Concepts to Differentiate Types

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ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++
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The differentiation of types is a commonly used constraint in C++. Typically, wording is copy pasted regarding this behavior, or shown only in exposition only helpers. Adding explicit definitions would reduce the need for multiple users to implement the same types.

1. Revision History

1.1. Revision 0

Initial Release. 🥳

2. Motivation

Within the standard library, there are multiple instances of phrases such as "If T is the same type as U, the program is ill-formed", or This function does not participate in overload resolution unless the following contrainsts are true, followed by something like is_same_v<remove_cvref_t<U>, type>. It would, honestly, be easier to express these with concepts. Furthermore, the inversion of the std::same_as concept is much more common than std::same_as itself when trying to constrain signatures of template types. Additionally, in the realm of ranges, users tend to need to express that similar types are ok in some instances, while distinct (or different, see § 3 Request for Feedback regarding this phrase) are fairly common. In the author’s work codebase, the inversion of std::same_as appears about 20 times for each time where std::same_as is used. While it is still early days regarding concepts, it would not be surprising if other code bases had similar ratios, though most likely they are not as extreme.

In the interest of symmetry with same_as and different_from, this paper provides both similar_to and distinct_from, although the wording found below only redefines wording in terms of different_from, and distinct_from.

3. Request for Feedback

Currently, there is some ambiguity with the naming of different_from and distinct_from. When something is distinct, it typically implies that it is set apart and completely dissimilar to something else. However, the direct antonym of same in english is different. The author is fine with swapping the definition of different_from and distinct_from, but will defer to any consensus from LEWG or LWG if it is deemed necessary to swap their definitions.

4. Wording

The following wording is based off of the text found at https://eel.is/c++draft as of 2020-07-11.

The following is to be modified (according to a value as decided by LWG) in 17.3.2 Header <version> synopsis [version.syn], statement 2

#define __cpp_lib_concepts 202002L 20����L

The following is to be added to 18.3 Header <concepts> synopsis [concepts.syn]

// [concept.different], concept different_from
template <class T, class U>
concept different_from =see below;

// [concept.similar], concept similar_to
template <class T, class U>
concept similar_to =see below;

// [concept.distinct], concept distinct_from
template <class T, class U>
concept distinct_from =see below;

The following is to be added to 18.4 Language-related concepts [concepts.lang]

18.4.� Concept different_from [concept.different] template <class T, class U>
concept different_from = not same_as<T, U>;
18.4.� Concept similar [concept.similar] template <class T, class U>
concept similar_to = same_as<remove_cvref_t<T>, remove_cvref_t<U>>;
18.4.� Concept distinct_from [concept.distinct] template <class T, class U>
concept distinct_from = not similar_to<T, U>;

The following is to be modified in Constructors [optional.ctor], statement 22

Constraints: is_constructible_­v<T, U> is true, is_same_v<remove_­cvref_t<U>, in_place_­t> distinct_from<U, in_place_t> is false true , and is_same_v<remove_­cvref_t<U>, optional> distinct_from<U, optional> is false . true

The following is to be modified in Assignment [optional.assign], statement 14

Constraints: is_same_v<remove_cvref_t<U>, optional> distinct_from<U, optional> is false true

The following is to be modified in Assignment [variant.assign], statement 12.1

is_same_v<remove_cvref_t<T>, variant> distinct_from<T, variant> is false true .

The following is to be modified in Construction and destruction [any.cons], statement 6

Constraints: VT is not the same type as any distinct_from<T, any> is true

The following is to be modified in Constructors and destructor [refwrap.const], statement 2

Constraints: The expression FUN(declval<U>()) is well-formed and is_same_v<remove_cvref_t<U>, reference_wrapper> distinct_from<U, reference_wrapper> is false true

The following is to be modified from 21.2 Character traits [char.traits], statement 3

To specialize those templates to generate a string, string view, or iostream class to handle a particular character container type ([defns.character.container]) C, that and its related character traits class X are passed as a pair of parameters to the string, string view, or iostream template as parameters charT and traits. If X::char_type is not the same type as C, the program is ill-formed. If different_from<X::char_type, C> is true, the program is ill-formed

The following is to be modified from General requirements [string.require], statement 3

In every specialization basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>, the type allocator_traits<Allocator>::value_type shall name the same type as charT. Every object of type basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> uses an object of type Allocator to allocate and free storage for the contained charT objects as needed. The Allocator object used is obtained as described in [container.requirements.general]. In every specialization basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>, the type traits shall mee the character traits requirements ([char.traits]). [Note: The program is ill-formed if traits::char_type is not the same type as charT different_from<traits::char_type, charT> is trueend note]

The following is to be modified from 21.4.2 Class template basic_string_view [string.view.template], statement 1

In every specialization basic_string_view<charT, traits>, the type traits shall mee the character traits requirements ([char.traits]). [Note: The program is ill-formed if traits::char_type is not the same type as charT different_from<traits::char_type, charT> is trueend note]

The following is to be removed from 24.5.1 Helper concepts [range.utility.helpers]

template<class T, class U>
  concept not-same-as = // exposition only
    !same_as<remove_cvref_t<T>, remove_cvref_t<U>>;

The following is to be modified in 24.5.3 Sub-ranges [range.subrange]

template<class From, class To>
   concept convertible-to-non-slicing = // exposition only
      convertible_to<From, To> &&
      !(is_pointer_v<decay_t<From>> &&
       is_pointer_v<decay_t<To>> &&
       not-same-as<remove_pointer_t<decay_t<From>>, remove_pointer_t<decay_t<To>>>);
      distinct_from<remove_pointer_t<decay_t<From>>, remove_pointer_t<decay_t<To>>>);

The following is to be modified in Constructors and conversions [range.subrange.ctor]

template<not-same-as<subrange> R>
template<distinct_from<subrange> R>
   requires borrowed_range<R> &&
      convertible-to-non-slicing<iterator_t<R>, I> &&
      convertible_­to<sentinel_t<R>, S>
constexpr subrange(R&& r) requires (!StoreSize || sized_­range<R>);
template<not-same-as<subrange> PairLike>
template<distinct_from<subrange> PairLike>
   requires pair-like-convertible-from<PairLike, const I&, const S&>
constexpr operator PairLike() const;

The following is to be modified in Class template ref_view [range.ref.view]

Inside of statement 1

template<not-same-as<ref_view> T>
template<distinct_from<ref_view> T>
   requires /* see below */
constexpr ref_view(T&& t);

At the definition preceeding statement 2

template<not-same-as<ref_view> T>
template<distinct_from<ref_view> T>
   requires /* see below */
constexpr ref_view(T&& t);

The following is to be modified in 29.3.2 Overview [iostream.forward.overview], statement 6

[Note: For each of the class tempaltes above, the program is ill-formed if traits::char_type is not the same type as charT different_from<traits::char_type, charT> is true ([char.traits]) —end note]

The following is to be modified in Constructors [thread.thread.constr], statement 3

Constraints: remove_cvref_t<F> is not the same type as thread distinct_from<F, thread> is true

The following is to be modified in Constructors, move, and assignment, statement 3

Constraints: remove_cvref_t<F> is not the same type as jthread distinct_from<F, jthread> is true

The following is to be modified in Member functions [futures.task.members], statement 2

Constraints: remove_cvref_t<F> is not the same type as packaged_task<R(ArgTypes...)> distinct_from<F, packaged_task> is true

The following is to be removed from the Index of library concepts


The following is to be added to the Index of library concepts

different_from[concept.different] , similar_to[concept.similar] , distinct_from[concept.distinct]