
Document #: P2630
Date: 2023-03-15
Project: Programming Language C++
Reply-to: Christian Trott
Damien Lebrun-Grandie
Mark Hoemmen
Nevin Liber

1 Revision History

1.1 Revision 3: Mailing 2023-03

1.2 Revision 2: Mailing 2023-01

1.3 Revision 1: Mailing 2022-10

1.4 Initial Version 2022-08 Mailing

2 Description

Until one of the last revisions, the mdspan paper P0009 contained submdspan, the subspan or “slicing” function that returns a view of a subset of an existing mdspan. This function was considered critical for the overall functionality of mdspan. However, due to review time constraints it was removed from P0009 in order for mdspan to be included in C++23.

This paper restores submdspan. It also expands on the original proposal by

Creating subspans is an integral capability of many, if not all programming languages with multidimensional arrays. These include Fortran, Matlab, Python, and Python’s NumPy extension.

Subspans are important because they enable code reuse. For example, the inner loop in a dense matrix-vector product actually represents a dot product – an inner product of two vectors. If one already has a function for such an inner product, then a natural implementation would simply reuse that function. The LAPACK linear algebra library depends on subspan reuse for the performance of its one-sided “blocked” matrix factorizations (Cholesky, LU, and QR). These factorizations reuse textbook non-blocked algorithms by calling them on groups of contiguous columns at a time. This lets LAPACK spend as much time in dense matrix-matrix multiply (or algorithms with analogous performance) as possible.

The following example demonstrates this code reuse feature of subspans. Given a rank-3 mdspan representing a three-dimensional grid of regularly spaced points in a rectangular prism, the function zero_surface sets all elements on the surface of the 3-dimensional shape to zero. It does so by reusing a function zero_2d that takes a rank-2 mdspan.

// Set all elements of a rank-2 mdspan to zero.
template<class T, class E, class L, class A>
void zero_2d(mdspan<T,E,L,A> grid2d) {
  static_assert(grid2d.rank() == 2);
  for(int i = 0; i < grid2d.extent(0); ++i) {
    for(int j = 0; j < grid2d.extent(1); ++j) {
      grid2d[i,j] = 0;

template<class T, class E, class L, class A>
void zero_surface(mdspan<T,E,L,A> grid3d) {
  static_assert(grid3d.rank() == 3);
  zero_2d(submdspan(grid3d, 0, full_extent, full_extent));
  zero_2d(submdspan(grid3d, full_extent, 0, full_extent));
  zero_2d(submdspan(grid3d, full_extent, full_extent, 0));
  zero_2d(submdspan(grid3d, grid3d.extent(0)-1, full_extent, full_extent));
  zero_2d(submdspan(grid3d, full_extent, grid3d.extent(1)-1, full_extent));
  zero_2d(submdspan(grid3d, full_extent, full_extent, grid3d.extent(2)-1));

2.1 Design of submdspan

As previously proposed in an earlier revision of P0009, submdspan is a free function. Its first parameter is an mdspan x, and the remaining x.rank() parameters are slice specifiers, one for each dimension of x. The slice specifiers describe which elements of the range [0,x.extent(d)) are part of the multidimensional index space of the returned mdspan.

This leads to the following fundamental signature:

template<class T, class E, class L, class A,
         class ... SliceArgs)
auto submdspan(mdspan<T,E,L,A> x, SliceArgs ... args);

where E.rank() must be equal to sizeof...(SliceArgs).

2.1.1 Slice Specifiers P0009’s slice specifiers

In P0009 we originally proposed three kinds of slice specifiers. Strided index range slice specifier

In other languages which provide multi dimensional arrays with slicing, often a third type of slice specifier exists. This slicing modes takes generally a step or stride parameter in addition to a begin and end value.

For example obtaining a sub-slice starting at the 5th element and taking every 3rd element up to the 12 can be achieved as:

However, we propose a slightly different design. Instead of providing begin, end and a step size, we propose to specify begin, extent and a step size.

This approach has one fundamental advantage: one can combine a runtime start value with a compile time extent, and thus directly generate a static extent for the sub-mdspan.

We propose an aggregate type strided_slice to express this slice specification.

We use a struct with named fields instead of a tuple, in order to avoid confusion with the order of the three values. extent vs step choice

As stated above, we propose specifiying the extent because it makes taking a submdspan with static extent at a runtime offset easier.

One situation where this is would be used is in certain linear algebra algorithms, where one steps through a matrix and obtains submatrices of a specified, compile time known, size.

However, remember the layout and accessor types of a sub mdspan, depend on the input mdspan and the slice specifiers. Thus for a generic mdspan, even if one knows the extents of the resulting mdspan the actual type is somewhat cumbersome to determine.

// With start:end:step syntax
template<class T, class E, class L, class A>
void foo(mdspan<T,E,L,A> A) {
  using slice_spec_t = pair<int,int>;
  using subm_t = 
    decltype(submdspan(declval<slcie_spec_t>(), declval<slice_spec_t>()));
  using static_subm_t = mdspan<T, extents<typename subm_t::index_type, 4, 4>,
                               typename subm_t::layout_type,
                               typename subm_t::accessor_type>;

  for(int i=0; i<A.extent(0); i)
    for(int j=0; j<A.extent(1); j++) {
      static_subm_t subm = submdspan(A, slice_spec_t(i,i+4), slice_spec_t(j,j+4));
      // ...

// With the proposed type:

template<class T, class E, class L, class A>
void foo(mdspan<T,E,L,A> A) {
  using slice_spec_t = 
    strided_slice<int, integral_constant<int,4>, integral_constant<int,1>>;

  for(int i=0; i<A.extent(0); i)
    for(int j=0; j<A.extent(1); j++) {
      auto subm = submdspan(A, slice_spec_t{i}, slice_spec_t{j});
      // ...

Furthermore, even if one accepts the more complex specification of subm it likely that the first variant would require more instructions, since compile time information about extents is not available during the submdspan call. Template argument deduction

We really want template argument deduction to work for strided_slice. Languages like Fortran, Matlab, and Python have a concise notation for creating the equivalent kind of slice inline. It would be unfortunate if users had to write

auto y = submdspan(x, strided_slice<int, int, int>{0, 10, 3});

instead of

auto y = submdspan(x, strided_slice{0, 10, 3});

Not having template argument deduction would make it particularly unpleasant to mix compile-time and run-time values. For example, to express the offset and extent as compile-time values and the stride as a run-time value without template argument deduction, users would need to write

auto y = submdspan(x, strided_slice<integral_constant<size_t, 0>, integral_constant<size_t, 10>, 3>{{}, {}, 3});

Template argument deduction would permit a consistently value-oriented style.

auto y = submdspan(x, strided_slice{integral_constant<size_t, 0>{}, integral_constant<size_t, 10>{}, 3});

This case of compile-time offset and extent and run-time stride would permit optimizations like Designated initializers

We would also like to permit use of designated initializers with strided_slice. This would let users choose a more verbose, self-documenting style. It would also avoid any confusion about the order of arguments.

auto y = submdspan(x, strided_slice{.offset=0, .extent=10, .stride=3});

Designated initializers only work for aggregate types. This has implications for template argument deduction. Template argument deduction for aggregates is a C++20 feature. However, few compilers support it currently. GCC added full support in version 11, MSVC in 19.27, and EDG eccp in 6.3, according to the compiler support table. For example, Clang 14.0.0 supports designated initializers, and non-aggregate (class) template argument deduction, but it does not currently compile either of the following.

auto a = strided_slice{.offset=0, .extent=10, .stride=3};
auto b = strided_slice<int, int, int>{.offset=0, .extent=10, .stride=3});

Implementers may want to make mdspan available for users of earlier C++ versions. The result need not comply fully with the specification, but should be as usable and forward-compatible as possible. Implementers can back-port strided_slice by adding the following two constructors.

strided_slice() = default;
strided_slice(OffsetType offset_, ExtentType extent_, StrideType stride_)
  : offset(offset_), extent_(extent), stride(stride_)

These constructors make strided_slice no longer an aggregate, but restore (class) template argument deduction. They also preserve the struct’s properties of being a structural type (usable as a non-type template parameter) and trivially copyable (for compatibility with other programming languages). Compile-time integral values in slices

We also propose that any integral value (on its own, in a tuple, or in strided_slice) can be specified as an integral_constant. This ensures that the value can be baked into the return type of submdspan. For example, layout mappings could be entirely compile time.

Here are some simple examples for rank-1 mdspan.

int* ptr = ...;
int N = ...;
mdspan a(ptr, N);

// subspan of a single element
auto a_sub1 = submdspan(a, 1);
static_assert(decltype(a_sub1)::rank() == 0);
assert(&a_sub1() == &a(1));

// subrange
auto a_sub2 = submdspan(a, tuple{1, 4});
static_assert(decltype(a_sub2)::rank() == 1);
assert(&a_sub2(0) == &a(1));
assert(a_sub2.extent(0) == 3);

// subrange with stride
auto a_sub3 = submdspan(a, strided_slice{1, 7, 2});
static_assert(decltype(a_sub3)::rank() == 1);
assert(&a_sub3(0) == &a(1));
assert(&a_sub3(3) == &a(7));
assert(a_sub3.extent(0) == 4);

// full range
auto a_sub4 = submdspan(a, full_extent);
static_assert(decltype(a_sub4)::rank() == 1);
assert(a_sub4(0) == a(0));
assert(a_sub4.extent(0) == a.extent(0));

In multidimensional use cases these specifiers can be mixed and matched.

int* ptr = ...;
int N0 = ..., N1 = ..., N2 = ..., N3 = ..., N4 = ...;
mdspan a(ptr, N0, N1, N2, N3, N4);

auto a_sub = submdspan(a,full_extent_t(), 3, strided_slice{2,N2-5, 2}, 4, tuple{3, N5-5});

// two integral specifiers so the rank is reduced by 2
static_assert(decltype(a_sub) == 3);
// 1st dimension is taking the whole extent
assert(a_sub.extent(0) == a.extent(0));
// the new 2nd dimension corresponds to the old 3rd dimension
assert(a_sub.extent(1) == (a.extent(2) - 5)/2);
assert(a_sub.stride(1) == a.stride(2)*2);
// the new 3rd dimension corresponds to the old 5th dimension
assert(a_sub.extent(2) == a.extent(4)-8);

assert(&a_sub(1,5,7) == &a(1, 3, 2+5*2, 4, 3+7));

2.1.2 Customization Points

In order to create the new mdspan from an existing mdspan src, we need three things:

Computing the new data handle is done via an offset and the original accessor’s offset function, while the new accessor is constructed from the old accessor.

That leaves the construction of the new mapping and the calculation of the offset handed to the offset function. Both of those operations depend only on the old mapping and the slice specifiers.

In order to support calling submdspan on mdspan with custom layout policies, we need to introduce two customization points for computing the mapping and the offset. Both take as input the original mapping, and the slice specifiers.

template<class Mapping, class ... SliceArgs>
auto submdspan_mapping(const Mapping&, SliceArgs...) { /* ... */ }

template<class Mapping, class ... SliceArgs>
size_t submdspan_offset(const Mapping&, SliceArgs...) { /* ... */ }

Since both of these function may require computing similar information, one should actually fold submdspan_offset into submdspan_mapping and make that single customization point return a struct containing both the submapping and offset.

With these components we can sketch out the implementation of submdspan.

template<class T, class E, class L, class A,
         class ... SliceArgs)
auto submdspan(const mdspan<T,E,L,A>& src, SliceArgs ... args) {
  auto sub_map_offset = submdspan_mapping(src.mapping(), args...);
  typename A::offset_policy sub_acc(src.accessor());
  typename A::offset_policy::data_handle_type 
    sub_handle = src.accessor().offset(src.data_handle(), sub_offset);
  return mdspan(sub_handle, sub_map_offset.first, sub_map_offset.second);

To support custom layouts, std::submdspan calls submdspan_mapping using argument-dependent lookup.

However, not all layout mappings may support efficient slicing for all possible slice specifier combinations. Thus, we do not propose to add this customization point to the layout policy requirements.

2.1.3 Pure ADL vs. CPO vs. tag invoke

In this paper we propose to implement the customization point via pure ADL (argument-dependent lookup), that is, by calling functions with particular reserved names unqualified. To evaluate whether there would be significant benefits of using customization point objects (CPOs) or a tag_invoke approach, we followed the discussion presented in P2279.

But first we need to discuss the expected use case scenario. Most users will never call this customization point directly. Instead it is invoked via std::submdspan, which returns an mdspan viewing the subset of elements indicated by the caller’s slice specifiers. The only place where users of C++ would call submdspan_mapping directly is when writing functions that behave analogously to std::submdspan for other data structures. For example a user may want to have a shared ownership variant of mdspan. However, in most cases where we have seen higher level data structures with multi-dimensional indexing, that higher level data structure actually contains an entire mdspan (or its predecessor Kokkos::View from the Kokkos library). Getting subsets of the data then delegates to calling submdspan instead of directly working on the underlying mapping.

The only implementers of submdspan_mapping are developers of a custom layout policy for mdspan. We expect the number of such developers to be multiple orders of magnitude smaller than actual users of mdspan.

One important consideration for submdspan_mapping is that there is no default implementation. That is, this customization point is not used to override some default behavior, unlike functions such as std::swap that have a default behavior that users might like to override for their types.

In P2279 Pure ADL, CPOs and tag_invoke were evaluated on 9 criteria. Here we will focus on the criteria where ADL, CPOs and tag_invoke got different “marks.” Explicit Opt In

One drawback for pure ADL is that it is not blazingly obvious that a function is an implementation of a customization point. Whether some random user function begin or swap is actually something intended to work with ranges::begin or std::swap, is impossible to judge at first sight. tag_invoke improves on that situation by making it blazingly obvious since the actual functions one implements is called tag_invoke which takes a std::tag. However, in our case the name of the overloaded function is extremely specific: submdspan_mapping. We do not believe that many people will be confused whether such a function, taking a layout policy mapping and slice specifiers as arguments, is intended as an implementation point for the customization point of submdspan or not. Diagnose Incorrect Opt In

CPOs and tag_invoke got a “shrug” in P2279, because they may or may not be a bit better checkable than pure ADL. However, in the primary use of submdspan_mapping via call in submdspan we can largely check whether the function does what we expect. Specifically, the return type has to meet a set of well defined criteria - it needs to be a layout mapping, with extents which are defined by std::submdspan_extents. In fact submdspan mandates some of that static information matching the expectations. Associated Types

In the case of submdspan_mapping there are no associated types per se (in the way we understood that criterion). For a function like

template<class T>
T::iterator begin(T);

T itself knows the return type. However for submdspan_mapping the return type depends not just on the source mapping, but also all the slice specifier types. Thus the only way to get it is effectively asking the return type of the function, however that function is implemented. In fact I would argue that:

decltype(submdspan_mapping(declval(mapping_t), int, int, full_extent_t, int));

is more concise than a possible tag_invoke scheme here.

decltype(std::tag_invoke(std::tag<std::submdspan_mapping>,declval(mapping_t, int, int, full_extent_t, int))); Easily invoke the customization

This is likely the biggest drawback of the ADL approach. If one indeed just needs the sub-mapping in a generic context, one has to remember to use ADL. However, there are two mitigating facts: Conclusion

All in all this evaluation let us to believe that there are no significant benefits in prefering CPOs or tag_invoke over pure ADL for submdspan_mapping. However, considering the expected rareness of someone implementing the customization point, this is not something we consider a large issue. If the committee disagrees with our evaluation we are happy to use tag_invoke instead - which we believe is preferable over a CPO approach.

2.1.4 Making sure submdspan behavior meets expectations

The slice specifiers of submdspan completely determine two properties of its result:

  1. the extents of the result, and
  2. what elements of the input of submdspan are also represented in the result.

Both of these things are independent of the layout mapping policy.

The approach we described above orthogonalizes handling of accessors and mappings. Thus, we can define both of the above properties via the multidimensional index spaces, regardless of what it means to “refer to the same element.” (For example, accessors may use proxy references and data handle types other than C++ pointers. This makes it hard to define what “same element” means.) That will let us define pre-conditions for submdspan which specify the required behavior of any user-provided submdspan_mapping function.

One function which can help with that, and additionally is needed to implement submdspan_mapping for the layouts the standard provides, is a function to compute the submdspan’s extents. We will propose this function as a public function in the standard:

template<class IndexType, class ... Extents, class ... SliceArgs>
auto submdspan_extents(const extents<IndexType, Extents...>, SliceArgs ...);

The resulting extents object must have certain properties for logical correctness.

For performance and preservation of compile-time knowledge, we also require the following.

3 Wording

In [version.syn], add:

#define __cpp_lib_submdspan YYYYMML // also in <mdspan>

1 Adjust the placeholder value as needed so as to denote this proposal’s date of adoption.

3.1 Add subsection 22.7.X [mdspan.submdspan] with the following

24.7.� submdspan [mdspan.submdspan]

24.7.�.1 overview [mdspan.submdspan.overview]

1 The submdspan facilities create a new mdspan from an existing input mdspan. The new mdspan’s elements refer to a subset of the elements of the input mdspan.

namespace std {
  template<class OffsetType, class LengthType, class StrideType>
    struct strided_slice;

  template<class LayoutMapping>
    struct submdspan_mapping_result;

  template<class IndexType, class... Extents, class... SliceSpecifiers>
    constexpr auto submdspan_extents(const extents<IndexType, Extents...>&,
                                     SliceSpecifiers ...);

  template<class E, class... SliceSpecifiers>
    constexpr auto submdspan_mapping(
      const layout_left::mapping<E>& src, 
      SliceSpecifiers ... slices) -> see below;

  template<class E, class... SliceSpecifiers>
    constexpr auto submdspan_mapping(
      const layout_right::mapping<E>& src, 
      SliceSpecifiers ... slices) -> see below;

  template<class E, class... SliceSpecifiers>
    constexpr auto submdspan_mapping(
      const layout_stride::mapping<E>& src, 
      SliceSpecifiers ... slices) -> see below;

  // [mdspan.submdspan], submdspan creation
  template<class ElementType, class Extents, class LayoutPolicy,
           class AccessorPolicy, class... SliceSpecifiers>
    constexpr auto submdspan(
      const mdspan<ElementType, Extents, LayoutPolicy, AccessorPolicy>& src,
      SliceSpecifiers...slices) -> see below;

  template<typename T>
  concept integral-constant-like =       // exposition only
      && !std::is_same_v<bool, std::remove_const_t<decltype(T::value)>>
      && T() == T::value;

2 The SliceSpecifier template argument(s) and the corresponding value(s) of the arguments of submdspan after src determine the subset of src that the mdspan returned by submdspan views.

3 Invocations of submdspan_mapping shown in subclause ([mdspan.submdspan]) select a function call via overload resolution on a candidate set that includes the lookup set found by argument dependent lookup ([basic.lookup.argdep]).

4 For each function defined in subsection [mdspan.submdspan] that takes a parameter pack named slices as an argument:

24.7.�.2 strided_slice [mdspan.submdspan.strided_slice]

1 strided_slice represents a set of extent regularly spaced integer indices. The indices start at offset, and increase by increments of stride.

template<class OffsetType, class ExtentType, class StrideType>
struct strided_slice {
  using offset_type = OffsetType;
  using extent_type = ExtentType;
  using stride_type = StrideType;

  OffsetType offset;
  ExtentType extent;
  StrideType stride;

2 strided_slice has the data members and special members specified above. It has no base classes or members other than those specified.

3 Mandates:

[Note: strided_slice{.offset=1, .extent=10, .stride=3} indicates the indices 1, 4, 7, and 10. Indices are selected from the half-open interval [1, 1 + 10). - end note]

24.7.�.3 submdspan_mapping_result [mdspan.submdspan.submdspan_mapping_result]

1 Specializations of submdspan_mapping_result are returned by overloads of submdspan_mapping.

template<class LayoutMapping>
struct submdspan_mapping_result {
  LayoutMapping mapping;
  size_t offset;

2 submdspan_mapping_result has the data members and special members specified above. It has no base classes or members other than those specified.

3 LayoutMapping shall meet the layout mapping requirements.

24.7.�.4 Exposition-only helpers [mdspan.submdspan.helpers]

template<class T>
struct is-strided-slice: false_type {};

template<class OffsetType, class ExtentType, class StrideType>
struct is-strided-slice<strided_slice<OffsetType, ExtentType, StrideType>>: true_type {};
template<class IndexType, class ... SliceSpecifiers>
constexpr IndexType first_(size_t k, SliceSpecifiers... slices);

1 Mandates: IndexType is a signed or unsigned integer type.

2 Let φk denote the following value:

3 Preconditions: φk is representable as a value of type IndexType.

4 Returns: extents<IndexType>::index-cast( φk ).

template<class Extents, class ... SliceSpecifiers>
constexpr auto last_(size_t k, const Extents& ext, SliceSpecifiers... slices);

5 Mandates: Extents is a specialization of extents.

6 Let index_type name the type typename Extents::index_type.

7 Let λk denote the following value:

8 Preconditions: λk is representable as a value of type index_type.

9 Returns: Extents::index-cast( λk ).

template<class IndexType, size_t N, class ... SliceSpecifiers>
constexpr array<IndexType, sizeof...(SliceSpecifiers)> src-indices(const array<IndexType, N>& indices, SliceSpecifiers ... slices);

10 Mandates: IndexType is a signed or unsigned integer type.

11 Returns: an array<IndexType, sizeof...(SliceSpecifiers)> src_idx such that src_idx[k] equals

24.7.�.4 submdspan_extents function [mdspan.submdspan.extents]

template<class IndexType, class ... Extents, class ... SliceSpecifiers>
auto submdspan_extents(const extents<IndexType, Extents...>& src_exts, SliceSpecifiers ... slices);

1 Constraints:

2 Mandates: For each rank index k of src_exts.extents(), exactly one of the following is true:

3 Preconditions: For each rank index k of src_exts.extents(), all of the following are true:

4 Let SubExtents be a specialization of extents such that:

5 Returns: a value of type SubExtents ext such that for each k for which map-rank[k] != dynamic_extent is true:

24.7.�.5 Layout specializations of submdspan_mapping [mdspan.submdspan.mapping]

  template<class Extents, class... SliceSpecifiers>
    constexpr auto submdspan_mapping(
      const layout_left::mapping<Extents>& src, 
      SliceSpecifiers ... slices) -> see below;

  template<class Extents, class... SliceSpecifiers>
    constexpr auto submdspan_mapping(
      const layout_right::mapping<Extents>& src, 
      SliceSpecifiers ... slices) -> see below;

  template<class Extents, class... SliceSpecifiers>
    constexpr auto submdspan_mapping(
      const layout_stride::mapping<Extents>& src, 
      SliceSpecifiers ... slices) -> see below;

1 Let index_type name the type typename Extents::index_type.

2 Constraints:

3 Mandates: For each rank index k of src.extents(), exactly one of the following is true:

4 Preconditions: For each rank index k of src.extents(), all of the following are true:

5 Let sub_ext be the result of submdspan_extents(src.extents(), slices...) and let SubExtents be decltype(sub_ext).

6 Let sub_strides be an array<SubExtents::index_type, SubExtents::rank() such that for each rank index k of src.extents() for which map-rank[k] is not dynamic_extent sub_strides[map-rank[k]] equals:

7 Let P be a parameter pack such that is_same_v<make_index_sequence<rank()>, index_sequence<P...>> is true.

8 Let offset be a value of type size_t equal to map(first_<index_type>(P, slices...)...).

9 Returns:

24.7.�.6 submdspan function [mdspan.submdspan.submdspan]

// [mdspan.submdspan], submdspan creation
template<class ElementType, class Extents, class LayoutPolicy,
         class AccessorPolicy, class... SliceSpecifiers>
  constexpr auto submdspan(
    const mdspan<ElementType, Extents, LayoutPolicy, AccessorPolicy>& src,
    SliceSpecifiers...slices) -> see below;

1 Let index_type name the type typename Extents::index_type.

2 Let sub_map_offset be the result of submdspan_mapping(src.mapping(), slices...).

3 Constraints:

4 Mandates:

5 Preconditions:

[Note: Conditions 5.2 and 5.3 make it so that it is not valid to call submdspan with layout mappings, for which an overload of submdspan_mapping, does not return a mapping, which maps to the algorithmicly expected indices, given the slice specifiers. - end note]

5 Effects: Equivalent to

  auto sub_map_offset = submdspan_mapping(src.mapping(), args...);
  return mdspan(src.accessor().offset(, sub_map_offset.offset),


Given a rank-3 mdspan grid3d representing a three-dimensional grid of regularly spaced points in a rectangular prism, the function zero_surface sets all elements on the surface of the 3-dimensional shape to zero. It does so by reusing a function zero_2d that takes a rank-2 mdspan.

// zero out all elements in an mdspan
template<class T, class E, class L, class A>
void zero_2d(mdspan<T,E,L,A> a) {
  static_assert(a.rank() == 2);
  for(int i=0; i<a.extent(0); i++)
    for(int j=0; j<a.extent(1); j++)
      a[i,j] = 0;

// zero out just the surface
template<class T, class E, class L, class A>
void zero_surface(mdspan<T,E,L,A> grid3d) {
  static_assert(grid3d.rank() == 3);
  zero_2d(submdspan(a, 0, full_extent, full_extent));
  zero_2d(submdspan(a, full_extent, 0, full_extent));
  zero_2d(submdspan(a, full_extent, full_extent, 0));
  zero_2d(submdspan(a, a.extent(0)-1, full_extent, full_extent));
  zero_2d(submdspan(a, full_extent, a.extent(1)-1, full_extent));
  zero_2d(submdspan(a, full_extent, full_extent, a.extent(2)-1));

- end example]