Disallow Binding a Returned Glvalue to a Temporary

Document #: P2748R1
Date: 2023-05-15
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: Evolution
Reply-to: Brian Bi

1 Revision history

1.1 R1

2 Introduction

The following code contains a bug: The code initializes a reference from an object of a different type (the programmer has forgotten that the first element of the pair is const), resulting in the creation of a temporary. As a result, the reference d_first is always dangling:

struct X {
    const std::map<std::string, int> d_map;
    const std::pair<std::string, int>& d_first;

    X(const std::map<std::string, int>& map)
        : d_map(map), d_first(*d_map.begin()) {}

Luckily, the above code is actually ill formed (11.9.3 [class.base.init]/8). But valid code can contain essentially the same bug:

struct Y {
    std::map<std::string, int> d_map;

    const std::pair<std::string, int>& first() const {
        return *d_map.begin();

This code is valid, although compilers might warn. Like the first in this paper, this code snippet always produces a dangling reference. We should make this code likewise ill formed.

A colleague recently reported another example. A program appeared to be accessing memory that was not safe to access. The bug was ultimately caused by the following function returning by reference though it should not have. This bug was difficult to find but would have been easy if the return statement were simply ill formed.

const std::string_view& getString() {
    static std::string s;
    return s;

3 Background

In [CWG1696], Richard Smith pointed out that, though binding a reference member to a temporary in a mem-initializer was explicitly called out in the Standard as one of the cases in which the lifetime of the temporary is not extended to the lifetime of the reference, no corresponding wording was offered for the case in which the expression that produces the temporary is supplied by a default member initializer.

Initially, the proposed resolution simply resolved the inconsistency in favor of explicitly specifying that brace-or-equal-initializers behave the same way as mem-initializers (i.e., neither extends lifetime). However, at the Issaquah meeting in 2014, making both ill formed was suggested. CWG appears to have accepted this suggestion without controversy. (At the Urbana-Champaign meeting later that year, Issue 1696 was given DR status.)

This change was so uncontroversial because binding a reference to a temporary, when the reference will outlive the temporary and become dangling as soon as the full-expression completes, is always a bug. In some simple cases, a novice programmer might not understand that a temporary must be materialized when binding a reference to a prvalue. On the other hand, the examples given in the introduction represent code that experienced C++ developers can easily write.

4 Proposal

The dangling reference created by X’s constructor is always a bug, and the same is true for the dangling reference created by Y::first. In fact, one can imagine some obscure situations in which binding a reference member to a temporary in a mem-initializer could be useful to cache the result of an expensive computation, which could then be used by later mem-initializers and within the compound-statement of the constructor. In contrast, when binding a returned glvalue to a temporary, even such obscure, limited applications seem nonexistent.

I propose, therefore, to make binding a returned glvalue to a temporary likewise ill formed.

Note that recent versions of Clang, GCC, and MSVC all issue warnings that explain the creation of the dangling reference. The availability of such warnings raises the question of whether programmers should simply use compiler flags to convert those warnings into errors, thus obtaining all the benefits of this proposal with no need for a language change. However, at least in Clang and GCC, the warnings have false positives, which (as discussed in Section 5) occur because they are not as narrowly scoped as this proposal. More broadly, compiler warnings are no substitute for language rules because the warnings lack formal specification and are not portable.

5 What about unevaluated return statements?

At the February 2023 meeting in Issaquah, EWG asked for improved wording related to unevaluated contexts. However, no such thing as an unevaluated return statement exists (at least from the core language point of view; see Section 6 for discussion of the library).

6.3 [basic.def.odr]/3 defines a conversion as potentially evaluated unless it is “an unevaluated operand, a subexpression thereof, or a conversion in an initialization or conversion sequence in such a context.” Because a return statement is not an expression statement, the only kind of expression a return statement can appear within is a lambda expression, but the statements in the body of a lambda expression are not subexpressions of the lambda expression (6.9.1 [intro.execution]/3.3), so even if the lambda expression is unevaluated, the statements in its body are still potentially evaluated.

This definition is not simply a technicality but follows from the very nature of function definitions in C++. When the body of a lambda expression is instantiated, a function definition is created, and a function definition created by an instantiation triggered from an unevaluated context is no different from any other definition of the same function. In particular, that function may be ODR-used at some later point, but the compiler is not expected to instantiate it a second time, since the instantiation from an unevaluated context is as good as any other instantiation. Attempting to carve out a narrow exemption that applies exclusively to return statements appearing lexically within lambda expressions that are not potentially evaluated would therefore fail to actually prevent such return statements from being evaluated at run time.

For this reason, my proposal does not include carving out an exemption for lambdas in unevaluated contexts. This exclusion raises the question of whether the proposal would disallow some useful metaprogramming techniques.

[P0315R2] discusses two use cases for lambdas in unevaluated contexts. In both of these use cases, the lambda is used only for the signature of its function call operator. In such cases, the return statement in the lambda could be eliminated, and the lambda could be given a trailing return type instead. Rewriting the code in this fashion is annoying but will be necessary in only the tiny fraction of cases where lambdas in unevaluated contexts currently contain return statements that would create dangling references if they were to be evaluated. The benefits of this proposal outweigh the inconvenience that would be inflicted in those very few cases.

As evidence that this situation is almost nonexistent, consider that recent versions of Clang and GCC do not distinguish return statements appearing in unevaluated lambda expressions from those that appear in any other function and will issue a warning even in cases such as the following:

std::string_view sv;
decltype ( [] () -> const std::string_view& {
    static std::string s;
    return s;
} () ) svr = sv;

I searched the Clang and GCC bug trackers for reports of false positives for the -Wreturn-stack-address and -Wreturn-local-addr flags, respectively. Some false positives were reported, but they generally appear to be related to these warnings going far beyond the set of situations that this paper proposes to make ill formed; the warnings perform a flow analysis to check whether a returned pointer value might have been derived directly or indirectly from the address of a temporary or an automatic variable. GCC bug 100403 and Clang bug 44003 are representative of this class of bugs. I found no issues in which a user opined that the warning should not fire because the return statement was in a lambda expression in an unevaluated context.

6 Need for changes to std::is_convertible

As pointed out at the February 2023 meeting in Issaquah, the current definition of the std::is_convertible type trait (21.3.7 [meta.rel]/5) depends on the well-formedness of a return statement but is intended to detect implicit convertibility in general. For this reason, the proposal must ensure that the meaning of std::is_convertible does not change; for example, std::is_convertible_v<int, const double&> should continue to be true.

Since, as discussed previously, no such thing as an unevaluated return statement exists, giving a blanket exemption for such nonexistent entities is an impractical solution to this problem. Instead, three possible approaches present themselves.

  1. Add a special exception only to the standard library wording.
  2. Re-express std::is_convertible in terms of a piece of code that does not contain a return statement.
  3. Re-express std::is_convertible in terms of the core language concept of implicit convertibility.

The second approach is feasible if we assume (as current implementations do) that the To type must be destructible. In that case, std::is_convertible_v<From, To> is true if all the following conditions are met.

However, since [LWG3400] is unresolved, the specification of std::is_convertible<From, To> could possibly be changed to exclude consideration of the destructor (which appears to imply that the implementation will require compiler magic). The second approach would therefore assign an interpretation to the current specification of std::is_convertible that would be contentious in LWG; furthermore, the effort that would be spent in LWG on codifying this approach would be wasted if LWG later decided to exclude the destructor. I am therefore not proposing adopting this approach at this time.

The third approach also suffers from similar issues. Implicit convertibility is defined by 7.3.1 [conv.general]/3 in terms of the well-formedness of a hypothetical declaration employing copy-initialization. Plainly, such a declaration is not well-formed if the destination type is not destructible, so taking this approach assumes a particular disposition for LWG3400. Expressing std::is_convertible in terms of the existence of an implicit conversion sequence (as defined by [over.best.ics.general]) would assume the opposite disposition, while also subjecting the library to the unresolved issue that is the subject of [CWG2525].

Therefore, I propose the first approach.

7 Core wording

The proposed wording is relative to [N4928].

Strike bullet (6.11) in section 6.7.7 [class.temporary]:

  • The lifetime of a temporary bound to the returned value in a function return statement (8.7.4) is not extended; the temporary is destroyed at the end of the full-expression in the return statement.

Insert a new paragraph, 6, at the end of section 8.7.4 [stmt.return]:

In a function whose return type is a reference, a return statement that binds the returned reference to a temporary expression ([class.temporary]) is ill-formed.
[Example 2:

auto&& f1() {
    return 42;  // ill-formed
const double& f2() {
    static int x = 42;
    return x;   // ill-formed
auto&& id(auto&& r) {
    return static_cast<decltype(r)&&>(r);
auto&& f3() {
    return id(42);  // OK, but probably a bug

end example]

(Note: See [CWG GitHub issue 200] regarding a possible issue with the above wording.)

8 Library wording

Edit 21.3.7 [meta.rel]/5:

The predicate condition for a template specialization is_convertible<From, To> shall be satisfied if and only if the return expression in the following code would be well-formed, including any implicit conversions to the return type of the function,

To test() {
  return declval<From>();

[Note 2: This requirement gives well-defined results for reference types, array types, function types, and cv void. — end note]

For the purposes of this paragraph, a return statement that is ill-formed only because it binds the returned reference to a temporary expression [class.temporary] is considered to be well-formed. Access checking is performed in a context unrelated to To and From. Only the validity of the immediate context of the expression of the return statement ([stmt.return]) (including initialization of the returned object or reference) is considered.

[Note 3: The initialization can result in side effects such as the instantiation of class template specializations and function template specializations, the generation of implicitly-defined functions, and so on. Such side effects are not in the “immediate context” and can result in the program being ill-formed. — end note]

9 References

[CWG GitHub issue 200] Brian Bi. 2022-12-16. Missing definition of “temporary expression.”
[CWG1696] Richard Smith. 2013-05-31. Temporary lifetime and non-static data member initializers.
[CWG2525] Jim X. 2021-09-25. Incorrect definition of implicit conversion sequence.
[LWG3400] Jiang An. 2020-02-10. Does is_nothrow_convertible consider destruction of the destination type?
[N4928] Thomas Köppe. 2022-12-18. Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++.
[P0315R2] Louis Dionne. 2017-06-18. Lambdas in unevaluated context.