Generator-based for loop

Generator ranges without coroutine overhead

Document #: P2881R0
Date: 2023-05-18
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: EWG
Reply-to: Jonathan Müller
Barry Revzin

1 Abstract

We propose language support for internal iteration in a for loop by adding a generator-based for loop. Instead of using begin()/end(), it transforms the body of the for loop into a lambda and passes it to an overloaded operator(). The lambda will then be invoked with each element of the range.

struct generator123
    auto operator()(auto&& sink) const
        std::control_flow flow;

        // With P2561: sink(1)??;
        flow = sink(1);
        if (!flow) return flow;

        // With P2561: sink(2)??;
        flow = sink(2);
        if (!flow) return flow;

        return sink(3);

for (int x : generator123())
    std::print("{}\n", x);
    if (x == 2)

2 Motivation

For complex ranges, iterators are a bit annoying to write: There is an awkward split between returning the value in operator* and computing the next one in operator++, and any state needs to be awkwardly stored in the iterator to turn a state machine.

C++20 coroutines and C++23 std::generator make it a lot more convenient. Compare e.g. the implementation of std::views::filter, std::views::join or the proposed std::views::concat with a generator-based implementation:

template <typename Rng, typename Predicate>
auto filter(Rng&& rng, Predicate predicate) -> std::generator<>
    for (auto&& elem : rng)
        if (predicate(elem))
            co_yield std::forward<decltype(elem)>(elem);

template <typename Rng>
auto join(Rng&& rng_of_rng) -> std::generator<>
    for (auto&& rng : rng_of_rng)
        co_yield std::ranges::elements_of(std::forward<decltype(rng)>(rng));

template <typename ... Rng>
auto concat(Rng&& ... rng ) -> std::generator<>
    ((co_yield std::ranges::elements_of(std::forward<decltype(rng)>(rng))), ...);

However, ranges implemented using co_yield have three disadvantages.

2.1 Performance of std::generator, coroutines, and iterators

The coroutine transformation requires heap allocation, splitting one function into multiple, and exception machinery. This adds overhead compared to the iterator version or a hand-written version.

In the simple case of benchmarking std::views::iota against a coroutine-based version, the latter is 3x slower on GCC. Note that the coroutine uses SimpleGenerator not std::generator. SimpleGenerator already optimizes heap allocations by using a pre-allocated buffer and terminates on an unhandled exception. The benchmark is available on quick-bench. On clang, coroutines are better optimized, but they are still sometimes slower than a callback-based version, especially when the range is small and/or the computation per element cheap.

Just writing manual iterators instead isn’t a solution either. Common state of the range (like filter_view’s predicate) is stored in the view, which the iterator accesses via pointer. As compilers can rarely proof non-aliasing with pointers, the state needs to be repeatedly reloaded for every access. The only way to get full control over performance is to use neither iterators nor coroutines, which is a shame.

Yes, in principle compilers could optimize coroutines and iterators better, but there is a difference between having something that is only fast because of optimizers and something that is fast by design. Only the latter is a true zero-overhead abstraction.

2.2 Inability to co_yield from nested scope

Consider a simple tree type which is either a leaf storing an int or a std::vector of child nodes.

struct tree
    using leaf = int;
    std::variant<leaf, std::vector<tree>> impl;

Writing a coroutine-based generator that yields data cannot directly use std::visit, as co_yield needs to be in the top-level scope:

std::generator<int> tree_data(const tree& t)
      std::visit(overloaded([&](int data) {
          co_yield data; // error
      }, [&](const std::vector<tree>& children) {
          for (auto& child : children)
              co_yield std::ranges::elements_of(tree_data(child)); // error
      }), t.impl);

Every single lambda needs to be turned into a generator as well, so we can finally yield its elements:

std::generator<int> tree_data(const tree& t)
    auto sub =
        std::visit(overloaded([&](int data) -> std::generator<int> {
            co_yield data;
        }, [&](const std::vector<tree>& children) -> std::generator<int> {
            for (auto& child : children)
                co_yield std::ranges::elements_of(tree_data(child));
        }), t.impl);
    co_yield std::ranges::elements_of(sub);

This particular problem can also be solved using pattern matching, but the underlying limitation remains: implementing a coroutine generator cannot use “normal” helper functions as you cannot use co_yield in them; they need to be turned into generators as well. If you can’t control the helper functions, such as the case of standard library algorithms, you simply can’t use them.

2.3 Limitation to a single type

As specified, std::generator only produces a single type, so writing a generator of std::tuple is not possible. Note that this is only a limitation of std::generator and the iterator interface it implements, not of coroutines itself.

3 Generator Range Idiom

In the think-cell-library, this problem is solved using a concept of generator ranges. It is in some aspects even weaker than an input range – it can only be iterated over, and once the iteration is stopped, it cannot resume later on. However, it is enough for algorithms that require only a single loop, like std::ranges::for_each, std::ranges::copy, or std::ranges::fold_left (plus variants and fold-like algorithms like std::ranges::any_of).

A generator range is implemented as a type with an overloaded operator() that takes another callable, a sink. It will then use internal iteration invoking the sink with each argument. Early exit (i.e. break) is possible by returning tc::break_ from the sink, which the operator() then detects, stops iteration, and forwards the result.

Range adapters like filter(), join() or concat() are still easy to write:

template <typename Rng, typename Predicate>
auto filter(Rng&& rng, Predicate predicate)
    // Returned lambda is a generator range.
    return [=](auto sink) {
        // rng here is an iterator range, not a generator range.
        // With this proposal, it can be either, as the range-based for loop will work with both.
        // Without it, generator ranges would need to be handled specially.
        for (auto&& elem : rng)
            if (predicate(elem))
                auto result = sink(std::forward<decltype(elem)>(elem));
                if (result == tc::break_)
                    return result;

        return tc::continue_;

However, we can also yield values from nested functions:

auto tree_data(const tree& t)
    return [&](auto sink) {
        auto flow =
            std::visit(overloaded([&](int data) {
                // Forward break/exit.
                return sink(data);
            }, [&](const std::vector<tree>& children) {
                for (auto& child : children)
                    auto flow = tree_data(child)(sink);
                    if (flow == tc::break_)
                      // Forward early break and do actually break.
                      return flow;
                return tc::continue_;
            }), t.impl);
        return flow;

As shown in the benchmark, the performance is comparable to the range implementation and in think-cell’s experience often even faster.

4 Proposed Design

The proposed design consists of two mandatory parts and optional syntax sugar.

4.1 std::control_flow

namespace std
    /// A control flow tag type and object that means `continue`.
    struct continue_t
        // Empty.

        constexpr operator std::true_type() const noexcept
            return {};
        constexpr std::false_type operator!() const noexcept
            return {};

        friend std::strong_ordering operator<=>(continue_t, continue_t) noexcept = default;
    inline constexpr continue_t continue_;

    /// A control flow tag type and object that means `break`.
    struct [[nodiscard("need to forward break")]] break_t
        // Empty.

        constexpr operator std::false_type() const noexcept
            return {};
        constexpr std::true_type operator!() const noexcept
            return {};

        friend std::strong_ordering operator<=>(break_t, break_t) noexcept = default;
    inline constexpr break_t break_;

    /// A control flow object that can mean `continue`, `break` or some implementation-defined `break`-like state.
    class [[nodiscard("need to forward control flow")]] control_flow
        /// Create a control flow object that means `continue`.
        constexpr control_flow(continue_t) noexcept;
        constexpr control_flow() noexcept : control_flow(continue_) {}

        /// Create a control flow object that means `break`.
        constexpr control_flow(break_t) noexcept;

        /// Trivially copyable.

        /// Return `true` if the control flow means `continue`, `false` otherwise.
        constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept;

        constexpr friend bool operator==(control_flow, control_flow) noexcept;
        constexpr friend std::strong_ordering operator<=>(control_flow, control_flow) noexcept;

std::control_flow is a class that represents a break or continue result of a function. It is essentially a strongly-typed version of bool, where true means continue_ and false means break_. However, an implementation may give it additional states such as return (which maps to break) or goto label (which also maps to break).

Note that std::continue_ and std::break_ are not just a named constant of type std::control_flow, but of a distinct tag type, which has an implicit conversion to std::true/false_type and a likewise constant operator!. This ensures that the common case of “always continue” or “always break” can be encoded in the type system and guarantee optimizations.

The standardization of std::control_flow is the bare minimum to enable writing generator ranges:

struct generator123
    // `sink` takes the type yielded by the generator range.
    // and returns `std::control_flow`, `std::continue_t`, or `std::break_t`.
    auto operator()(auto&& sink) const -> std::control_flow
        std::control_flow flow;

        flow = sink(1);
        if (!flow) return flow;

        flow = sink(2);
        if (!flow) return flow;

        return sink(3);

template <typename Generator>
void use_generator_range(Generator&& generator)
    generator([](auto value) {
        std::print("{}\n", value);
        // Unconditionally continue generating.
        return std::continue_;

    generator([](auto value) -> std::control_flow {
        // Exit early if we see the value 42.
        if (value == 42)
            return std::break_;

        std::print("{}\n", value);
        return std::continue_;

The remaining features are “just” language support to make this idiom nicer.

4.2 Generator-based for loop

Basic lowering of a generator-based for loop.

User code
Lowered code
for (T binding : object)
    auto __body = [&](T&& __element) -> see-below {
        T binding = std::forward<T>(__element);
        return std::continue_;
    auto __flow = object(__body);

Previously, the range-based for loop was always lowered to an iterator-based for loop if the type has begin() and end(). We propose that it can also be lowered to a generator-based for loop if the type has an operator() that accepts a callable and returns std::control_flow, std::break_t or std::continue_t. If the type has both begin() and end(), the generator-based version is preferred as it is expected to be faster.

The for loop is lowered to a call to operator() on the generator, passing it the body of the loop transformed into a lambda. That lambda takes the type specified in the binding of the loop qualified with &&. Reference collapsing rules ensure that it is turned into an lvalue reference if necessary. The extra step is necessary as the binding of the for-loop might be a structured binding which is not allowed as a lambda argument. The lambda body then consists of the binding of the range-based for loop, the body of the loop, and a (potentially unreachable) return std::continue_.

The loop body is kept as-is, except for control flow statements which need to be translated:

The return type of the lambda is std::continue_t or std::break_t if that is the only returned control-flow case, or std::control_flow otherwise. If the lambda exits with an exception or returns std::break_ it must not be called again. The return value of the lambda must be forwarded through the operator().

After the call to operator(), the compiler may insert additional code to handle a return or goto of the body, to ensure that control flow jumps to the desired location.

Example lowering.

User code
Lowered code
for (int x : generator123())
    if (x == 0)
    if (x == 2)
    std::printf("%d\n", x);
    auto __body = [&](int&& __element) -> std::control_flow {
        int x = __element;
        if (x == 0)
            return std::continue_;
        if (x == 2)
            return std::break_;
        std::printf("%d\n", x);
        return std::continue_;

    auto __flow = generator123()(__body);

More example lowerings are given on godbolt. Note that the compiler may do a more efficient job during codegen than what we can express in C++. In particular, return expr must directly construct the expression in the return slot to enable copy elision.

4.3 Syntax sugar for sink calls (optional)

The implementation of a generator will necessarily have code that invoke the sink and does an early return:

auto flow = sink(value);
if (!flow) return flow;

This is annoying, but also precisely the pattern [P2561R1] sets out to solve with its error propagation operator. If adopted, we can instead write:


Alternatively, we could keep the association with coroutine generators and use a special co_yield-into statement:

co_yield(sink) value;
// or
co_yield(sink, value);
// or
co_yield[sink] value;
// or
co_yield<sink> value;

However, re-using co_yield in that way might result in parsing ambiguities with regular coroutine co_yield, so that particular syntax might be unfeasible.

4.4 std::ranges support (future paper)

If there is interest in the feature, a separate paper will add support for generator ranges to the standard library. This includes concepts for generator ranges, turning views into generator ranges for better iteration performance, and adding support for generator ranges to single-loop range algorithms like std::ranges::for_each, std::ranges::copy, or std::ranges::fold_left (plus variants and fold-like algorithms like std::ranges::any_of).

5 Open questions

5.1 Spelling of the generator function

As proposed, the generator-based for loop is triggered when the range type has an operator() that takes a sink and returns std::control_flow, std::break_t, or std::continue_t. This spelling has the advantage that lambdas can directly be used as generators. For example, if the range adapters were updated to use generator ranges (like the ones in the think-cell-library), we could write code like this:

// Copy a C FILE to a buffer.
std::ranges::copy([&](auto&& sink) {
    std::control_flow flow;
    while (true)
        auto c = std::fgetc(file);
        if (c == EOF)

        flow = sink(c);
        if (!flow)
    return flow;
}, buffer);

However, we are open to a different spelling. An early draft of the paper used operator for instead of operator(), where operator for is a new overloadable operator. This can make it more obvious that a type has custom behavior when used with a range-based for loop.

Using operator for means that lambdas no longer work as-is and would need to be wrapped into a type that has an operator for which calls the lambda. That works, but is also a bit unnecessary. Alternatively, a lambda that takes a sink and returns a type like std::control_flow could automatically get an operator for overload. Either the language provides one as member, or the standard library provides a generic non-member overload for callables. At that point, we might as well use operator() again though.

5.2 auto in for loop

What should happen if the for loop uses auto for the type of the loop variable?

for (auto x : generator123())

With the specification of operator() it is very difficult for the compiler to figure out what is the actual value type of the operator() – it has to look in the body to see what is passed to the callable. There is also no limitation to only one type; an implementation may invoke the sink with different types.

There are three approaches to avoid the deduction:

  1. Make it ill-formed. When the user wants to use a generator-based for loop, they have to specify a type for the loop variable.
  2. Infer the type from somewhere else, maybe some trait that has to specialized or a member typedef given. Note that we cannot use the return type of operator() as that is std::control_flow or related.
  3. Turn the body of the for loop into a generic lambda with an auto parameter instead of a fixed type.
  4. As above, but make the program ill-formed if the lambda would be instantiated with multiple different types. In a way, the auto parameter in that particular compiler-generated lambda then would be more like the auto in a return type or variable declaration: a way to name a specific, yet unknown type, and not a template.

Option 1 is annoying. Option 2 is not easy because the type of the range depends on the cv-ref qualifications of *this. think-cell uses decltype() of a member function call for that purpose:

struct container
    // Non-const containers yield `int&`.
    int& generator_output_type();  // no definition
    // const containers yield `const int&`.
    const int& generator_output_type() const; // no definition

template <typename T>
using generator_output_type = decltype(std::declval<T>().generator_output_type());

However, adding an undefined member function might be a bit too weird for the standard.

Option 3 has the side-effect of allowing iteration of types like std::tuple:

template <typename ... T>
struct tuple
    auto operator()(auto&& sink) const
        return generator_impl(std::index_sequence_for<T...>{}, sink);
    template <std::size_t ... Idx, typename Fn>
    auto generator_impl(std::index_sequence<Idx...>, Fn&& sink) const
        std::common_type_t<decltype(sink(std::get<Idx>(*this)))...> flow;
        // && short-circuits once we have a break-like control flow.
        ((flow = sink(std::get<Idx>(*this))) && ...);
        return flow;

for (auto elem : std::make_tuple(42, 3.14f, "hello"))
    std::print("{}\n", elem);

This is a different way of implementing expansion statements [P1306R1].

Even if EWG doesn’t want to support multiple output types for for, the library idiom of using operator() naturally supports it. Limiting the idiom just for the sake of the language feature is wrong – we still might want to iterate tuples by calling operator() manually. It is better to just constrain the use in for but not the general spelling of the generator function, as done in option 4.

5.3 std::stacktrace and __func__

What does the following code print?

void foo()
    for (int x : generator123())
        std::cout << __func__ << ' ' << std::stacktrace::current() << '\n';

Does it print the name foo and the stack trace beginning at foo, as that is what it looks like syntactically, or does it report the true stack trace involving the compiler generated lambda and arbitrarily many calls caused by operator()?

The authors prefer the second choice where a stack trace reports the true stack trace and not the syntactic one.

5.4 Exceptions in for body and try-catch in operator for

We expect that the following code will throw on the first iteration (assuming the range is [1, 2, 3]) and thus never call g() or h().

for (int x : generator123())
    if (x == 1) throw 42;

But what if we have a somewhat malicious operator() implementation that swallows all exceptions?

struct generator123
    auto operator()(auto&& sink) const
            return sink(1);
        catch (...) {}

As specified, the exception propagates out of sink() and is then discarded by the operator(), so we will call h().

There are three approaches here:

  1. Do nothing. If someone writes a malicious operator(), that’s on them.
  2. Make exceptions thrown inside the generated lambda uncatchable until they’ve left operator(). Using some compiler magic, we set a flag or something on the exception which disables try/catch. Once the exception has left the operator(), the flag is reset. This makes it impossible to catch exceptions thrown by the sink until they’re back in the syntactic scope.
  3. Make exceptions thrown inside the generated lambda implicitly re-thrown when caught in operator(). Similar to 2, but operator for is allowed to see the exception, just not to swallow them. After a catch, exceptions are automatically re-thrown.

The problem with 2 is that a generator might change itself during iteration inside operator(). When an exception is thrown, it needs to detect that to restore its previous state. The problem with 3 is potential overhead caused by the extra exception machinery, which we don’t want to pay only to guard against malicious actors. Keep in mind that the operator(), the call to the sink, and a try/catch surrounding the sink might be separated by an arbitrary amount of intermediate function calls, so it cannot be done statically. As such, the authors prefer option 1.

5.5 co_await/co_yield/co_return in for body

When a user co_awaits or co_yields inside the body of a generator-based for loop, we have a problem since we’re no longer inside a coroutine, but a compiler-generated lambda. To handle that properly both the compiler generated lambda and the operator() needs to be turned into coroutines to properly propagate the co_await.

While that could work for the compiler-generated lambda, it would be problematic for the operator(), as we now sometimes need co_await on the sink. This problem relates to the general problem of coroutines with generic code, and is best solved by a general solution for conditional co_await in generic code.

We thus propose to make it ill-formed to use coroutine statements in the body of a generator-based for loop (at least for now). Alternatively, we could instead silently fallback to the traditional iterator-based for loop which does not suffer from this problem. This works nicely with generic code, but requires that the type also has begin() and end() (otherwise it is ill-formed again).

5.6 Return type of sinks

The implementation in think-cell allows arbitrary return types for the sink, not just std::control_flow and related types. If a type is not a control flow type including void, it is treated as std::continue_. That way, if a sink is written by hand or wraps an existing function, if it doesn’t want an early return, it doesn’t need to do anything. Otherwise, it would need to add an unnecessary return std::continue_.

If a generator range is only used with the range-based for loop, this is not necessary as the compiler generated sink will always have the right type, but in think-cell’s experience where generators can be used with arbitrary algorithms and their hand-written lambdas, it is very convenient if the work of adjusting the return type is moved from the caller to the generator implementation.

Relaxing the return type complicates the implementation for sink calls, which now need to translate an arbitrary type (including void) to std::continue_t before branching. As such, it is useful to have a standardized helper function for that logic, e.g. a std::control_flow::invoke(sink, value):

template <typename Sink, typename ... Args>
constexpr auto std::control_flow::invoke(Sink&& sink, Args&&... args)
    using result = std::invoke_result_t<Sink&&, Args&&...>;
    if constexpr (std::is_same_v<result, std::control_flow>
               || std::is_same_v<result, std::continue_t>
               || std::is_same_v<result, std::break_t>)
        return std::invoke(std::forward<Sink>(sink), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
        std::invoke(std::forward<Sink>(sink), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
        return std::continue_;

Alternatively, the selected syntax sugar could be specified to do the translation as well.

6 References

[P1306R1] Andrew Sutton, Sam Goodrick, Daveed Vandevoorde. 2019-01-21. Expansion statements.
[P2561R1] Barry Revzin. 2022-10-11. An error propagation operator.