Atomic Refs Bounded to Memory Orderings & Atomic Accessors

Document #: P2689R1
Date: 2023-01-13
Project: Programming Language C++
Reply-to: Christian Trott
Damien Lebrun-Grandie
Mark Hoemmen
Daniel Sunderland
Nevin Liber

1 Revision History

1.1 P2689R1 2023-01 (pre-Issaquah 2023) mailing

1.2 Initial Version 2022-10 Mailing

1.2.1 Kona 2022 SG1 polls SG1 Poll #1

We like the bound memory_order versions of atomic_ref (This says nothing about whether these are aliases of general a template that takes a memory_order argument.)

atomic_ref_acq_rel (acquire for load, release for store)
1 11 0 1 0

Consensus SG1 Poll #2

X) The meaning of the bound memory_order is that is the default order
Y) The meaning of the bound memory_order is that is the only order
1 1 3 4 2

Consensus for Y

SX : we have a variant of this type in Folly and it has been useful to be able to override this
SY : it’s weird for atomic_ref_relaxed to have a seq_cst atomic done to it; since you can re-form the _ref you can still do it SG1 Poll #3

the next version of this proposal, with these changes, should target SG1 & LEWG

atomic_accessor -> atomic_ref
atomic_accessor_relaxed -> atomic_ref_relaxed
atomic_accessor_acq_rel -> atomic_ref_acq_rel
atomic_accessor_seq_cst -> atomic_ref_seq_cst

(Return to SG1 for final wording when this is in LWG.)
6 6 2 0 0

2 Rational

This proposal adds three atomic_ref like types each bounded to a particular memory_order. The API differs from atomic_ref in that the memory_order cannot be specified at run time; i.e., none of its member functions take a memory_order parameter. In the specific case of atomic_ref_acq_rel, loads are done via memory_order_acquire and stores are done via memory_order_release.

Atomic Ref memory_order Loads Stores
atomic_ref_relaxed memory_order_relaxed memory_order_relaxed memory_order_relaxed
atomic_ref_acq_rel memory_order_acq_rel memory_order_acquire memory_order_release
atomic_ref_seq_cst memory_order_seq_cst memory_order_seq_cst memory_order_seq_cst

This proposal also adds four atomic accessors to be used with mdspan. They only differ with their reference types and all operations are performed atomically by using that corresponding reference type.

Accessor reference
atomic_accessor atomic_ref
atomic_accessor_relaxed atomic_ref_relaxed
atomic_accessor_acq_rel atomic_ref_acq_rel
atomic_accessor_seq_cst atomic_ref_seq_cst

atomic_accessor was part of the rational provided in P0009 for mdspans accessor policy template parameter.

One of the primary use cases for these accessors is the ability to write algorithms with somewhat generic mdspan outputs, which can be called in sequential and parallel contexts. When called in parallel contexts users would simply pass an mdspan with an atomic accessor - the algorithm implementation itself could be agnostic to the calling context.

A variation on this use case is an implementation of an algorithm taking an execution policy, which adds the atomic accessor to its output argument if called with a parallel policy, while using the default_accessor when called with a sequential policy. The following demonstrates this with a function computing a histogram:

template<class T, class Extents, class LayoutPolicy>
auto add_atomic_accessor_if_needed(
    mdspan<T, Extents, LayoutPolicy> m) {
        return m;

template<class ExecutionPolicy, class T, class Extents, class LayoutPolicy>
auto add_atomic_accessor_if_needed(
    mdspan<T, Extents, LayoutPolicy> m) {
        return mdspan(m.data_handle(), m.mapping(), atomic_accessor<T>());

template<class ExecT>
void compute_histogram(ExecT exec, float bin_size,
               mdspan<int, stdex::dextents<int,1>> output,
               mdspan<float, stdex::dextents<int,1>> data) {


  auto accumulator = add_atomic_accessor_if_needed(exec, output);

  for_each(exec, data.data_handle(), data.data_handle()+data.extent(0), [=](float val) {
    int bin = std::abs(val)/bin_size;
    if(bin > output.extent(0)) bin = output.extent(0)-1;

The above example is available on godbolt: .

3 Design decisions

Three options for atomic refs were discussed in SG1 in Kona 2022: add new types for memory_order bounded atomic refs, add a new memory_order template parameter to the existing atomic_ref, or add a constructor to the existing atomic_ref that takes a memory_order and stores it. Given that the last two are ABI breaks, the first option was polled and chosen. It was also decided that the new bounded atomic refs would not support overriding the specified memory_order at run time.

This proposal has chosen to make a general exposition-only template atomic-ref-bounded that takes a memory_order as a template argument and alias templates for the three specific bounded atomic refs. Also, the various member functions are constrained by integral types not including bool, floating point types and pointer types, as opposed to the different template specializations specified for atomic_ref. Other than not being able to specifiy the memory_order at run time, the intention is that the bounded atomic ref types have the same functionality and API as atomic_ref.

Similarly for the atomic accessors, it was decided in SG1 in Kona 2022 to add four new types. This proposal has chosen to make a general exposition-only template basic-atomic-accessor which takes the reference type as a template parameter, and four alias templates for the specific atomic accessors.

4 Open questions

This proposal uses alias templates to exposition-only types for atomic_ref_relaxed, atomic_accessor, etc. However, we do not want to prescribe a particular implementation. For instance, if an implementer wished to derive from an atomic-ref-bounded-like type (to get a more user friendly name mangling, which is something not normally covered by the Standard), would they be allowed to do so? We believe an alias template to an exposition-only type is not observable from the point of view of the Standard and such an implementation would be allowed, but we request clarification on this.

5 Wording

The proposed changes are relative to N4917:

5.1 Bounded atomic ref

5.1.1 Add the following just before [atomics.types.generic]:

Class template atomic-ref-bounded [atomics.ref.bounded]

General [atomics.ref.bounded.general]

// all freestanding
template <class T, memory_order MemoryOrder>
struct atomic-ref-bounded {  // exposition only
    using atomic_ref_unbounded = atomic_ref<T>;  // exposition only
    atomic_ref_unbounded ref;                    // exposition only

    static constexpr memory_order store_ordering =
        MemoryOrder == memory_order_acq_rel ? memory_order_release
                                            : MemoryOrder;  // exposition only

    static constexpr memory_order load_ordering =
        MemoryOrder == memory_order_acq_rel ? memory_order_acquire
                                            : MemoryOrder;  // exposition only

    static constexpr bool is_integral_value =
        is_integral_v<T> && !is_same_v<T, bool>;  // exposition only
    static constexpr bool is_floating_point_value =
        is_floating_point_v<T>;  // exposition only
    static constexpr bool is_pointer_value =
        is_pointer_v<T>;  // exposition only

    using value_type = T;
    using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
    static constexpr memory_order memory_ordering = MemoryOrder;
    static constexpr size_t required_alignment = atomic_ref_unbounded::required_alignment;

    static constexpr bool is_always_lock_free = atomic_ref_unbounded::is_always_lock_free;
    bool is_lock_free() const noexcept;

    explicit atomic-ref-bounded(T& t);
    atomic-ref-bounded(atomic-ref-bounded const& a) noexcept;
    atomic-ref-bounded& operator=(atomic-ref-bounded const&) = delete;

    void store(T desired) const noexcept;
    T operator=(T desired) const noexcept;
    T load() const noexcept;
    operator T() const noexcept;

    T exchange(T desired) const noexcept;
    bool compare_exchange_weak(T& expected, T desired) const noexcept;
    bool compare_exchange_strong(T& expected, T desired) const noexcept;

    T fetch_add(T operand) const noexcept;
    T fetch_add(difference_type operand) const noexcept;
    T fetch_sub(T operand) const noexcept;
    T fetch_sub(difference_type operand) const noexcept;

    T fetch_and(T operand) const noexcept;
    T fetch_or(T operand) const noexcept;
    T fetch_xor(T operand) const noexcept;

    T operator++(int) const noexcept;
    T operator++() const noexcept;
    T operator--(int) const noexcept;
    T operator--() const noexcept;

    T operator+=(T operand) const noexcept;
    T operator+=(difference_type operand) const noexcept;
    T operator-=(T operand) const noexcept;
    T operator-=(difference_type operand) const noexcept;

    T operator&=(T operand) const noexcept;
    T operator|=(T operand) const noexcept;
    T operator^=(T operand) const noexcept;

    void wait(T old) const noexcept;
    void notify_one() const noexcept;
    void notify_all() const noexcept;

1 Class atomic-ref-bounded is for exposition only.

2 Mandates:

[Note: Unlike atomic_ref, the memory ordering for the arithmetic operators is MemoryOrder, which is not necessarily memory_order_seq_cst. – end note]

Operations [atomics.ref.bounded.ops]

bool is_lock_free() const noexcept;

1 Effects: Equivalent to: return ref.is_lock_free();

explicit atomic-ref-bounded(T& t);

2 Preconditions: The referenced object is aligned to required_alignment.

3 Postconditions: ref references the object referenced by t.

4 Throws: Nothing.

atomic-ref-bounded(atomic-ref-bounded const& a) noexcept;

5 Postconditions: *this references the object referenced by a.

void store(T desired) const noexcept;

6 Effects: Equivalent to:, store_ordering);

T operator=(T desired) const noexcept;

7 Effects: Equivalent to: store(desired); return desired;

T load() const noexcept;

8 Effects: Equivalent to: ref.load(load_ordering);

operator T() const noexcept;

9 Effects: Equivalent to: return load();

T exchange(T desired) const noexcept;

10 Effects: Equivalent to: return, memory_ordering);

bool compare_exchange_weak(T& expected, T desired) const noexcept;

11 Effects: Equivalent to: return ref.compare_exchange_weak(expected, desired, memory_ordering, load_ordering);

bool compare_exchange_strong(T& expected, T desired) const noexcept;

12 Effects: Equivalent to: return ref.compare_exchange_strong(expected, desired, memory_ordering, load_ordering);

T fetch_add(T operand) const noexcept;

13 Constraints: is_integral_value || is_floating_point_value is true.

14 Effects: Equivalent to: return ref.fetch_add(operand, memory_ordering);

T fetch_add(difference_type operand) const noexcept;

15 Constraints: is_pointer_value is true.

16 Effects: Equivalent to: return ref.fetch_add(operand, memory_ordering);

T fetch_sub(T operand) const noexcept;

17 Constraints: is_integral_value || is_floating_point_value is true.

18 Effects: Equivalent to: return ref.fetch_sub(operand, memory_ordering);

T fetch_sub(difference_type operand) const noexcept;

19 Constraints: is_pointer_value is true.

20 Effects: Equivalent to: return ref.fetch_sub(operand, memory_ordering);

T fetch_and(difference_type operand) const noexcept;

21 Constraints: is_integral_value is true.

22 Effects: Equivalent to: return ref.fetch_and(operand, memory_ordering);

T fetch_or(difference_type operand) const noexcept;

23 Constraints: is_integral_value is true.

24 Effects: Equivalent to: return ref.fetch_or(operand, memory_ordering);

T fetch_xor(difference_type operand) const noexcept;

25 Constraints: is_integral_value is true.

26 Effects: Equivalent to: return ref.fetch_xor(operand, memory_ordering);

T operator++(int) const noexcept;

27 Constraints: is_integral_value || is_pointer_value is true.

28 Effects: Equivalent to: return fetch_add(1);

T operator++() const noexcept;

29 Constraints: is_integral_value || is_pointer_value is true.

30 Effects: Equivalent to: return fetch_add(1) + 1;

T operator--(int) const noexcept;

31 Constraints: is_integral_value || is_pointer_value is true.

32 Effects: Equivalent to: return fetch_sub(1);

T operator--() const noexcept;

33 Constraints: is_integral_value || is_pointer_value is true.

34 Effects: Equivalent to: return fetch_sub(1) - 1;

T operator+=(T operand) const noexcept;

35 Constraints: is_integral_value || is_floating_point_value is true.

36 Effects: Equivalent to: return fetch_add(operand) + operand;

T operator+=(difference_type operand) const noexcept;

37 Constraints: is_pointer_value is true.

38 Effects: Equivalent to: return fetch_add(operand) + operand;

T operator-=(T operand) const noexcept;

39 Constraints: is_integral_value || is_floating_point_value is true.

40 Effects: Equivalent to: return fetch_sub(operand) - operand;

T operator-=(difference_type operand) const noexcept;

41 Constraints: is_pointer_value is true.

42 Effects: Equivalent to: return fetch_sub(operand) - operand;

T operator&=(T operand) const noexcept;

43 Constraints: is_integral_value is true.

44 Effects: Equivalent to: return fetch_and(operand) & operand;

T operator|=(T operand) const noexcept;

45 Constraints: is_integral_value is true.

46 Effects: Equivalent to: return fetch_or(operand) | operand;

T operator^=(T operand) const noexcept;

47 Constraints: is_integral_value is true.

48 Effects: Equivalent to: return fetch_xor(operand) ^ operand;

void wait(T old) const noexcept;

49 Effects: Equivalent to: ref.wait(old, load_ordering);

void notify_one() const noexcept;

50 Effects: Equivalent to: ref.notify_one(); }

void notify_all() const noexcept;

51 Effects: Equivalent to: ref.notify_all(); }

Memory Order Specific Atomic Refs [atomics.refs.bounded.order]

// all freestanding
namespace std {
template<class T>
using atomic_ref_relaxed = atomic-ref-bounded<T, memory_order_relaxed>;

template<class T>
using atomic_ref_acq_rel = atomic-ref-bounded<T, memory_order_acq_rel>;

template<class T>
using atomic_ref_seq_cst = atomic-ref-bounded<T, memory_order_seq_cst>;

5.1.2 In [version.syn]:

Update the feature test macro __cpp_lib_atomic_ref.

5.2 Atomic Accessors

5.2.1 Put the following before [mdspan.mdspan]:

Class template basic-atomic-accessor [mdspan.accessor.basic]

General [mdspan.accessor.basic.overview]

template <class ElementType, class ReferenceType>
struct basic-atomic-accessor {  // exposition only
    using offset_policy = basic-atomic-accessor;
    using element_type = ElementType;
    using reference = ReferenceType;
    using data_handle_type = ElementType*;

    constexpr basic-atomic-accessor() noexcept = default;

    template <class OtherElementType>
    constexpr basic-atomic-accessor(default_accessor<OtherElementType>) noexcept;

    template <class OtherElementType>
    constexpr basic-atomic-accessor(basic-atomic-accessor<OtherElementType, ReferenceType>) noexcept;

    constexpr reference access(data_handle_type p, size_t i) const noexcept;
    constexpr data_handle_type offset(data_handle_type p, size_t i) const noexcept;

1 Class basic-atomic-accessor is for exposition only.

2 basic-atomic-accessor meets the accessor policy requirements.

3 ElementType is required to be a complete object type that is neither an abstract class type nor an array type.

4 Each specialization of basic-atomic-accessor is a trivially copyable type that models semiregular.

5 [0,n) is an accessible range for an object p of type data_handle_type and an object of type basic-atomic-accessor if and only if [p,p+n) is a valid range.

Members [mdspan.accessor.basic.members]

template <class OtherElementType>
constexpr basic-atomic-accessor(default_accessor<OtherElementType>) noexcept {}

template <class OtherElementType>
constexpr basic-atomic-accessor(basic-atomic-accessor<OtherElementType, ReferenceType>) noexcept {}

1 Constraints: is_convertible_v<OtherElementType (*)[], element_type (*)[]> is true.

constexpr reference access(data_handle_type p, size_t i) const noexcept;

2 Effects: Equivalent to return reference(p + i);

constexpr data_handle_type offset(data_handle_type p, size_t i) const noexcept;

3 Effects: Equivalent to return p[i];

Atomic accessors [mdspan.accessor.atomic]

namespace std {
template <class ElementType>
using atomic_accessor = basic-atomic-accessor<ElementType, atomic_ref<ElementType>>;

template <class ElementType>
using atomic_accessor_relaxed = basic-atomic-accessor<ElementType, atomic_ref_relaxed<ElementType>>;

template <class ElementType>
using atomic_accessor_acq_rel = basic-atomic-accessor<ElementType, atomic_ref_acq_rel<ElementType>>;

template <class ElementType>
using atomic_accessor_seq_cst = basic-atomic-accessor<ElementType, atomic_ref_seq_cst<ElementType>>;

5.3 In [version.syn]

Add the following feature test macro:

#define __cpp_lib_atomic_accessors YYYYMML // also in <mdspan>

6 Acknowledgments

Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under Grant DE-NA-0003525.

This manuscript has been authored by UTBattelle, LLC, under Grant DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

This work was supported by Exascale Computing Project 17-SC-20-SC, a joint project of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science and National Nuclear Security Administration, responsible for delivering a capable exascale ecosystem, including software, applications, and hardware technology, to support the nation’s exascale computing imperative.

This research used resources of the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility, which is a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported under Contract DE-AC02-06CH11357.