector  is  the  type  of
  sequence  that  should  be  used by default.  list should be used when
  there are frequent insertions and deletions from  the  middle  of  the
  sequence.   deque is the data structure of choice when most insertions
  and deletions take place at  the  beginning  or  at  the  end  of  the

5 iterator and const_iterator types for sequences have to be at least of
  the forward iterator category.

6 Table 11:

                  Table 11--Optional sequence operations

  |  expression     return type          operational          container   |
  |                                       semantics                       |
  |a.front()       T&; const T&     *a.begin()              vector, list, |
  |                for constant a                           deque         |
  |a.back()        T&; const T&     *a.end()                vector, list, |
  |                for constant a                           deque         |
  |a.push_front(x) void             a.insert(a.begin(),x)   list, deque   |
  |a.push_back(x)  void             a.insert(a.end(),x)     vector, list, |
  |                                                         deque         |
  |a.pop_front()   void             a.erase(a.begin())      list, deque   |
  |a.pop_back()    void             a.erase(--a.end())      vector, list, |
  |                                                         deque         |
  |a[n]            T&; const T&     *(a.begin() + n)        vector, deque |
  |                for constant a                                         |

7 All the operations in the above table are provided only for  the  con­
  tainers for which they take constant time.  Associative containers        [lib.associative.containers]

1 Associative  containers  provide an ability for fast retrieval of data
  based on keys.  The library provides four basic kinds  of  associative
  containers: set, multiset, map and multimap.

2 All  of them are parameterized on Key and an ordering relation Compare
  that induces a total ordering on elements of Key.   In  addition,  map
  and  multimap  associate an arbitrary type T with the Key.  The object
  of type Compare is called the comparison object of a container.

3 In this section when we talk about equality of keys we mean the equiv­
  alence  relation  imposed  by the comparison and not the operator== on
  keys.  That is, two keys k1 and k2 are considered to be equal  if  for
  the  comparison  object comp, comp(k1, k2) == false && comp(k2, k1) ==

4 An associative container supports unique keys if  it  may  contain  at
  most  one  element  for  each key.  Otherwise, it supports equal keys.
  set and map support unique keys.  multiset and multimap support  equal

5 For  set and multiset the value type is the same as the key type.  For
  map and multimap it is equal to pair<const Key, T>.

6 iterator of an associative container is of the bidirectional  iterator

7 In the following Table 12, X is an associative container class, a is a
  value of X, a_uniq is a value of X when X supports  unique  keys,  and
  a_eq  is  a  value of X when X supports multiple keys, i and j satisfy
  input iterator requirements and refer to elements of  value_type,  [i,
  j)  is  a valid range, p is a valid iterator to a, q, q1, q2 are valid
  dereferenceable iterators to a, [q1, q2) is a  valid  range,  t  is  a
  value of X::value_type and k is a value of X::key_type.

  Table 12--Associative container requirements (in addition to container)

  |   expression      return type                assertion/note               complexity   |
  |                                            pre/post-condition                          |
  |X::key_type      Key                                                     compile time   |
  |                                                                                        |
  |X::key_compare   Compare          defaults to less<key_type>.            compile time   |
  |                                                                                        |
  |X::value_compare a binary pred­   is the same as key_compare for set and compile time   |
  |                 icate type       multiset; is an ordering relation on                  |
  |                                  pairs induced by the first component                  |
  |                                  (i.e. Key) for map and multimap.                      |
  |X(c)                              constructs an empty container;         constant       |
  |X a(c);                           uses c as a comparison object.                        |
  |X()                               constructs an empty container;         constant       |
  |X a;                              uses Compare() as a comparison object.                |
  |X(i,j,c);                         constructs an empty container and in­  NlogN in gen­  |
  |X a(i,j,c);                       serts elements from the range [i, j)   eral (N is the |
  |                                  into it; uses c as a comparison ob­    distance from  |
  |                                  ject.                                  i to j); lin­  |
  |                                                                         ear if [i, j)  |
  |                                                                         is sorted with |
  |                                                                         value_comp()   |
  |X(i, j)                           same as above, but uses Compare() as a same as        |
  |X a(i, j);                        comparison object.                     above          |
  |a.key_comp()     X::key_compare   returns the comparison object out of   constant       |
  |                                  which a was constructed.                              |
  |a.value_comp()   X::value_compare returns an object of value_compare     constant       |
  |                                  constructed out of the comparison ob­                 |
  |                                  ject.                                                 |
  |a_uniq.insert(t) pair<iterator,   inserts t if and only if there is no   logarithmic    |
  |                 bool>            element in the container with key                     |
  |                                  equal to the key of t.  The bool com­                 |
  |                                  ponent of the returned pair indicates                 |
  |                                  whether the insertion takes place and                 |
  |                                  the iterator component of the pair                    |
  |                                  points to the element with key equal                  |
  |                                  to the key of t.                                      |

      expression       return type               assertion/note                complexity
   a_eq.insert(t)   iterator           inserts t and returns the iterator  logarithmic
                                       pointing to the newly inserted ele­
   a.insert(p, t)   iterator           inserts t if and only if there is   logarithmic in
                                       no element with key equal to the    general, but amor­
                                       key of t in containers with unique  tized constant if
                                       keys; always inserts t in contain­  t is inserted
                                       ers with equal keys.  always re­    right after p.
                                       turns the iterator pointing to the
                                       element with key equal to the key
                                       of t.  iterator p is a hint point­
                                       ing to where the insert should
                                       start to search.
   a.insert(i, j)   result is not used inserts the elements from the range Nlog(size()+N) (N
                                       [i, j) into the container.          is the distance
                                                                           from i to j) in
                                                                           general; linear if
                                                                           [i, j) is sorted
                                                                           according to val­
   a.erase(k)       size_type          erases all the elements in the con­ log(size()) +
                                       tainer with key equal to k.  re­    count(k)
                                       turns the number of erased ele­
   a.erase(q)       result is not used erases the element pointed to by q. amortized constant
   a.erase(q1, q2)  result is not used erases all the elements in the      log(size())+ N
                                       range [q1, q2).                     where N is the
                                                                           distance from q1
                                                                           to q2.
   a.find(k)        iterator; con­     returns an iterator pointing to an  logarithmic
                    st_iterator for    element with the key equal to k, or
                    constant a         a.end() if such an element is not
   a.count(k)       size_type          returns the number of elements with log(size())+
                                       key equal to k                      count(k)
   a.lower_bound(k) iterator; con­     returns an iterator pointing to the logarithmic
                    st_iterator for    first element with key not less
                    constant a         than k.
   a.upper_bound(k) iterator; con­     returns an iterator pointing to the logarithmic
                    st_iterator for    first element with key greater than
                    constant a         k.

  |                                                                                           |
  |                                                                                           |
  |                                                                                           |
  |                                                                                           |
  |a.equal_range(k) pair< itera­       equivalent to make_pair(            logarithmic        |
  |                 tor,iterator>;         a.lower_bound(k),                                  |
  |                 pair< con­             a.upper_bound(k)).                                 |
  |                 st_iterator, con­                                                         |
  |                 st_iterator> for                                                          |
  |                 constant a                                                                |

8 The  fundamental  property  of  iterators of associative containers is
  that they iterate through the containers in the  non-descending  order
  of  keys  where  non-descending  is defined by the comparison that was
  used to construct them.  For any two dereferenceable iterators i and j
  such that distance from i to j is positive,
    value_comp(*j, *i) == false

9 For  associative  containers  with  unique keys the stronger condition
    value_comp(*i, *j) == true.

  17.2.3  Implementation types                [lib.implementation.types]

1 Certain types defined in this clause are based  on  other  types,  but
  with added constraints.  Enumerated types                      [lib.enumerated.types]

1 Several  types defined in this clause are enumerated types.  Each enu­
  merated type can be implemented as an enumeration or as a synonym  for
  an enumeration.  The enumerated type enumerated can be written:
          enum secret {
                  V0, V1, V2, V3, .....};
          typedef secret enumerated;
          static const enumerated C0(V0);
          static const enumerated C1(V1);
          static const enumerated C2(V2);
          static const enumerated C3(V3);

2 Here,  the  names C0, C1, etc.  represent enumerated elements for this
  particular enumerated type.  All such elements have distinct values.  Bitmask types                            [lib.bitmask.types]

1 Several types defined in this clause are bitmask types.  Each  bitmask
  type  can  be implemented as an enumerated type that overloads certain
  operators.  The bitmask type bitmask can be written:

          enum secret {
                  V0 = 1 << 0, V1 = 1 << 1, V2 = 1 << 2, V3 = 1 << 3, .....};
          typedef secret bitmask;
          static const bitmask C0(V0);
          static const bitmask C1(V1);
          static const bitmask C2(V2);
          static const bitmask C3(V3);
          bitmask& operator&=(bitmask& X, bitmask Y)
                  {X = (bitmask)(X & Y); return (X); }
          bitmask& operator|=(bitmask& X, bitmask Y)
                  {X = (bitmask)(X | Y); return (X); }
          bitmask& operator^=(bitmask& X, bitmask Y)
                  {X = (bitmask)(X ^ Y); return (X); }
          bitmask operator&(bitmask X, bitmask Y)
                  {return ((bitmask)(X & Y)); }
          bitmask operator|(bitmask X, bitmask Y)
                  {return ((bitmask)(X | Y)); }
          bitmask operator^(bitmask X, bitmask Y)
                  {return ((bitmask)(X ^ Y)); }
          bitmask operator~(bitmask X)
                  {return ((bitmask)~X); }

2 Here, the names C0, C1, etc.  represent bitmask elements for this par­
  ticular  bitmask  type.   All  such elements have distinct values such
  that, for any pair Ci and Cj, Ci & Ci is nonzero and Ci & Cj is  zero.

3 The following terms apply to objects and values of bitmask types:

  --To  set  a value Y in an object X is to evaluate the expression X |=

  --To clear a value Y in an object X is to evaluate the expression X &=

  --The  value  Y  is  set  in  the  object X if the expression X & Y is
    nonzero.  Character sequences                      [lib.character.seq]

1 The Standard C++ library makes widespread use of characters and  char­
  acter sequences that follow a few uniform conventions:

  --A  letter  is any of the 26 lowercase or 26 uppercase letters in the
    basic execution character set.4)

  --The  decimal-point  character is the (single-byte) character used by
    functions that convert between a  (single-byte)  character  sequence
    and  a  value of one of the floating-point types.  It is used in the
    character sequence to denote the beginning of a fractional part.  It
  4) Note that this definition differs from the definition in ISO C sub­
  clause 7.1.1.

    is  represented  in  this clause by a period, '.', which is also its
    value in the "C" locale, but may change during program execution  by
    a  call  to  setlocale(int,  const  char*),  declared  in  <clocale>

  --A character sequence is an array object A that can be declared as  T
    A[N],  where  T  is  any of the types char, unsigned char, or signed
    char, optionally qualified by any combination of const or  volatile.
    The  initial  elements  of the array have defined contents up to and
    including an element determined  by  some  predicate.   A  character
    sequence  can  be designated by a pointer value S that points to its
    first element.  Byte strings                            [lib.byte.strings]

1 A null-terminated byte string, or NTBS, is a character sequence  whose
  highest-addressed element with defined content has the value zero (the
  terminating null character).5)

2 The  length of an NTBS is the number of elements that precede the ter­
  minating null character.  An empty NTBS has a length of zero.

3 The value of an NTBS is the sequence of values of the elements  up  to
  and including the terminating null character.

4 A static NTBS is an NTBS with static storage duration.6)  Multibyte strings                  [lib.multibyte.strings]

1 A  null-terminated multibyte string, or NTMBS, is an NTBS that consti­
  tutes a sequence of valid multibyte characters, beginning  and  ending
  in the initial shift state.7)

2 A static NTMBS is an NTMBS with static storage duration.  Wide-character sequences             [lib.wide.characters]
  that  can  be  declared as T A[N], where T is type wchar_t, optionally
  qualified by any combination of const or volatile.  The  initial  ele­
  ments  of  the array have defined contents up to and including an ele­
  ment determined by some predicate.  A character sequence can be desig­
  nated by a pointer value S that designates its first element.

1 A null-terminated wide-character string, or NTWCS, is a wide-character
  sequence whose highest-addressed element with defined content has  the
  5) Many of the objects manipulated by function signatures declared  in
  <cstring> are character sequences or NTBSs.  The size of some of these
  character sequences is limited by a length value, maintained separate­
  ly from the character sequence.
  6) A string literal, such as "abc", is a static NTBS.
  7)  An  NTBS  that  contains  characters only from the basic execution
  character set is also an NTMBS.  Each multibyte  character  then  con­
  sists of a single byte.

  value zero.8)

2 The length of an NTWCS is the number of elements that precede the ter­
  minating null wide character.  An empty NTWCS has a length of zero.

3 The  value of an NTWCS is the sequence of values of the elements up to
  and including the terminating null character.

4 A static NTWCS is an NTWCS with static storage duration.9)

  17.2.4  Other conventions                    [lib.res.and.conventions]

1 This  subclause  describes  several  editorial  conventions  used   to
  describe  the contents of the Standard C++ library.  These conventions
  are for describing handler  functions  (_lib.global.pointers_),  class
  and  class template member functions (_lib.functions.within.classes_),
  private members (_lib.objects.within.classes_), and  convenient  names

  +-------                 BEGIN BOX 2                -------+
  ISSUE:  this subclause needs more discussion by the Library WG.
  +-------                  END BOX 2                 -------+  Handler functions                      [lib.global.pointers]

1 Certain  handler  functions  are  determined  by  the values stored in
  pointer objects within the Standard  C++  library.   Initially,  these
  pointer  objects store null pointers or designate functions defined in
  the Standard C++ library.  Other functions, however, when executed  at
  run  time, permit the program to alter these stored values to point at
  functions defined in the program.

  +-------                 BEGIN BOX 3                -------+
  ISSUE:  this overspecification creates a problem for reentrancy
  +-------                  END BOX 3                 -------+  Functions within classes      [lib.functions.within.classes]

1 For  the  sake  of exposition, this clause describes no copy construc­
  tors, assignment operators, or (non-virtual) destructors with the same
  apparent  semantics  as those that can be generated by default.  It is
  unspecified whether the implementation provides  explicit  definitions
  for  such  member function signatures, or for virtual destructors that
  can be generated by default.

2 For the sake of exposition, this clause repeats  in  a  derived  class
  declarations  for  all  the  virtual member functions inherited from a
  8)  Many of the objects manipulated by function signatures declared in
  <cwchar> are wide-character sequences or NTWCSs.
  9) A wide string literal, such as L"abc", is a static NTWCS.

  base class.  All such declarations are enclosed in a comment that ends
  with inherited, as in:
          //      virtual void do_raise();        inherited

3 If a virtual member function in the  base  class  meets  the  semantic
  requirements  of  the  derived  class,  it  is unspecified whether the
  derived class provides an overriding definition for the function  sig­

  +-------                 BEGIN BOX 4                -------+
  Editorial  Proposal:  Eliminate  the specious ``definitions'' that say
  ``Behaves the same as ...''
  +-------                  END BOX 4                 -------+  Private members                 [lib.objects.within.classes]

1 Objects of certain classes are  sometimes  required  by  the  external
  specifications  of  their  classes to store data, apparently in member
  objects.  For the sake of exposition, this clause provides representa­
  tive  declarations,  and  semantic  requirements,  for  private member
  objects of classes  that  meet  the  external  specifications  of  the
  classes.  The declarations for such member objects and the definitions
  of related member types in this clause are enclosed in a comment  that
  ends with exposition only, as in:
          //      streambuf* sb;  exposition only

2 Any  alternate implementation that provides equivalent external behav­
  ior is equally acceptable.  Convenient names                      [lib.unreserved.names]

1 Certain types defined in C headers are  sometimes  needed  to  express
  declarations  in other headers, where the required type names are nei­
  ther defined nor reserved.  In such cases, the implementation provides
  a  synonym  for the required type, using a name reserved to the imple­
  mentation.  Such cases are explicitly stated in this clause, and indi­
  cated by writing the required type name in constant-width italic char­

2 Certain names are sometimes convenient to supply for the sake of expo­
  sition,  in the descriptions in this clause, even though the names are
  neither defined nor  reserved.   In  such  cases,  the  implementation
  either  omits  the  name,  where that is permitted, or provides a name
  reserved to the implementation.  Such cases are also indicated in this
  clause by writing the convenient name in constant-width italic charac­

3 For example:

4 The class filebuf, defined in <fstream>, is  described  as  containing
  the private member object:
                  FILE* file;

5 This  notation indicates that the member file is a pointer to the type
  FILE, defined in <cstdio>, but the names file  and  FILE  are  neither
  defined  nor reserved in <fstream>.  An implementation need not imple­
  ment class filebuf with an explicit member of type FILE*.  If it  does
  so,  it can choose 1) to replace the name file with a name reserved to
  the implementation, and 2) to replace FILE  with  an  incomplete  type
  whose name is reserved, such as in:
                  struct _Filet* _Fname;

6 If  the  program needs to have type FILE defined, it must also include
  <cstdio>, which completes the definition of _Filet.

  17.3  Library-wide requirements                     [lib.requirements]

1 This subclause specifies requirements that apply to the  entire  Stan­
  dard   C++   library.    Subclauses   _lib.language.support_   through
  _lib.input.output_ specify the  requirements  of  individual  entities
  within the library.

2 The following subclauses describe the library's contents and organiza­
  tion (_lib.organization_), how well-formed C++ programs gain access to
  library   entities   (_lib.using_),   constraints   on  such  programs
  (_lib.constraints_), and  constraints  on  conforming  implementations

  17.3.1  Library contents and organization           [lib.organization]

1 This subclause provides a summary of the entities defined in the Stan­
  dard C++ library.  Subclause _lib.contents_ provides  an  alphabetical
  listing of entities by type, while subclause _lib.headers_ provides an
  alphabetical listing of library headers.  Library contents                              [lib.contents]

1 The Standard C++ library provides definitions for the following  types
  of entities:








2 All library entities shall be defined within the namespace std.

3 The  Standard  C++  library provides the following standard macros, as
  shown in Table 13.  The header names (enclosed in <  and  >)  indicate
  that the macro may be defined in more than one header.  All such defi­
  nitions shall be equivalent (_basic.def.odr_).

                        Table 13--Standard Macros

  |assert           LC_COLLATE       NULL <cwchar>   SIGTERM     WCHAR_MIN      |
  |BUFSIZ           LC_CTYPE         offsetof        SIG_DFL     WEOF <cwchar>  |
  |CLOCKS_PER_SEC   LC_MONETARY      RAND_MAX        SIG_ERR     WEOF <cwctype> |
  |EDOM             LC_NUMERIC       SEEK_CUR        SIG_IGN     _IOFBF         |
  |EOF              LC_TIME          SEEK_END        stderr      _IOLBF         |
  |ERANGE           L_tmpnam         SEEK_SET        stdin       _IONBF         |
  |EXIT_FAILURE     MB_CUR_MAX       setjmp          stdout      __STD_COMPLEX  |
  |EXIT_SUCCESS     NDEBUG           SIGABRT         TMP_MAX                    |
  |FILENAME_MAX     NULL <cstddef>   SIGFPE          va_arg                     |
  |FOPEN_MAX        NULL <cstdio>    SIGILL          va_end                     |
  |HUGE_VAL         NULL <cstring>   SIGINT          va_start                   |
  |LC_ALL           NULL <ctime>     SIGSEGV         WCHAR_MAX                  |

4 The Standard C++ library provides the following  standard  values,  as
  shown in Table 14:

                        Table 14--Standard Values

     |CHAR_BIT         FLT_DIG          LDBL_DIG          reserve   |
     |DBL_DIG          FLT_MAX          LDBL_MAX          SHRT_MAX  |
     |DBL_MAX          FLT_MIN          LDBL_MIN          UINT_MAX  |
     |DBL_MIN          FLT_RADIX        LONG_MAX                    |
     |DBL_MIN_10_EXP   FLT_ROUNDS       LONG_MIN                    |
     |DBL_MIN_DIG      INT_MAX          MB_LEN_MAX                  |
     |default_size     INT_MIN          NPOS                        |

5 The  Standard  C++  library  provides the following standard types, as
  shown in Table 15:

                         Table 15--Standard Types

  |capacity   mbstate_t            size_t <ctime>       wctrans_t        |
  |clock_t    new_handler          size_t <stddef>      wctype_t         |
  |div_t      ptrdiff_t <stddef>   streamoff            wint_t <cwchar>  |
  |FILE       ptrdiff_t<cstddef>   string               wint_t <cwctype> |
  |fpos_t     sig_atomic_t         terminate_handler    wint_t <stddef>  |
  |fvoid_t    size_t <cstddef>     unexpected_handler   wstring          |
  |jmp_buf    size_t <cstdio>      va_list                               |
  |ldiv_t     size_t <cstring>     wchar_t                               |

6 The Standard C++ library  provides  the  following  standard  template
  classes, as shown in Table 16:

                   Table 16--Standard Template Classes

        |allocator                locale::ctype_byname           |
        |back_insert_iterator     locale::moneypunct             |
        |basic_convbuf            locale::moneypunct_byname      |
        |basic_filebuf            locale::money_get              |
        |basic_ifstream           locale::money_put              |
        |basic_imanip             locale::msg                    |
        |basic_ios                locale::msg_byname             |
        |basic_istream            locale::numpunct               |
        |basic_istringstream      locale::num_get                |
        |basic_istrstream         locale::num_put                |
        |basic_ofstream           locale::time_get               |
        |basic_omanip             locale::time_get_byname        |
        |basic_ostream            locale::time_put               |
        |basic_ostringstream      locale::time_put_byname        |
        |basic_ostrstream         map                            |
        |basic_smanip             mask_array                     |
        |basic_stdiobuf           multimap                       |
        |basic_streambuf          multiset                       |
        |basic_string             omanip                         |
        |basic_stringbuf          ostreambuf_iterator            |
        |basic_strstreambuf       ostream_iterator               |
        |binary_negate            pointer_to_binary_function     |
        |binder1st                pointer_to_unary_function      |
        |binder2nd                priority_queue                 |
        |bits                     queue                          |
        |deque                    raw_storage_iterator           |
        |dyn_array                restrictor                     |
        |front_insert_iterator    reverse_bidirectional_iterator |
        |gslice_array             reverse_iterator               |
        |imanip                   set                            |
        |indirect_array           slice_array                    |
        |insert_iterator          smanip                         |
        |istreambuf_iterator      stack                          |
        |istream_iterator         unary_negate                   |
        |list                     valarray                       |
        |locale::codecvt          vector                         |
        |locale::codecvt_byname   wimanip                        |
        |locale::collate          womanip                        |
        |locale::collate_byname   wsmanip                        |
        |locale::ctype                                           |

7 The  Standard  C++  library  provides  the following standard template
  structures, as shown in Table 17:

                   Table 17--Standard Template Structs

   |bidirectional_iterator   ios_char_baggage   negate                 |
   |binary_function          ios_conv_baggage   not_equal_to           |
   |conv_baggage             ios_pos_baggage    pair                   |
   |divides                  less               plus                   |
   |equal_to                 less_equal         random_access_iterator |
   |forward_iterator         logical_and        times                  |
   |greater                  logical_not        unary_function         |
   |greater_equal            logical_or                                |
   |input_iterator           minus                                     |
   |ios_baggage              modulus                                   |

8 The Standard C++ library  provides  the  following  standard  template
  operator  functions, as shown in Table 18.  Types shown (enclosed in (
  and )) indicate that the given function is overloaded  by  that  type.
  Numbers shown (enclosed in [ and ]) indicate how many overloaded func­
  tions are overloaded by that type.

                  Table 18--Standard Template Operators

  |operator!= (istreambuf_iterator)   operator<= (T)                   |
  |operator!= (ostreambuf_iterator)   operator<= (valarray) [3]        |
  |operator!= (T)                     operator== (deque)               |
  |operator!= (valarray) [3]          operator== (istreambuf_iterator) |
  |operator%  (valarray) [3]          operator== (istream_iterator)    |
  |operator%= (valarray) [2]          operator== (list)                |
  |operator&  (valarray) [3]          operator== (map)                 |
  |operator&& (valarray) [3]          operator== (multimap)            |
  |operator&= (valarray) [2]          operator== (multiset)            |
  |operator*  (valarray) [3]          operator== (ostreambuf_iterator) |
  |operator*= (valarray) [2]          operator== (pair)                |
  |operator+  (reverse_iterator)      operator== (queue)               |
  |operator+  (valarray) [3]          operator== (restrictor)          |
  |operator+= (valarray) [2]          operator== (reverse_bidir_iter)  |
  |operator-  (reverse_iterator)      operator== (reverse_iterator)    |
  |operator-  (valarray) [3]          operator== (set)                 |
  |operator-= (valarray) [2]          operator== (stack)               |
  |operator/  (valarray) [3]          operator== (valarray) [3]        |
  |operator/= (valarray) [2]          operator== (vector)              |
  |operator<  (deque)                 operator>  (T)                   |
  |operator<  (list)                  operator>  (valarray) [3]        |
  |operator<  (map)                   operator>= (T)                   |
  |operator<  (multimap)              operator>= (valarray) [3]        |
  |operator<  (multiset)              operator>> (imanip)              |
  |operator<  (pair)                  operator>> (smanip)              |
  |operator<  (restrictor)            operator>> (valarray) [3]        |
  |operator<  (reverse_iterator)      operator>>=(valarray) [2]        |
  |operator<  (set)                   operator^  (valarray) [3]        |
  |operator<  (valarray) [3]          operator^= (valarray) [2]        |
  |operator<  (vector)                operator|  (valarray) [3]        |
  |operator<< (omanip)                operator|= (valarray) [2]        |
  |operator<< (smanip)                operator|| (valarray) [3]        |
  |operator<< (valarray) [3]                                           |
  |operator<<=(valarray) [2]                                           |

9 The Standard C++ library  provides  the  following  standard  template
  functions, as shown in Table 19:

                  Table 19--Standard Template Functions

          abs  (valarray)           iterator_category [5]
          accumulate [2]            lexicographical_compare [2]
          acos (valarray)           log  (valarray)
          adjacent_difference [2]   log10(valarray)
          adjacent_find [2]         lower_bound [2]
          advance                   make_heap [2]
          allocate                  make_pair
          asin (valarray)           max [2]
          atan (valarray)           max_element [2]
          atan2(valarray) [3]       merge [2]
          back_inserter             min [2]
          basic_dec                 min_element [2]
          basic_ends                mismatch [2]
          basic_fixed               next_permutation [2]
          basic_flush               not1
          basic_hex                 not2
          basic_internal            nth_element [2]
          basic_left                objconstruct
          basic_noshowbase          objcopy
          basic_noshowpoint         objdestroy
          basic_noskipws            objmove
          basic_nouppercase         partial_sort [2]
          basic_nowshowpos          partial_sort_copy [2]
          basic_oct                 partial_sum [2]
          basic_resetiosflags       partition
          basic_right               pop_heap [2]
          basic_scientific          pow  (valarray) [3]
          basic_setbase             prev_permutation [2]
          basic_setfill             ptr_fun [2]
          basic_setiosflags         push_heap [2]
          basic_setprecision        random_shuffle [2]
          basic_showbase            remove
          basic_showpoint           remove_copy
          basic_showpos             remove_copy_if
          basic_skipws              remove_if
          basic_uppercase           replace
          basic_ws                  replace_copy
          binary_search [2]         replace_copy_if
          bind1st                   replace_if
          bind2nd                   reverse
          construct                 reverse_copy
          copy                      rotate
          copy_backward             rotate_copy
          cos  (valarray)           search [2]
          cosh (valarray)           set_difference [2]
          count                     set_intersection [2]
          count_if                  set_symmetric_difference [2]

         |                                                       |
         |                                                       |
         |                                                       |
         |                                                       |
         |deallocate                set_union [2]                |

  |destroy [2]                           sin  (valarray)                  |
  |distance                              sinh (valarray)                  |
  |distance_type (istreambuf_iterator)   sort [2]                         |
  |distance_type [5]                     sort_heap [2]                    |
  |equal [2]                             sqrt (valarray)                  |
  |equal_range [2]                       stable_partition                 |
  |exp  (valarray)                       stable_sort [2]                  |
  |fill                                  swap                             |
  |fill_n                                swap_ranges                      |
  |find                                  tan  (valarray)                  |
  |find_if                               tanh (valarray)                  |
  |for_each                              transform [2]                    |
  |front_inserter                        uninitialized_copy               |
  |generate                              uninitialized_fill_n             |
  |generate_n                            unique [2]                       |
  |get_temporary_buffer                  unique_copy [2]                  |
  |includes [2]                          unititialized_fill               |
  |inner_product [2]                     upper_bound [2]                  |
  |inplace_merge [2]                     value_type (istreambuf_iterator) |
  |inserter                              value_type (ostreambuf_iterator) |
  |iterator_category (istreambuf_iter)   value_type [5]                   |
  |iterator_category (ostreambuf_iter)                                    |

10The  Standard  C++ library provides the following standard classes, as
  shown in Table 20.  Type names (enclosed in <  and  >)  indicate  that
  these are specific instances of templates.

                        Table 20--Standard Classes

  |bad_alloc                  float_complex         range_error            |
  |bad_cast                   gslice                runtime_error          |
  |bad_typeid                 ifstream              slice                  |
  |basic_filebuf<char>        invalid_argument      stdiobuf               |
  |basic_filebuf<wchar_t>     ios                   streambuf              |
  |basic_ifstream<char>       istdiostream          streampos              |
  |basic_ifstream<wchar_t>    istream               stringbuf              |
  |basic_ios<char>            istringstream         strstreambuf           |
  |basic_ios<wchar_t>         istrstream            type_info              |
  |basic_istream<char>        length_error          vector<bool,allocator> |
  |basic_istream<wchar_t>     locale                wfilebuf               |
  |basic_ofstream<char>       locale::ctype<char>   wifstream              |
  |basic_ofstream<wchar_t>    logic_error           wistream               |
  |basic_ostream<char>        long_double_complex   wistringstream         |
  |basic_ostream<wchar_t>     ofstream              wofstream              |
  |basic_streambuf<char>      ostdiostream          wostream               |
  |basic_streambuf<wchar_t>   ostream               wostringstream         |
  |bitstring                  ostringstream         wstreambuf             |
  |domain_error               ostrstream            wstringbuf             |
  |double_complex             out_of_range                                 |
  |exception                  overflow_error                               |
  |filebuf                    ptr_dyn_array                                |

11The  Standard  C++ library provides the following standard structures,
  as shown in Table 21:

                        Table 21--Standard Structs

       |bidirectional_iterator_tag     ios_pos_baggage<streampos>  |
       |conv_baggage<wchar_t>          ios_pos_baggage<wstreampos> |
       |empty                          lconv                       |
       |forward_iterator_tag           locale::ctype_base          |
       |input_iterator_tag             output_iterator             |
       |ios_baggage<char>              output_iterator_tag         |
       |ios_baggage<wchar_t>           random_access_iterator_tag  |
       |ios_char_baggage<char>         tm <ctime>                  |
       |ios_char_baggage<wchar_t>      tm <cwchar>                 |
       |ios_conv_baggage<wstreampos>                               |

12The Standard C++ library  provides  the  following  standard  operator
  functions, as shown in Table 22:

                  Table 22--Standard Operator functions

  |operator delete                        operator/  (double_complex) [3]      |
  |operator delete[]                      operator/  (float_complex) [3]       |
  |operator new                           operator/  (long_double_complex) [3] |
  |operator new (void*)                   operator/= (double_complex)          |
  |operator new[]                         operator/= (float_complex)           |
  |operator new[] (void*)                 operator/= (long_double_complex)     |
  |operator!= (basic_string) [5]          operator<  (empty)                   |
  |operator!= (double_complex) [3]        operator<  (vector<bool,allocator>)  |
  |operator!= (float_complex) [3]         operator<< (basic_string)            |
  |operator!= (long_double_complex) [3]   operator<< (bits)                    |
  |operator&  (bits)                      operator<< (bit_string)              |
  |operator&  (bit_string)                operator<< (double_complex)          |
  |operator*  (double_complex) [3]        operator<< (float_complex)           |
  |operator*  (float_complex) [3]         operator<< (locale)                  |
  |operator*  (long_double_complex) [3]   operator<< (long_double_complex)     |
  |operator*= (double_complex)            operator== (basic_string) [5]        |
  |operator*= (float_complex)             operator== (double_complex) [3]      |
  |operator*= (long_double_complex)       operator== (empty)                   |
  |operator+  (basic_string) [5]          operator== (float_complex) [3]       |
  |operator+  (bit_string)                operator== (long_double_complex) [3] |
  |operator+  (double_complex) [4]        operator== (vector<bool,allocator>)  |
  |operator+  (dyn_array) [3]             operator>> (basic_string)            |
  |operator+  (float_complex) [4]         operator>> (bits)                    |
  |operator+  (long_double_complex) [4]   operator>> (bit_string)              |
  |operator+  (ptr_dyn_array) [3]         operator>> (double_complex)          |
  |operator+= (double_complex)            operator>> (float_complex)           |
  |operator+= (float_complex)             operator>> (locale)                  |
  |operator+= (long_double_complex)       operator>> (long_double_complex)     |
  |operator-  (double_complex) [4]        operator^  (bits)                    |
  |operator-  (float_complex) [4]         operator^  (bit_string)              |
  |operator-  (long_double_complex) [4]   operator|  (bits)                    |
  |operator-= (double_complex)            operator|  (bit_string)              |
  |operator-= (float_complex)                                                  |
  |operator-= (long_double_complex)                                            |

13The Standard C++ library provides the following standard functions, as
  shown in Table 23:

                       Table 23--Standard Functions

         abort                        noshowpos
         abs                          noskipws
         abs  (double_complex)        nouppercase
         abs  (float_complex)         oct
         abs  (long_double_complex)   perror
         acos                         polar(double_complex)
         arg  (double_complex)        polar(float_complex)
         arg  (float_complex)         polar(long_double_complex)
         arg  (long_double_complex)   pow
         asctime                      pow  (double_complex)
         asin                         pow  (float_complex)
         atan                         pow  (long_double_complex)
         atan2                        printf
         atexit                       putc
         atof                         puts
         atoi                         putwc
         atol                         putwchar
         bsearch                      qsort
         btowc                        raise
         calloc                       rand
         ceil                         real (double_complex)
         clearerr                     real (float_complex)
         clock                        real (long_double_complex)
         conj (double_complex)        realloc
         conj (float_complex)         remove
         conj (long_double_complex)   rename
         cos                          resetiosflags
         cos  (double_complex)        rewind
         cos  (float_complex)         right
         cos  (long_double_complex)   scanf
         cosh                         scientific
         cosh (double_complex)        setbase
         cosh (float_complex)         setbuf
         cosh (long_double_complex)   setfill
         ctime                        setiosflags
         dec                          setlocale
         difftime                     setprecision
         div                          setvbuf
         endl                         setw
         ends                         set_new_handler
         exit                         set_terminate
         exp                          set_unexpected
         exp  (double_complex)        showbase
         exp  (float_complex)         showpoint
         exp  (long_double_complex)   showpos
         fabs                         signal
         fclose                       sin

        |                                                        |
        |                                                        |
        |                                                        |
        |                                                        |
        |feof                         sin  (double_complex)      |

         ferror                       sin  (float_complex)
         fflush                       sin  (long_double_complex)
         fgetc                        sinh
         fgetpos                      sinh (double_complex)
         fgets                        sinh (float_complex)
         fgetwc                       sinh (long_double_complex)
         fgetws                       skipws
         fixed                        sprintf
         floor                        sqrt
         flush                        sqrt (double_complex)
         fmod                         sqrt (float_complex)
         fopen                        sqrt (long_double_complex)
         fprintf                      srand
         fputc                        sscanf
         fputs                        strcat
         fputwc                       strchr
         fputws                       strcmp
         fread                        strcoll
         free                         strcpy
         freopen                      strcspn
         frexp                        strerror
         fscanf                       strftime
         fseek                        strlen
         fsetpos                      strncat
         ftell                        strncmp
         fwide                        strncpy
         fwprintf                     stroul
         fwrite                       strpbrk
         fwscanf                      strrchr
         getc                         strspn
         getchar                      strstr
         getenv                       strtod
         getline                      strtok
         gets                         strtol
         getwc                        strxfrm
         getwchar                     swprintf
         gmtime                       swscanf
         hex                          system
         imag (double_complex)        tan
         imag (float_complex)         tanh
         imag (long_double_complex)   terminate
         internal                     time
         isalnum                      tmpfile
         isalpha                      tmpfile
         iscntrl                      tmpnam
         isdigit                      tolower
         isgraph                      toupper
         islower                      towctrans
         isprint                      towlower
         ispunct                      towupper
         isspace                      unexpected

        |                                                        |
        |                                                        |
        |                                                        |
        |                                                        |
        |isupper                      ungetc                     |

          |iswalnum                             ungetwc         |
          |iswalpha                             uppercase       |
          |iswcntrl                             vfwprintf       |
          |iswctype                             vprintf         |
          |iswdigit                             vprintf         |
          |iswgraph                             vsprintf        |
          |iswlower                             vswprintf       |
          |iswprint                             vwprintf        |
          |iswpunct                             wcrtomb         |
          |iswspace                             wcscat          |
          |iswupper                             wcschr          |
          |iswxdigit                            wcscmp          |
          |isxdigit                             wcscoll         |
          |iterator_category(output_iterator)   wcscpy          |
          |labs                                 wcscspn         |
          |ldexp                                wcsftime        |
          |ldiv                                 wcslen          |
          |left                                 wcsncat         |
          |localeconv                           wcsncmp         |
          |localtime                            wcsncpy         |
          |log                                  wcspbrk         |
          |log  (double_complex)                wcsrchr         |
          |log  (float_complex)                 wcsrtombs       |
          |log  (long_double_complex)           wcsspn          |
          |log10                                wcsstr          |
          |longjmp                              wcstod          |
          |malloc                               wcstok          |
          |mblen                                wcstol          |
          |mbrlen                               wcstombs        |
          |mbrtowc                              wcstoul         |
          |mbsinit                              wcsxfrm         |
          |mbsrtowcs                            wctob           |
          |mbstowcs                             wctomb          |
          |mbtowc                               wctrans         |
          |memchr                               wctype          |
          |memcmp                               wmemchr         |
          |memcpy                               wmemcmp         |
          |memmove                              wmemcpy         |
          |memset                               wmemmove        |
          |mktime                               wmemset         |
          |modf                                 wprintf         |
          |norm (double_complex)                ws              |
          |norm (float_complex)                 wscanf          |
          |norm (long_double_complex)           _double_complex |
          |noshowbase                           _float_complex  |
          |noshowpoint                                          |

14The Standard C++ library provides the following standard  objects,  as
  shown in Table 24:

                        Table 24--Standard Objects

                    |cerr   cin   clog   cout   errno |
                    +---------------------------------+  Headers                                        [lib.headers]

1 The  elements  of the Standard C++ library are declared or defined (as
  appropriate) in a header.10)

2 The Standard C++ library provides the following C++ headers, as  shown
  in Table 25:

  +-------                 BEGIN BOX 5                -------+
  Header names were no specified as part of the STL proposal.

  Therefore,  header  names  of  the  form <stl xxx (TBD)> are temporary
  placeholders, and subject to change pending Library WG discussion.
  +-------                  END BOX 5                 -------+

                      Table 25--C++ Library Headers

  |<bits>        <ios>           <sstream>                <stl memory (TBD)>   |
  |<bitstring>   <iostream>      <stddef>                 <stl numerics (TBD)> |
  |<complex>     <istream>       <stdexcept>              <streambuf>          |
  |<cstream>     <locale>        <stl algorithms (TBD)>   <string>             |
  |<dynarray>    <memory>        <stl containers (TBD)>   <strstream>          |
  |<exception>   <new>           <stl core (TBD)>         <typeinfo>           |
  |<fstream>     <ostream>       <stl functional (TBD)>   <valarray>           |
  |<iomanip>     <ptrdynarray>   <stl iterators (TBD)>                         |

3 The facilities of the Standard C Library are provided in 18 additional
  headers, as shown in Table 26:

  10) A header is not necessarily a source file, nor are  the  sequences
  delimited  by  <  and  > in header names necessarily valid source file

              Table 26--C++ Headers for C Library Facilities

           |<cassert> <ciso646> <csetjmp> <cstdio>  <cwchar>  |
           |<cctype>  <climits> <csignal> <cstdlib> <cwctype> |
           |<cerrno>  <clocale> <cstdarg> <cstring>           |
           |<cfloat>  <cmath>   <cstddef> <ctime>             |

  +-------                 BEGIN BOX 6                -------+
  Header <ciso646> is not needed:  see _lex.key_, Table 4
  +-------                  END BOX 6                 -------+

4 The  contents  of  each  header cname shall be the same as that of the
  corresponding header name.h, as specified in  ISO  C  (Clause  4),  or
  Amendment  1,  (Clause  7), as appropriate.  In this C++ library, how­
  ever, the declarations and  definitions  are  within  namespace  scope
  (_basic.scope.namespace_)    of    the   namespace   std.    Subclause
  _diff.library_ describes the effects of using the  name.h  (C  header)
  form in a C++ program.  Freestanding implementations                [lib.compliance]

1 Two  kinds  of  implementations  are  defined: hosted and freestanding
  (_intro.compliance_).  For a hosted implementation, this International
  Standard defines the set of available headers.

2 A freestanding implementation is one in which execution may take place
  without the benefit of an operating system, and has an implementation-
  defined set of headers.  This set shall include at least the following
  8 headers:

  +-------                 BEGIN BOX 7                -------+
  TBS.  Requires a definition of  library  support  for  a  freestanding
  +-------                  END BOX 7                 -------+

  --the headers <new>, <exception>, and <typeinfo> that provide C++ lan­
    guage support (as described in _lib.language.support_)

  --the C++ headers <cfloat>, <climits>, <cstdarg>, and <cstddef>

  --a version of the C++ header <cstdlib> that  declares  at  least  the
    functions abort, atexit, and exit.

  17.3.2  Using the library                                  [lib.using]

1 This subclause describes how a C++ program gains access to the facili­
  ties of  the  Standard  C++  library.   Subclause  _lib.using.headers_
  describes   effects   during  translation  phase  4,  while  subclause
  _lib.using.linkage_ describes effects during phase 8 (_lex.phases_).  Headers                                  [lib.using.headers]

1 The entities in the Standard C++ library are defined in headers, whose
  contents are made available to a translation unit when it contains the
  appropriate #include preprocessing directive (_cpp.include_).

2 A translation unit may include library headers in any  order  (_lex_).
  Each  may  be  included  more than once, with no effect different from
  being included exactly once,  except  that  the  effect  of  including
  either <cassert> or <assert.h> depends each time on the lexically cur­
  rent definition of NDEBUG.

3 A translation unit shall include a header only outside of any external
  declaration  or  definition,  and  shall  include the header lexically
  before the first reference to any of the entities it declares or first
  defines in that translation unit.  Linkage                                  [lib.using.linkage]

1 Entities   in   the   Standard   C++  library  have  external  linkage
  (_basic.link_).  Unless otherwise  specified,  objects  and  functions
  have the default extern "C++" linkage (_dcl.link_).

2 Objects  and  functions  defined  in the library and required by a C++
  program are included in the program prior to program startup.

  SEE ALSO: replacement  functions  (_lib.replacement.functions_),  run-
  time changes (_lib.handler.functions_).

  17.3.3  Constraints on programs                      [lib.constraints]

1 This  subclause  describes  restrictions  on C++ programs that use the
  facilities of the Standard  C++  library.   The  following  subclauses
  specify constraints on the program's namespace (_lib.reserved.names_),
  its use of headers (_lib.alt.headers_), classes derived from  standard
  library  classes  (_lib.derived.classes_),  definitions of replacement
  functions (_lib.replacement.functions_), and installation  of  handler
  functions during execution (_lib.handler.functions_).  Reserved names                          [lib.reserved.names]

1 The Standard C++ library reserves the following kinds of names:


  --Global names

  --Names with external linkage

2 If  the  program  declares  or defines a name in a context where it is
  reserved, other than as explicitly allowed by this clause, the  behav­
  ior is undefined.  Macro names                              [lib.macro.names]

1 Each  name defined as a macro in a header is reserved to the implemen­
  tation for any use if the translation unit includes the header.11)

2 A translation unit that includes a header shall not contain any macros
  that define names declared or defined in that header.  Nor shall  such
  a translation unit define macros for names lexically identical to key­
  words.  Global names                            [lib.global.names]

1 Each header also optionally declares or defines names which are always
  reserved  to  the implementation for any use and names reserved to the
  implementation for use at file scope.

2 Certain sets of names and function signatures are reserved whether  or
  not a translation unit includes a header:

3 Each  name that begins with an underscore and either an uppercase let­
  ter or another underscore (_lex.key_) is reserved to  the  implementa­
  tion for any use.

4 Each  name that begins with an underscore is reserved to the implemen­
  tation for use as a name with file scope or within the  namespace  std
  in the ordinary name space.  External linkage                        [lib.extern.names]

1 Each  name  declared as an object with external linkage in a header is
  reserved to the implementation to designate that library  object  with
  external linkage.12)

2 Each global function signature declared with  external  linkage  in  a
  header  is  reserved  to the implementation to designate that function
  signature with external linkage.  13)

3 Each name having two consecutive underscores (_lex.key_)  is  reserved
  to  the  implementation  for  use  as  a name with both extern "C" and
  11) It is not permissible to remove a library macro definition by  us­
  ing the #undef directive.
  12)  The  list  of such reserved names includes errno, declared or de­
  fined in <cerrno>.
  13) The list of such reserved function signatures with external  link­
  age  includes  setjmp(jmp_buf),  declared or defined in <csetjmp>, and
  va_end(va_list), declared or defined in <cstdarg>.

  extern "C++" linkage.  Headers                                    [lib.alt.headers]

1 If a file has a name equivalent to the derived file name  for  one  of
  the  Standard  C++  library  headers,  is  not provided as part of the
  implementation, and is placed in any of  the  standard  places  for  a
  source file to be included (_cpp.include_), the behavior is undefined.  Derived classes                        [lib.derived.classes]

1 Virtual member function signatures defined for a  base  class  in  the
  Standard  C++  library may be overridden in a derived class by defini­
  tions in the program.  Replacement functions            [lib.replacement.functions]

1 This clause describes the behavior of numerous  functions  defined  by
  the  Standard C++ library.  Under some circumstances, however, certain
  of these function descriptions also  apply  to  replacement  functions
  defined in the program (_lib.definitions_).

2 A  C++ program may provide the definition for any of four dynamic mem­
  ory    allocation    function    signatures    declared    in    <new>
  (_basic.stc.dynamic_, _lib.language.support_):14)

  --operator new(size_t)

  --operator new[](size_t)

  --operator delete(void*)

  --operator delete[](void*)

3 The  program's  definitions  are  used instead of the default versions
  supplied by  the  implementation  (_dcl.fct.def_).   Such  replacement
  occurs prior to program startup (_basic.def.odr_, _basic.start_).  Handler functions                    [lib.handler.functions]

1 The  Standard  C++ library provides default versions of the three han­
  dler functions (_lib.language.support_):




2 A C++ program may install different handler  functions  during  execu­
  tion,  by  supplying a pointer to a function defined in the program or
  the library as an argument to (respectively):




3  Function arguments                    [lib.res.on.arguments]

1 Each of the following statements applies to all arguments to functions
  defined  in  the Standard C++ library, unless explicitly stated other­
  wise in this clause.

  --If an argument to a function has an invalid value (such as  a  value
    outside  the  domain  of  the function, or a pointer invalid for its
    intended use), the behavior is undefined.

  --If a function argument is described as being an array,  the  pointer
    actually  passed  to  the  function shall have a value such that all
    address computations and accesses to objects (that would be valid if
    the  pointer did point to the first element of such an array) are in
    fact valid.

  17.3.4  Conforming implementations                    [lib.conforming]

1 This subclause describes the constraints upon, and latitude of, imple­
  mentations  of  the  Standard  C++  library.  The following subclauses
  describe an implementation's use  of  headers  (_lib.res.on.headers_),
  macros      (_lib.res.on.macro.definitions_),     global     functions
  (_lib.global.functions_), member  functions  (_lib.member.functions_),
  access  specifiers (_lib.protection.within.classes_), class derivation
  (_lib.derivation_), and exceptions  (_lib.res.on.exception.handling_).

  +-------                 BEGIN BOX 8                -------+
  ISSUE - all of these have to be discussed by the Library WG
  +-------                  END BOX 8                 -------+  Headers                                 [lib.res.on.headers]

1 Certain  types  and  macros  are defined in more than one header.  For
  such an entity, a second or subsequent header that also defines it may
  be included after the header that provides its initial definition.

2 None  of  the C headers includes any of the other headers, except that
  each C header includes its  corresponding  C++  header,  as  described
  above.   None  of the C++ headers includes any of the C headers.  How­
  ever, any of the C++ headers can include any of the other C++ headers,
  and must include a C++ header that contains any needed definition.14)

  14)  Including any one of the C++ headers can introduce all of the C++
  headers into a translation unit, or just the one that is named in  the
  #include preprocessing directive.  Restrictions on macro         [lib.res.on.macro.definitions]

1 Only the names or global function signatures  described  in  subclause
  _lib.TBD_ are reserved to the implementation.15)

2 All object-like  macros  defined  by  the  Standard  C++  library  and
  described in this clause as expanding to integral constant expressions
  are also suitable for use  in  #if  preprocessing  directives,  unless
  explicitly stated otherwise.  Global functions                      [lib.global.functions]

1 A call to a global function signature described in this clause behaves
  the same as if the implementation declares no additional global  func­
  tion signatures.16)  Member functions                      [lib.member.functions]

1 An  implementation  can declare additional non-virtual member function
  signatures within a class:

  --by adding arguments with default values to a member function  signa­
    ture described in this clause; Hence, taking the address of a member
    function has an unspecified type.  The same latitude does not extend
    to the implementation of virtual or global functions, however.

  --by  replacing a member function signature with default values by two
    or more member function signatures with equivalent behavior;

  --by adding a member function signature for  a  member  function  name
    described in this clause.

2 A call to a member function signature described in this clause behaves
  the same as if the implementation declares no additional member  func­
  tion signatures.17)

  15) A global function cannot be declared by the implementation as tak­
  ing additional default arguments.  Also, the use of masking macros for
  function signatures declared in C headers is disallowed, notwithstand­
  ing the latitude granted in subclause 7.1.7 of the  C  Standard.   The
  use  of a masking macro can often be replaced by defining the function
  signature as inline.
  16) A valid C++ program always calls the expected library global func­
  tion.  An implementation may also define additional  global  functions
  that would otherwise not be called by a valid C++ program.
  17) A valid C++ program always calls the expected library member func­
  tion, or one with equivalent behavior.  An implementation may also de­
  fine additional member functions that would otherwise not be called by
  a valid C++ program.  Reentrancy                                  [lib.reentrancy]

1 Which of the functions in the Standard C++ Library are  not  reentrant
  subroutines is implementation-defined.  Protection within            [lib.protection.within.classes]

1 It is unspecified whether a member described in this clause as private
  is  private, protected, or public.  It is unspecified whether a member
  described as protected is protected or public.  A member described  as
  public is always public.

2 It  is  unspecified whether a function signature or class described in
  this clause is a friend of another class described in this clause.  Derived classes                             [lib.derivation]

1 Certain classes defined in this clause are derived from other  classes
  in the Standard C++ library:

  --It is unspecified whether a class described in this clause as a base
    class is itself derived from other base classes (with names reserved
    to the implementation).

  --It  is  unspecified  whether  a  class  described  in this clause as
    derived from another class is derived from that class  directly,  or
    through  other  classes  (with names reserved to the implementation)
    that are derived from the specified base class.

2 In any case:

  --A base class described as virtual in this clause is always virtual;

  --A base class described as non-virtual in this clause is  never  vir­

  --Unless  explicitly  stated  otherwise,  types with distinct names in
    this clause are distinct types.18)  Restrictions on              [lib.res.on.exception.handling]
       exception handling

1 Any of the functions defined in the Standard C++ library can report  a
  failure   to  allocate  storage  by  throwing  an  exception  of  type
  bad_alloc, or a class derived from bad_alloc.

2 Otherwise, none of the functions defined in the Standard  C++  library
  throw  an  exception  that must be caught outside the function, unless
  explicitly stated otherwise.
  18) An implicit exception to this rule are types described as synonyms
  for basic integral types, such as size_t and streamoff.

  +-------                 BEGIN BOX 9                -------+
  ISSUE:  aren't these two statements conveyed by  exception  specifica­
  +-------                  END BOX 9                 -------+

3 None  of  the  functions defined in the Standard C++ library catch any
  exceptions, unless explicitly stated otherwise.  A function can  catch
  an  exception  not  documented in this clause provided it rethrows the

  +-------                BEGIN BOX 10                -------+
  ISSUE:  this prevents implementations from using their own  exceptions
  within the library
  +-------                 END BOX 10                 -------+