Add wait/notify to atomic<shared_ptr<T>>

Published Proposal,

Issue Tracking:
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++

1. Introduction

[P1135] added the member functions wait, notify_one, and notify_all to atomic<T>, but did not add those same member functions to atomic<shared_ptr<T>> or atomic<weak_ptr<T>> due to an oversight. This paper takes care of that, bringing the interfaces of atomic<shared_ptr<T>> and atomic<weak_ptr<T>> back in line with that of atomic<T>.

2. Changelog

Revision 0: Initial version.

3. Wording

Note: The following changes are relative to the post Kona 2019 working draft of ISO/IEC 14882, ([N4810]), with the changes from [P1135R5] merged in.

Modify the class synopsis in [util.smartptr.atomic.shared] as follows:

namespace std {
  template<class T> struct atomic<shared_ptr<T>> {

    // ...
    bool compare_exchange_strong(shared_ptr<T>& expected, shared_ptr<T> desired,
                   memory_order order = memory_order::seq_cst) noexcept;
    void wait(shared_ptr<T> old, memory_order order = memory_order::seq_cst) const noexcept;
    void notify_one() noexcept;
    void notify_all() noexcept;
    constexpr atomic() noexcept = default;
    // ...

Add the following to the end of [util.smartptr.atomic.shared]:

void wait(shared_ptr<T> old, memory_order order = memory_order::seq_cst) const noexcept;
Expects: order is neither memory_order::release nor memory_order::acq_rel.
Effects: Repeatedly performs the following steps, in order:
  • Evaluates load(order) and compares it to old.

  • If the two are not equivalent, returns.

  • Blocks until it is unblocked by an atomic notifying operation or is unblocked spuriously.

Remarks: Two shared_ptr objects are equivalent if they store the same pointer and either share ownership or are both empty. This function is an atomic waiting operation ([atomics.wait]).
void notify_one() noexcept;
Effects: Unblocks the execution of at least one atomic waiting operation that is eligible to be unblocked ([atomics.wait]) by this call, if any such atomic waiting operations exist.
Remarks: This function is an atomic notifying operation ([atomics.wait]).
void notify_all() noexcept;
Effects: Unblocks the execution of all atomic waiting operations that are eligible to be unblocked ([atomics.wait]) by this call.
Remarks: This function is an atomic notifying operation ([atomics.wait]).

Modify the class synopsis in [util.smartptr.atomic.weak] as follows:

namespace std {
  template<class T> struct atomic<weak_ptr<T>> {

    // ...
    bool compare_exchange_strong(weak_ptr<T>& expected, weak_ptr<T> desired,
                   memory_order order = memory_order::seq_cst) noexcept;
    void wait(weak_ptr<T> old, memory_order order = memory_order::seq_cst) const noexcept;
    void notify_one() noexcept;
    void notify_all() noexcept;
    constexpr atomic() noexcept = default;
    // ...

Add the following to the end of [util.smartptr.atomic.weak]:

void wait(weak_ptr<T> old, memory_order order = memory_order::seq_cst) const noexcept;
Expects: order is neither memory_order::release nor memory_order::acq_rel.
Effects: Repeatedly performs the following steps, in order:
  • Evaluates load(order) and compares it to old.

  • If the two are not equivalent, returns.

  • Blocks until it is unblocked by an atomic notifying operation or is unblocked spuriously.

*Remarks: Two weak_ptr objects are equivalent if they store the same pointer and either share ownership or are both empty. This function is an atomic waiting operation ([atomics.wait]).
void notify_one() noexcept;
Effects: Unblocks the execution of at least one atomic waiting operation that is eligible to be unblocked ([atomics.wait]) by this call, if any such atomic waiting operations exist.
Remarks: This function is an atomic notifying operation ([atomics.wait]).
void notify_all() noexcept;
Effects: Unblocks the execution of all atomic waiting operations that are eligible to be unblocked ([atomics.wait]) by this call.
Remarks: This function is an atomic notifying operation ([atomics.wait]).


Informative References

Richard Smith. Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++. 15 March 2019. URL: https://wg21.link/n4810