Doc. No.: WG21/N0843=X3J16/96-0025 Date: 30 Jan 1996 Project: C++ Standard Library Reply to: Nathan Myers Clause 20 (Utilities Library) Issues (Revision 3) ** Revision History: Revision 0 - 22 May 1995 [was Version 1] Revision 1 - 09 Jul 1995 [was Version 2] (edits before Monterey) Revision 2 - 26 Sep 1995 (pre-Tokyo) Revision 3 - 30 Jan 1996 (pre-Santa Cruz) ** Introduction This document is a summary of issues identified for the Clause 20, identifying resolutions as they are voted on, and offering recommendations for unsolved problems in the Draft where possible. --------------- ** Work Group: Library: Utilities Clause 20 ** Issue Number: 20-014 ** Title: allocator could be a template again ** Sections: [lib.allocator.requirements], [lib.default.allocator] ** Status: active ** Description: In many containers, what one allocates is not objects of type T, but objects of type (e.g.) Node. Therefore, in most cases the container would be passed an allocator when what it needs is an allocator< Node >, and possibly other instantiations as well. ** Discussion: A separate proposal spells out the details. 1. A template constructor: template allocator(const allocator&) throw(); 2. and a member template containing a typedef: template struct rehost { typedef allocator other; }; These two changes permit a container to construct an allocator of the required type, given one for any other type. ** Proposed Resolution: As in N0790 = 95-0190, Allocator Cleanup. ** Requester: Myers --------------- ** Work Group: Library: Utilities Clause 20 ** Issue Number: 20-010 ** Title: auto_ptr specification wrong. ** Sections: 20 [] ** Status: active ** Description: The specification for auto_ptr in the July Draft did not match the defining proposal, in many details. I don't know if Greg is satisfied yet. ** Proposed Resolution Change the specification to match the resolution accepted by the committee. ** Requestor: Greg Colvin ** Owner: --------------- ** Work Group: Library: Utilities Clause 20 ** Issue Number: 20-020 ** Title: Template constructor for pair<> ** Sections: [lib.pairs] ** Status: active ** Description: make_pair() doesn't do what is needed for its most common use: constructing pairs for maps. A small change in pair<> would solve the problem. ** Discussion: ** Proposed Resolution: Add to pair a template constructor: template pair(const pair& p); Effects: initializes members from the corresponding members of the argument, performing implicit conversions as needed. ** Requestor: Nathan Myers ** Owner: --------------- ** Work Group: Library: Utilities Clause 20 ** Issue Number: 20-023 ** Title: pair<> should have typedefs ** Sections: [lib.utilities] ** Status: active ** Description: Given a pair, one cannot get the types of the elements T1 and T2. ** Proposed Resolution: In [lib.pairs]: Add to struct pair: typedef T1 first_type; typedef T2 second_type; [note: this is now part of omnibus proposal N0845 = 96-0027.] ** Requestor: Myers ** Owner: --------------- Closed issues: ** Issue Number: 20-001 ** Title: Allocator needs operator == ** Resolution: passed ** Issue Number: 20-002 ** Title: allocator::types<> has no public members ** Resolution: passed ** Issue Number: 20-003 ** Title: Allocator requirements incomplete ** Resolution: passed ** Issue Number: 20-004 ** Title: allocator parameter "hint" needs hints on usage ** Resolution: passed ** Issue Number: 20-005 ** Title: Default allocator member allocate() doesn't "new T". ** Resolution: passed ** Issue Number: 20-006 ** Title: allocator::max_size() not documented ** Resolution: passed ** Issue Number: 20-007 ** Title: C functions asctime() and strftime() use global locale ** Status: closed by default (Tokyo) ** Issue Number: 20-008 ** Title: construct() and destroy() functions should be members ** Resolution: passed ** Issue Number: 20-009 ** Title: Allocator member init_page_size() no longer appropriate. ** Resolution: closed ** Issue Number: 20-011 ** Title: specialization of allocator::types incomplete ** Resolution: passed ** Issue Number: 20-012 ** Title: get_temporary_buffer has extra argument declared ** Resolution: passed ** Issue Number: 20-013 ** Title: get_temporary_buffer semantics incomplete ** Resolution: passed ** Issue Number: 20-015 ** Title: class unary_negate ill-specified. ** Resolution: passed ** Issue Number: 20-016 ** Title: binder{1st|2nd}::value types wrong. ** Resolution: passed ** Issue Number: 20-017 ** Title: implicit_cast template wanted ** Status: closed, no action (Tokyo) ** Issue Number: 20-018 ** Title: auto_ptr::reset to self ** Status: closed, implemented choice 2 (Tokyo) ** Issue Number: 20-019 ** Title: no default ctors on many lib classes ** Status: closed, no action (Tokyo) ** Issue Number: 20-021 ** Title: should pair<> have a default constructor? ** Status: closed, implemented (Tokyo) ** Issue Number: 20-022 ** Title: unary_compose and binary_compose missing. ** Status: closed, no action (Tokyo)