C++ Standard Library Issues to be moved in Issaquah, Feb. 2023

Doc. no. P2789R0


Audience: WG21
Reply to: Jonathan Wakely <lwgchair@gmail.com>

Ready Issues

2195. Missing constructors for match_results

Section: 32.9 [re.results] Status: Ready Submitter: Daniel Krügler Opened: 2012-10-06 Last modified: 2022-11-10

Priority: 3

View all other issues in [re.results].


The requirement expressed in 32.9 [re.results] p2

The class template match_results shall satisfy the requirements of an allocator-aware container and of a sequence container, as specified in 24.2.4 [sequence.reqmts], except that only operations defined for const-qualified sequence containers are supported.

can be read to require the existence of the described constructors from as well, but they do not exist in the synopsis.

The missing sequence constructors are:

match_results(size_type, const value_type&);
template<class InputIterator> match_results(InputIterator, InputIterator);

The missing allocator-aware container constructors are:

match_results(const match_results&, const Allocator&);
match_results(match_results&&, const Allocator&);

It should be clarified, whether (a) constructors are an exception of above mentioned operations or (b) whether at least some of them (like those accepting a match_results value and an allocator) should be added.

As visible in several places of the standard (including the core language), constructors seem usually to be considered as "operations" and they certainly can be invoked for const-qualified objects.

The below given proposed resolution applies only the minimum necessary fix, i.e. it excludes constructors from above requirement.

[2013-04-20, Bristol]

Check current implementations to see what they do and, possibly, write a paper.

[2013-09 Chicago]

Ask Daniel to update the proposed wording to include the allocator copy and move constructors.

[2014-01-18 Daniel changes proposed resolution]

Previous resolution from Daniel [SUPERSEDED]:

  1. Change 32.9 [re.results] p2 as indicated:

    The class template match_results shall satisfy the requirements of an allocator-aware container and of a sequence container, as specified in 24.2.4 [sequence.reqmts], except that only operations defined for const-qualified sequence containers that are not constructors are supported.

[2015-05-06 Lenexa]

MC passes important knowledge to EF.

VV, RP: Looks good.

TK: Second form should be conditionally noexcept

JY: Sequence constructors are not here, but mentioned in the issue writeup. Why?

TK: That would have been fixed by the superseded wording.

JW: How does this interact with Mike Spertus' allocator-aware regexes? [...] Perhaps it doesn't.

JW: Can't create match_results, want both old and new resolution.

JY: It's problematic that users can't create these, but not this issue.

VV: Why conditional noexcept?

MC: Allocator move might throw.

JW: Update superseded wording to "only non-constructor operations that are"?

MC: Only keep superseded, but append "and the means of constructing match_results are limited to [...]"?

JY: Bullet 4 paragraph 2 needs to address the allocator constructor.

Assigned to JW for drafting.

[2015-10, Kona Saturday afternoon]

STL: I want Mike Spertus to be aware of this issue.

Previous resolution from Daniel [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N3936.

  1. Change 32.9 [re.results] p4, class template match_results synopsis, as indicated:

    // 28.10.1, construct/copy/destroy:
    explicit match_results(const Allocator& a = Allocator());
    match_results(const match_results& m);
    match_results(const match_results& m, const Allocator& a);
    match_results(match_results&& m) noexcept;
    match_results(match_results&& m, const Allocator& a) noexcept;
  2. Change 32.9.2 [re.results.const] as indicated: [Drafting note: Paragraph 6 as currently written, makes not much sense, because the noexcept does not allow any exception to propagate. Further-on, the allocator requirements do not allow for throwing move constructors. Deleting it seems to be near to editorial — end drafting note]

    match_results(const match_results& m);
    match_results(const match_results& m, const Allocator& a);

    -4- Effects: Constructs an object of class match_results, as a copy of m.

    match_results(match_results&& m) noexcept;
    match_results(match_results&& m, const Allocator& a) noexcept;

    -5- Effects: Move-constructs an object of class match_results from m satisfying the same postconditions as Table 142. AdditionallyFor the first form, the stored Allocator value is move constructed from m.get_allocator().

    -6- Throws: Nothing if the allocator's move constructor throws nothing.

[2019-03-27 Jonathan updates proposed resolution]

Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N4810.

These edits overlap with the proposed resolution of 2191 but it should be obvious how to resolve the conflicts. Both resolutions remove the word "Additionally" from p4. Issue 2191 removes the entire Throws: element in p5 but this issue replaces it with different text that applies to the new constructor only.

  1. Change 32.9 [re.results] p4, class template match_results synopsis, as indicated:

    // 30.10.1, construct/copy/destroy:
    explicit match_results(const Allocator& a = Allocator());
    match_results(const match_results& m);
    match_results(const match_results& m, const Allocator& a);
    match_results(match_results&& m) noexcept;
    match_results(match_results&& m, const Allocator& a);
  2. Change 32.9.2 [re.results.const] as indicated:

    match_results(const match_results& m);
    match_results(const match_results& m, const Allocator& a);

    -3- Effects: Constructs an object of class match_results, as a copy of m. For the second form, the stored Allocator value is constructed from a.

    match_results(match_results&& m) noexcept;
    match_results(match_results&& m, const Allocator& a);

    -4- Effects: Move-constructs an object of class match_results from m satisfying the same postconditions as Table 128. AdditionallyFor the first form, the stored Allocator value is move constructed from m.get_allocator(). For the second form, the stored Allocator value is constructed from a.

    -6- Throws: Nothing. The second form throws nothing if a == m.get_allocator().

[2022-11-06; Daniel syncs wording with recent working draft]

To ensure that all constructors are consistent in regard to the information about how the stored allocator is constructed, more wording is added. This harmonizes with the way how we specify the individual container constructors (Such as vector) even though [container.alloc.reqmts] already provides some guarantees. For the copy-constructor we intentionally refer to [container.reqmts] so that we don't need to repeat what is said there.

[Kona 2022-11-08; Move to Ready]

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Change 32.9 [re.results], class template match_results synopsis, as indicated:

    // 32.9.2 [re.results.const], construct/copy/destroy:
    match_results() : match_results(Allocator()) {}
    explicit match_results(const Allocator& a);
    match_results(const match_results& m);
    match_results(const match_results& m, const Allocator& a);
    match_results(match_results&& m) noexcept;
    match_results(match_results&& m, const Allocator& a);
  2. Change 32.9.2 [re.results.const] as indicated:

    explicit match_results(const Allocator& a);

    -?- Effects: The stored Allocator value is constructed from a.

    -2- Postconditions: ready() returns false. size() returns 0.

    match_results(const match_results& m);
    match_results(const match_results& m, const Allocator& a);

    -?- Effects: For the first form, the stored Allocator value is obtained as specified in [container.reqmts]. For the second form, the stored Allocator value is constructed from a.

    -3- Postconditions: As specified in Table 142 [tab:re.results.const].

    match_results(match_results&& m) noexcept;
    match_results(match_results&& m, const Allocator& a);

    -4- Effects: For the first form, tThe stored Allocator value is move constructed from m.get_allocator(). For the second form, the stored Allocator value is constructed from a.

    -5- Postconditions: As specified in Table 142 [tab:re.results.const].

    -?- Throws: The second form throws nothing if a == m.get_allocator() is true.

2295. Locale name when the provided Facet is a nullptr

Section: [locale.cons] Status: Ready Submitter: Juan Soulie Opened: 2013-09-04 Last modified: 2022-11-09

Priority: 3

View other active issues in [locale.cons].

View all other issues in [locale.cons].

Discussion: [locale.cons] p14 ends with:

"[…] If f is null, the resulting object is a copy of other."

but the next line p15 says:

"Remarks: The resulting locale has no name."

But both can't be true when other has a name and f is null.

I've tried it on two implementations (MSVC,GCC) and they are inconsistent with each other on this.

Daniel Krügler:

As currently written, the Remarks element applies unconditionally for all cases and thus should "win". The question arises whether the introduction of this element by LWG 424 had actually intended to change the previous Note to a Remarks element. In either case the wording should be improved to clarify this special case.

[2022-02-14; Daniel comments]

This issue seems to have some overlap with LWG 3676 so both should presumably be resolved in a harmonized way.

[2022-11-01; Jonathan provides wording]

This also resolves 3673 and 3676.

[2022-11-04; Jonathan revises wording after feedback]

Revert an incorrect edit to p8, which was incorrectly changed to:

"If cats is equal to locale::none, the resulting locale has the same name as locale(std_name). Otherwise, the locale has a name if and only if other has a name."

[Kona 2022-11-08; Move to Ready status]

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify [locale.cons] as indicated:

    explicit locale(const char* std_name);

    -2- Effects: Constructs a locale using standard C locale names, e.g., "POSIX". The resulting locale implements semantics defined to be associated with that name.

    -3- Throws: runtime_error if the argument is not valid, or is null.

    -4- Remarks: The set of valid string argument values is "C", "", and any implementation-defined values.

    explicit locale(const string& std_name);

    -5- Effects: The same asEquivalent to locale(std_name.c_str()).

    locale(const locale& other, const char* std_name, category cats);

    -?- Preconditions: cats is a valid category value ( [locale.category]).

    -6- Effects: Constructs a locale as a copy of other except for the facets identified by the category argument, which instead implement the same semantics as locale(std_name).

    -7- Throws: runtime_error if the second argument is not valid, or is null.

    -8- Remarks: The locale has a name if and only if other has a name.

    locale(const locale& other, const string& std_name, category cats);

    -9- Effects: The same asEquivalent to locale(other, std_name.c_str(), cats).

    template<class Facet> locale(const locale& other, Facet* f);

    -10- Effects: Constructs a locale incorporating all facets from the first argument except that of type Facet, and installs the second argument as the remaining facet. If f is null, the resulting object is a copy of other.

    -11- Remarks: If f is null, the resulting locale has the same name as other. Otherwise, the The resulting locale has no name.

    locale(const locale& other, const locale& one, category cats);

    -?- Preconditions: cats is a valid category value.

    -12- Effects: Constructs a locale incorporating all facets from the first argument except for those that implement cats, which are instead incorporated from the second argument.

    -13- Remarks: If cats is equal to locale::none, the resulting locale has a name if and only if the first argument has a name. Otherwise, the The locale has a name if and only if the first two arguments both have names.

3032. ValueSwappable requirement missing for push_heap and make_heap

Section: 27.8.8 [alg.heap.operations] Status: Ready Submitter: Robert Douglas Opened: 2017-11-08 Last modified: 2022-11-10

Priority: 3

View all other issues in [alg.heap.operations].


In discussion of D0202R3 in Albuquerque, it was observed that pop_heap and sort_heap had constexpr removed for their requirement of ValueSwappable. It was then observed that push_heap and make_heap were not similarly marked as having the ValueSwappable requirement. The room believed this was likely a specification error, and asked to open an issue to track it.

[2017-11 Albuquerque Wednesday night issues processing]

Priority set to 3; Marshall to investigate

Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N4700.

  1. Change [push.heap] as indicated:

    template<class RandomAccessIterator>
      void push_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last);
    template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
      void push_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
                     Compare comp);

    -1- Requires: The range [first, last - 1) shall be a valid heap. RandomAccessIterator shall satisfy the requirements of ValueSwappable ( [swappable.requirements]). The type of *first shall satisfy the MoveConstructible requirements (Table 23) and the MoveAssignable requirements (Table 25).

  2. Change [make.heap] as indicated:

    template<class RandomAccessIterator>
      void make_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last);
    template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
      void make_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
                     Compare comp);

    -1- Requires: RandomAccessIterator shall satisfy the requirements of ValueSwappable ( [swappable.requirements]). The type of *first shall satisfy the MoveConstructible requirements (Table 23) and the MoveAssignable requirements (Table 25).

[2022-11-06; Daniel comments and syncs wording with recent working draft]

For reference, the finally accepted paper was P0202R3 and the constexpr-ification of swap-related algorithms had been realized later by P0879R0 after resolution of CWG 1581 and more importantly CWG 1330.

[Kona 2022-11-09; Move to Ready]

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Change [push.heap] as indicated:

    template<class RandomAccessIterator>
      constexpr void push_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last);
    template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
      constexpr void push_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
                               Compare comp);
    template<random_access_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S, class Comp = ranges::less,
             class Proj = identity>
      requires sortable<I, Comp, Proj>
      constexpr I
        ranges::push_heap(I first, S last, Comp comp = {}, Proj proj = {});
    template<random_access_range R, class Comp = ranges::less, class Proj = identity>
      requires sortable<iterator_t<R>, Comp, Proj>
      constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<R>
        ranges::push_heap(R&& r, Comp comp = {}, Proj proj = {});

    -1- Let comp be less{} and proj be identity{} for the overloads with no parameters by those names.

    -2- Preconditions: The range [first, last - 1) is a valid heap with respect to comp and proj. For the overloads in namespace std, RandomAccessIterator meets the Cpp17ValueSwappable requirements ( [swappable.requirements]) and the type of *first meets the Cpp17MoveConstructible requirements (Table 32) and the Cpp17MoveAssignable requirements (Table 34).

    -3- Effects: Places the value in the location last - 1 into the resulting heap [first, last).

    -4- Returns: last for the overloads in namespace ranges.

    -5- Complexity: At most log(last - first) comparisons and twice as many projections.

  2. Change [make.heap] as indicated:

    template<class RandomAccessIterator>
      constexpr void make_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last);
    template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
      constexpr void make_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
                               Compare comp);
    template<random_access_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S, class Comp = ranges::less,
             class Proj = identity>
      requires sortable<I, Comp, Proj>
      constexpr I
        ranges::make_heap(I first, S last, Comp comp = {}, Proj proj = {});
    template<random_access_range R, class Comp = ranges::less, class Proj = identity>
      requires sortable<iterator_t<R>, Comp, Proj>
      constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<R>
        ranges::make_heap(R&& r, Comp comp = {}, Proj proj = {});

    -1- Let comp be less{} and proj be identity{} for the overloads with no parameters by those names.

    -2- Preconditions: For the overloads in namespace std, RandomAccessIterator meets the Cpp17ValueSwappable requirements ( [swappable.requirements]) and the type of *first meets the Cpp17MoveConstructible (Table 32) and Cpp17MoveAssignable (Table 34) requirements.

    -3- Effects: Constructs a heap with respect to comp and proj out of the range [first, last).

    -4- Returns: last for the overloads in namespace ranges.

    -5- Complexity: At most 3(last - first) comparisons and twice as many projections.

3085. char_traits::copy precondition too weak

Section: 23.2.2 [char.traits.require] Status: Ready Submitter: Jonathan Wakely Opened: 2018-03-16 Last modified: 2022-11-11

Priority: 2

View other active issues in [char.traits.require].

View all other issues in [char.traits.require].


Table 54, Character traits requirements, says that char_traits::move allows the ranges to overlap, but char_traits::copy requires that p is not in the range [s, s + n). This appears to be an attempt to map to the requirements of memmove and memcpy respectively, allowing those to be used to implement the functions, however the requirements for copy are weaker than those for memcpy. The C standard says for memcpy "If copying takes place between objects that overlap, the behavior is undefined" which is a stronger requirement than the start of the source range not being in the destination range.

All of libstdc++, libc++ and VC++ simply use memcpy for char_traits<char>::copy, resulting in undefined behaviour in this example:

char p[] = "abc";
char* s = p + 1;
std::char_traits<char>::copy(s, p, 2);
assert(std::char_traits<char>::compare(p, "aab", 3) == 0);

If the intention is to allow memcpy as a valid implementation then the precondition is wrong (unfortunately nobody realized this when fixing char_traits::move in LWG DR 7). If the intention is to require memmove then it is strange to have separate copy and move functions that both use memmove.

N.B. std::copy and std::copy_backward are not valid implementations of char_traits::copy either, due to different preconditions.

Changing the precondition implicitly applies to basic_string::copy ( [string.copy]), and basic_string_view::copy ( [string.view.ops]), which are currently required to support partially overlapping ranges:

std::string s = "abc";
s.copy(s.data() + 1, s.length() - 1);
assert(s == "aab");

[2018-04-03 Priority set to 2 after discussion on the reflector.]

[2018-08-23 Batavia Issues processing]

No consensus for direction; revisit in San Diego. Status to Open.

[2022-04-25; Daniel rebases wording on N4910]

Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N4910.

Option A:

  1. Edit 23.2.2 [char.traits.require], Table 75 — "Character traits requirements" [tab:char.traits.req], as indicated:

    Table 75 — Character traits requirements [tab:char.traits.req]
    Expression Return type Assertion/note
    X::copy(s,p,n) X::char_type* Preconditions: p not in [s,s+n)The ranges [p,p+n)
    and [s,s+n) do not overlap
    Returns: s.
    for each i in [0,n), performs

Option B:

NAD (i.e. implementations need to be fixed, in practice char_traits::copy and char_traits::move might be equivalent).

[Kona 2022-11-11; Move to Ready]

LWG voted for Option A (6 for, 0 against, 1 netural)

Proposed resolution:

  1. Edit 23.2.2 [char.traits.require], Table 75 — "Character traits requirements" [tab:char.traits.req], as indicated:

    Table 75 — Character traits requirements [tab:char.traits.req]
    Expression Return type Assertion/note
    X::copy(s,p,n) X::char_type* Preconditions: p not in [s,s+n)The ranges [p,p+n)
    and [s,s+n) do not overlap
    Returns: s.
    for each i in [0,n), performs

3664. LWG 3392 broke std::ranges::distance(a, a+3)

Section: [range.iter.op.distance] Status: Ready Submitter: Arthur O'Dwyer Opened: 2022-01-23 Last modified: 2022-11-10

Priority: 2

View all other issues in [range.iter.op.distance].


Consider the use of std::ranges::distance(first, last) on a simple C array. This works fine with std::distance, but currently does not work with std::ranges::distance.

// godbolt link
#include <ranges>
#include <cassert>

int main() {
  int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
  assert(std::ranges::distance(a, a+3) == 3);
  assert(std::ranges::distance(a, a) == 0);
  assert(std::ranges::distance(a+3, a) == -3);

Before LWG 3392, we had a single iterator-pair overload:

template<input_or_output_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S>
  constexpr iter_difference_t<I> distance(I first, S last);

which works fine for C pointers. After LWG 3392, we have two iterator-pair overloads:

template<input_or_output_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S>
  requires (!sized_sentinel_for<S, I>)
    constexpr iter_difference_t<I> distance(I first, S last);

template<input_or_output_iterator I, sized_sentinel_for<I> S>
  constexpr iter_difference_t<I> distance(const I& first, const S& last);

and unfortunately the one we want — distance(I first, S last) — is no longer viable because [with I=int*, S=int*], we have sized_sentinel_for<S, I> and so its constraints aren't satisfied. So we look at the other overload [with I=int[3], S=int[3]], but unfortunately its constraints aren't satisfied either, because int[3] is not an input_or_output_iterator.

[2022-01-30; Reflector poll]

Set priority to 2 after reflector poll.

Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N4901.

[Drafting Note: Thanks to Casey Carter. Notice that sentinel_for<S, I> already implies and subsumes input_or_output_iterator<I>, so that constraint wasn't doing anything; personally I'd prefer to remove it for symmetry (and to save the environment). Otherwise you'll have people asking why one of the I's is constrained and the other isn't.]

  1. Modify 25.2 [iterator.synopsis], header <iterator> synopsis, as indicated:

    // [range.iter.op.distance], ranges::distance
    template<classinput_or_output_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S>
      requires (!sized_sentinel_for<S, I>)
      constexpr iter_difference_t<I> distance(I first, S last);
    template<classinput_or_output_iterator I, sized_sentinel_for<decay_t<I>> S>
      constexpr iter_difference_t<I> distance(const I& first, const S& last);
  2. Modify [range.iter.op.distance] as indicated:

    template<classinput_or_output_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S>
      requires (!sized_sentinel_for<S, I>)
      constexpr iter_difference_t<I> ranges::distance(I first, S last);

    -1- Preconditions: [first, last) denotes a range.

    -2- Effects: Increments first until last is reached and returns the number of increments.

    template<classinput_or_output_iterator I, sized_sentinel_for<decay_t<I>> S>
      constexpr iter_difference_t<I> ranges::distance(const I& first, const S& last);

    -3- Effects: Equivalent to: return last - first;

[2022-02-16; Arthur and Casey provide improved wording]

[Kona 2022-11-08; Move to Ready]

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4901.

[Drafting Note: Arthur thinks it's a bit "cute" of the Effects: element to static_cast from T(&)[N] to T* const& in the array case, but it does seem to do the right thing in all cases, and it saves us from having to use an if constexpr (is_array_v...) or something like that.]

  1. Modify 25.2 [iterator.synopsis], header <iterator> synopsis, as indicated:

    // [range.iter.op.distance], ranges::distance
    template<classinput_or_output_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S>
      requires (!sized_sentinel_for<S, I>)
      constexpr iter_difference_t<I> distance(I first, S last);
    template<classinput_or_output_iterator I, sized_sentinel_for<decay_t<I>> S>
      constexpr iter_difference_t<decay_t<I>> distance(const I&& first, const S& last);
  2. Modify [range.iter.op.distance] as indicated:

    template<classinput_or_output_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S>
      requires (!sized_sentinel_for<S, I>)
      constexpr iter_difference_t<I> ranges::distance(I first, S last);

    -1- Preconditions: [first, last) denotes a range.

    -2- Effects: Increments first until last is reached and returns the number of increments.

    template<classinput_or_output_iterator I, sized_sentinel_for<decay_t<I>> S>
      constexpr iter_difference_t<decay_t<I>> ranges::distance(const I&& first, const S& last);

    -3- Effects: Equivalent to: return last - static_cast<const decay_t<I>&>(first);

3720. Restrict the valid types of arg-id for width and precision in std-format-spec

Section: [format.string.std] Status: Ready Submitter: Mark de Wever Opened: 2022-06-19 Last modified: 2022-11-10

Priority: 2

View other active issues in [format.string.std].

View all other issues in [format.string.std].


Per [format.string.std]/7

If { arg-idopt } is used in a width or precision, the value of the corresponding formatting argument is used in its place. If the corresponding formatting argument is not of integral type, or its value is negative for precision or non-positive for width, an exception of type format_error is thrown.

The issue is the integral type requirement. The following code is currently valid:

std::cout << std::format("{:*^{}}\n", 'a', '0');
std::cout << std::format("{:*^{}}\n", 'a', true);

The output of the first example depends on the value of '0' in the implementation. When a char has signed char as underlying type negative values are invalid, while the same value would be valid when the underlying type is unsigned char. For the second example the range of a boolean is very small, so this seems not really useful.

Currently libc++ rejects these two examples and MSVC STL accepts them. The members of the MSVC STL team, I spoke, agree these two cases should be rejected.

The following integral types are rejected by both libc++ and MSVC STL:

std::cout << std::format("{:*^{}}\n", 'a', L'0');
std::cout << std::format("{:*^{}}\n", 'a', u'0');
std::cout << std::format("{:*^{}}\n", 'a', U'0');
std::cout << std::format("{:*^{}}\n", 'a', u8'0');

In order to accept these character types they need to meet the basic formatter requirements per 22.14.5 [format.functions]/20 and 22.14.5 [format.functions]/25

formatter<remove_cvref_t<Ti>, charT> meets the BasicFormatter requirements ( [formatter.requirements]) for each Ti in Args.

which requires adding the following enabled formatter specializations to [format.formatter.spec].

template<> struct formatter<wchar_t, char>;

template<> struct formatter<char8_t, charT>;
template<> struct formatter<char16_t, charT>;
template<> struct formatter<char32_t, charT>;

Note, that the specialization template<> struct formatter<char, wchar_t> is already required by the Standard.

Not only do they need to be added, but it also needs to be specified how they behave when their value is not in the range of representable values for charT.

Instead of requiring these specializations, I propose to go the other direction and limit the allowed types to signed and unsigned integers.

[2022-07-08; Reflector poll]

Set priority to 2 after reflector poll. Tim Song commented:

"This is technically a breaking change, so we should do it sooner rather than later.

"I don't agree with the second part of the argument though - I don't see how this wording requires adding those transcoding specializations. Nothing in this wording requires integral types that cannot be packed into basic_format_arg to be accepted.

"I also think we need to restrict this to signed or unsigned integer types with size no greater than sizeof(long long). Larger types get type-erased into a handle and the value isn't really recoverable without heroics."

Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N4910.

  1. Modify [format.string.std] as indicated:

    -7- If { arg-idopt } is used in a width or precision, the value of the corresponding formatting argument is used in its place. If the corresponding formatting argument is not of integralsigned or unsigned integer type, or its value is negative for precision or non-positive for width, an exception of type format_error is thrown.

  2. Add a new paragraph to C.1.9 [diff.cpp20.utilities] as indicated:

    Affected subclause: 22.14 [format]

    Change: Requirement changes of arg-id of the width and precision fields of std-format-spec. arg-id now requires a signed or unsigned integer type instead of an integral type.

    Rationale: Avoid types that are not useful and the need to specify enabled formatter specializations for all character types.

    Effect on original feature: Valid C++ 2020 code that passes a boolean or character type as arg-id becomes invalid. For example:

    std::format("{:*^{}}", "", true); // ill-formed, previously returned "*"

[2022-11-01; Jonathan provides improved wording]

Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify [format.string.std] as indicated:

    -8- If { arg-idopt } is used in a width or precision, the value of the corresponding formatting argument is used in its place. If the corresponding formatting argument is not of integralstandard signed or unsigned integer type, or its value is negative, an exception of type format_error is thrown.

  2. Add a new paragraph to C.1.9 [diff.cpp20.utilities] as indicated:

    Affected subclause: [format.string.std]

    Change: Restrict types of formatting arguments used as width or precision in a std-format-spec.

    Rationale: Avoid types that are not useful or do not have portable semantics.

    Effect on original feature: Valid C++ 2020 code that passes a boolean or character type as arg-id becomes invalid. For example:

    std::format("{:*^{}}", "", true); // ill-formed, previously returned "*"
    std::format("{:*^{}}", "", '1'); // ill-formed, previously returned an implementation-defined number of '*' characters

[2022-11-10; Jonathan revises wording]

Improve Annex C entry.

[Kona 2022-11-10; Move to Ready]

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify [format.string.std] as indicated:

    -8- If { arg-idopt } is used in a width or precision, the value of the corresponding formatting argument is used in its place. If the corresponding formatting argument is not of integralstandard signed or unsigned integer type, or its value is negative, an exception of type format_error is thrown.

  2. Add a new paragraph to C.1.9 [diff.cpp20.utilities] as indicated:

    Affected subclause: [format.string.std]

    Change: Restrict types of formatting arguments used as width or precision in a std-format-spec.

    Rationale: Disallow types that do not have useful or portable semantics as a formatting width or precision.

    Effect on original feature: Valid C++ 2020 code that passes a boolean or character type as arg-id becomes invalid. For example:

    std::format("{:*^{}}", "", true); // ill-formed, previously returned "*"
    std::format("{:*^{}}", "", '1'); // ill-formed, previously returned an implementation-defined number of '*' characters

3756. Is the std::atomic_flag class signal-safe?

Section: 17.13.5 [support.signal], 33.5.10 [atomics.flag] Status: Ready Submitter: Ruslan Baratov Opened: 2022-08-18 Last modified: 2022-11-11

Priority: 3


Following document number N4910 about signal-safe instructions 17.13.5 [support.signal] Signal handlers, and it's unclear whether std::atomic_flag is signal-safe.

Formally it doesn't fit any of the mentioned conditions:

However, std::atomic_flag seem to fit well here, it's atomic, and it's always lock-free.

The suggestion is as follows: If std::atomic_flag is signal-safe, then it should be explicitly mentioned in 17.13.5 [support.signal], e.g., the following lines should be added:

If the std::atomic_flag is not signal-safe, the following note could be added:

[Note: Even though atomic_flag is atomic and lock-free, it's not signal-safe. — end note]

[2022-09-23; Reflector poll]

Set priority to 3 after reflector poll. Send to SG1.

Another way to fix this is to add is_always_lock_free (=true) and is_lock_free() { return true; } to atomic_flag.

[Kona 2022-11-10; SG1 yields a recommendation]

Poll: Adopt the proposed resolution for LWG3756
"f is a non-static member function invoked on an atomic_flag object, or"
"f is a non-member function, and every pointer-to- atomic argument passed to f is atomic_flag, or"

11 3 0 0 0

Unanimous consent

Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify 17.13.5 [support.signal] as indicated:

    -1- A call to the function signal synchronizes with any resulting invocation of the signal handler so installed.

    -2- A plain lock-free atomic operation is an invocation of a function f from 33.5 [atomics], such that:

    1. (2.1) — f is the function atomic_is_lock_free(), or
    2. (2.2) — f is the member function is_lock_free(), or
    3. (2.?) — f is a non-static member function invoked on an atomic_flag object, or
    4. (2.?) — f is a non-member function, and every pointer-to-atomic argument passed to f is atomic_flag, or
    5. (2.3) — f is a non-static member function invoked on an object A, such that A.is_lock_free() yields true, or
    6. (2.4) — f is a non-member function, and for every pointer-to-atomic argument A passed to f, atomic_is_lock_free(A) yields true.

    -3- An evaluation is signal-safe unless it includes one of the following:

    1. (3.1) — a call to any standard library function, except for plain lock-free atomic operations and functions explicitly identified as signal-safe;

      [Note 1: This implicitly excludes the use of new and delete expressions that rely on a library-provided memory allocator. — end note]

    2. (3.2) — an access to an object with thread storage duration;
    3. (3.3) — a dynamic_cast expression;
    4. (3.4) — throwing of an exception;
    5. (3.5) — control entering a try-block or function-try-block;
    6. (3.6) — initialization of a variable with static storage duration requiring dynamic initialization ( [basic.start.dynamic], 8.8 [stmt.dcl])206; or
    7. (3.7) — waiting for the completion of the initialization of a variable with static storage duration (8.8 [stmt.dcl]).

    A signal handler invocation has undefined behavior if it includes an evaluation that is not signal-safe.

[2022-11-11; Jonathan provides improved wording]

[Kona 2022-11-11; Move to Ready]

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify 17.13.5 [support.signal] as indicated:

    -1- A call to the function signal synchronizes with any resulting invocation of the signal handler so installed.

    -2- A plain lock-free atomic operation is an invocation of a function f from 33.5 [atomics], such that:

    1. (2.1) — f is the function atomic_is_lock_free(), or
    2. (2.2) — f is the member function is_lock_free(), or
    3. (2.?) — f is a non-static member function of class atomic_flag, or
    4. (2.?) — f is a non-member function, and the first parameter of f has type cv atomic_flag*, or
    5. (2.3) — f is a non-static member function invoked on an object A, such that A.is_lock_free() yields true, or
    6. (2.4) — f is a non-member function, and for every pointer-to-atomic argument A passed to f, atomic_is_lock_free(A) yields true.

    -3- An evaluation is signal-safe unless it includes one of the following:

    1. (3.1) — a call to any standard library function, except for plain lock-free atomic operations and functions explicitly identified as signal-safe;

      [Note 1: This implicitly excludes the use of new and delete expressions that rely on a library-provided memory allocator. — end note]

    2. (3.2) — an access to an object with thread storage duration;
    3. (3.3) — a dynamic_cast expression;
    4. (3.4) — throwing of an exception;
    5. (3.5) — control entering a try-block or function-try-block;
    6. (3.6) — initialization of a variable with static storage duration requiring dynamic initialization ( [basic.start.dynamic], 8.8 [stmt.dcl])206; or
    7. (3.7) — waiting for the completion of the initialization of a variable with static storage duration (8.8 [stmt.dcl]).

    A signal handler invocation has undefined behavior if it includes an evaluation that is not signal-safe.

3769. basic_const_iterator::operator== causes infinite constraint recursion

Section: 25.5.3 [const.iterators] Status: Ready Submitter: Hewill Kang Opened: 2022-09-05 Last modified: 2022-11-10

Priority: 1

View other active issues in [const.iterators].

View all other issues in [const.iterators].


Currently, basic_const_iterator::operator== is defined as a friend function:

template<sentinel_for<Iterator> S>
  friend constexpr bool operator==(const basic_const_iterator& x, const S& s);

which only requires S to model sentinel_for<Iterator>, and since basic_const_iterator has a conversion constructor that accepts I, this will result in infinite constraint checks when comparing basic_const_iterator<int*> with int* (online example):

#include <iterator>

template<std::input_iterator I>
struct basic_const_iterator {
  basic_const_iterator() = default;
  template<std::sentinel_for<I> S>
  friend bool operator==(const basic_const_iterator&, const S&);
static_assert(std::sentinel_for<basic_const_iterator<int*>, int*>); // infinite meta-recursion

That is, sentinel_for ends with weakly-equality-comparable-with and instantiates operator==, which in turn rechecks sentinel_for and instantiates the same operator==, making the circle closed.

The proposed resolution is to change operator== to be a member function so that S is no longer accidentally instantiated as basic_const_iterator. The same goes for basic_const_iterator::operator-.

[2022-09-23; Reflector poll]

Set priority to 1 after reflector poll.

"Although I am not a big fan of member ==, the proposed solution seems to be simple." "prefer if we would keep operator== as non-member for consistency."

Previous resolution from Hewill [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify [const.iterators.iterator], class template basic_const_iterator synopsis, as indicated:

    namespace std {
      template<class I>
        concept not-a-const-iterator = see below;
      template<input_iterator Iterator>
      class basic_const_iterator {
        Iterator current_ = Iterator();
        using reference = iter_const_reference_t<Iterator>;         // exposition only
        template<sentinel_for<Iterator> S>
          friend constexpr bool operator==(const basic_const_iterator& x, const S& s) const;
        template<sized_sentinel_for<Iterator> S>
          friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const basic_const_iterator& x, const S& y) const;
        template<not-a-const-iteratorsized_sentinel_for<Iterator> S>
          requires sized_sentinel_fordifferent-from<S, Iteratorbasic_const_iterator>
          friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const S& x, const basic_const_iterator& y);
  2. Modify [const.iterators.ops] as indicated:


      template<sentinel_for<Iterator> S>
        friend constexpr bool operator==(const basic_const_iterator& x, const S& s) const;

    -16- Effects: Equivalent to: return x.current_ == s;.

      template<sized_sentinel_for<Iterator> S>
        friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const basic_const_iterator& x, const S& y) const;

    -24- Effects: Equivalent to: return x.current_ - y;.

      template<not-a-const-iteratorsized_sentinel_for<Iterator> S>
        requires sized_sentinel_fordifferent-from<S, Iteratorbasic_const_iterator>
        friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const S& x, const basic_const_iterator& y);

    -25- Effects: Equivalent to: return x - y.current_;.

[2022-11-04; Tomasz comments and improves proposed wording]

Initially, LWG requested an investigation of alternative resolutions that would avoid using member functions for the affected operators. Later, it was found that in addition to ==/-, all comparison operators (<, >, <=, >=, <=>) are affected by same problem for the calls with basic_const_iterator<basic_const_iterator<int*>> and int* as arguments, i.e. totally_ordered_with<basic_const_iterator<basic_const_iterator<int*>>, int*> causes infinite recursion in constraint checking.

The new resolution, change all of the friends overloads for operators ==, <, >, <=, >=, <=> and - that accept basic_const_iterator as lhs, to const member functions. This change is applied to homogeneous (basic_const_iterator, basic_const_iterator) for consistency. For the overload of <, >, <=, >= and - that accepts (I, basic_const_iterator) we declared them as friends and consistently constrain them with not-const-iterator. Finally, its put (now member) operator<=>(I) in the block with other heterogeneous overloads in the synopsis.

The use of member functions addresses issues, because:

[Kona 2022-11-08; Move to Ready]

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify [const.iterators.iterator], class template basic_const_iterator synopsis, as indicated:

    namespace std {
      template<class I>
        concept not-a-const-iterator = see below;
      template<input_iterator Iterator>
      class basic_const_iterator {
        Iterator current_ = Iterator();
        using reference = iter_const_reference_t<Iterator>;         // exposition only
        template<sentinel_for<Iterator> S>
          friend constexpr bool operator==(const basic_const_iterator& x, const S& s) const;
        friend constexpr bool operator<(const basic_const_iterator& x, const basic_const_iterator& y) const
          requires random_access_iterator<Iterator>;
        friend constexpr bool operator>(const basic_const_iterator& x, const basic_const_iterator& y) const
          requires random_access_iterator<Iterator>;
        friend constexpr bool operator<=(const basic_const_iterator& x, const basic_const_iterator& y) const
          requires random_access_iterator<Iterator>;
        friend constexpr bool operator>=(const basic_const_iterator& x, const basic_const_iterator& y) const
          requires random_access_iterator<Iterator>;
        friend constexpr auto operator<=>(const basic_const_iterator& x, const basic_const_iterator& y) const
          requires random_access_iterator<Iterator> && three_way_comparable<Iterator>;
        template<different-from<basic_const_iterator> I>
        friend constexpr bool operator<(const basic_const_iterator& x, const I& y) const
          requires random_access_iterator<Iterator> && totally_ordered_with<Iterator, I>;
        template<different-from<basic_const_iterator> I>
        friend constexpr bool operator>(const basic_const_iterator& x, const I& y) const
          requires random_access_iterator<Iterator> && totally_ordered_with<Iterator, I>;
        template<different-from<basic_const_iterator> I>
        friend constexpr bool operator<=(const basic_const_iterator& x, const I& y) const
          requires random_access_iterator<Iterator> && totally_ordered_with<Iterator, I>;
        template<different-from<basic_const_iterator> I>
        friend constexpr bool operator>=(const basic_const_iterator& x, const I& y) const
          requires random_access_iterator<Iterator> && totally_ordered_with<Iterator, I>;
        template<different-from<basic_const_iterator> I>
        constexpr auto operator<=>(const I& y) const
          requires random_access_iterator<Iterator> && totally_ordered_with<Iterator, I> &&
       	       three_way_comparable_with<Iterator, I>;
        template<not-a-const-iterator I>
        friend constexpr bool operator<(const I& y, const basic_const_iterator& x)
          requires random_access_iterator<Iterator> && totally_ordered_with<Iterator, I>;
        template<not-a-const-iterator I>
        friend constexpr bool operator>(const I& y, const basic_const_iterator& x)
          requires random_access_iterator<Iterator> && totally_ordered_with<Iterator, I>;
        template<not-a-const-iterator I>
        friend constexpr bool operator<=(const I& y, const basic_const_iterator& x)
          requires random_access_iterator<Iterator> && totally_ordered_with<Iterator, I>;
        template<not-a-const-iterator I>
        friend constexpr bool operator>=(const I& y, const basic_const_iterator& x)
          requires random_access_iterator<Iterator> && totally_ordered_with<Iterator, I>;
        template<different-from<basic_const_iterator> I>
        friend constexpr auto operator<=>(const basic_const_iterator& x, const I& y)
          requires random_access_iterator<Iterator> && totally_ordered_with<Iterator, I> &&
          	       three_way_comparable_with<Iterator, I>;
        template<sized_sentinel_for<Iterator> S>
          friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const basic_const_iterator& x, const S& y) const;
        template<not-a-const-iteratorsized_sentinel_for<Iterator> S>
          requires sized_sentinel_fordifferent-from<S, Iteratorbasic_const_iterator>
          friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const S& x, const basic_const_iterator& y);
  2. Modify [const.iterators.ops] as indicated:


    template<sentinel_for<Iterator> S>
      friend constexpr bool operator==(const basic_const_iterator& x, const S& s) const;

    -16- Effects: Equivalent to: return x.current_ == s;

    friend constexpr bool operator<(const basic_const_iterator& x, const basic_const_iterator& y) const
      requires random_access_iterator<Iterator>;
    friend constexpr bool operator>(const basic_const_iterator& x, const basic_const_iterator& y) const
      requires random_access_iterator<Iterator>;
    friend constexpr bool operator<=(const basic_const_iterator& x, const basic_const_iterator& y) const
      requires random_access_iterator<Iterator>;
    friend constexpr bool operator>=(const basic_const_iterator& x, const basic_const_iterator& y) const
      requires random_access_iterator<Iterator>;
    friend constexpr auto operator<=>(const basic_const_iterator& x, const basic_const_iterator& y) const
      requires random_access_iterator<Iterator> && three_way_comparable<Iterator>;

    -17- Let op be the operator.

    -18- Effects: Equivalent to: return x.current_ op y.current_;

    template<different-from<basic_const_iterator> I>
    friend constexpr bool operator<(const basic_const_iterator& x, const I& y) const
      requires random_access_iterator<Iterator> && totally_ordered_with<Iterator, I>;
    template<different-from<basic_const_iterator> I>
    friend constexpr bool operator>(const basic_const_iterator& x, const I& y) const
      requires random_access_iterator<Iterator> && totally_ordered_with<Iterator, I>;
    template<different-from<basic_const_iterator> I>
    friend constexpr bool operator<=(const basic_const_iterator& x, const I& y) const
      requires random_access_iterator<Iterator> && totally_ordered_with<Iterator, I>;
    template<different-from<basic_const_iterator> I>
    friend constexpr bool operator>=(const basic_const_iterator& x, const I& y) const
      requires random_access_iterator<Iterator> && totally_ordered_with<Iterator, I>;
    template<different-from<basic_const_iterator> I>
    friend constexpr auto operator<=>(const basic_const_iterator& x, const I& y) const
      requires random_access_iterator<Iterator> && totally_ordered_with<Iterator, I> &&
      	       three_way_comparable_with<Iterator, I>;

    -19- Let op be the operator.

    -20- ReturnsEffects: Equivalent to: return x.current_ op y;

    template<sized_sentinel_for<Iterator> S>
      friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const basic_const_iterator& x, const S& y) const;

    -24- Effects: Equivalent to: return x.current_ - y;

    template<not-a-const-iteratorsized_sentinel_for<Iterator> S>
      requires sized_sentinel_fordifferent-from<S, Iteratorbasic_const_iterator>
      friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const S& x, const basic_const_iterator& y);

    -25- Effects: Equivalent to: return x - y.current_;

3807. The feature test macro for ranges::find_last should be renamed

Section: 17.3.2 [version.syn] Status: Ready Submitter: Daniel Marshall Opened: 2022-11-02 Last modified: 2022-11-12

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [version.syn].

View all other issues in [version.syn].


The current feature test macro is __cpp_lib_find_last which is inconsistent with almost all other ranges algorithms which are in the form __cpp_lib_ranges_xxx.

Proposed resolution is to rename the macro to __cpp_lib_ranges_find_last.

[Kona 2022-11-12; Move to Ready]

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify 17.3.2 [version.syn], header <version> synopsis, as indicated:

    #define __cpp_lib_filesystem              201703L // also in <filesystem>
    #define __cpp_lib_ranges_find_last        202207L // also in <algorithm>
    #define __cpp_lib_flat_map                202207L // also in <flat_map>

3811. views::as_const on ref_view<T> should return ref_view<const T>

Section: [range.as.const.overview] Status: Ready Submitter: Tomasz Kamiński Opened: 2022-11-03 Last modified: 2022-11-10

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [range.as.const.overview].

View all other issues in [range.as.const.overview].


For v being a non-const lvalue of type std::vector<int>, views::as_const(v) produces ref_view<std::vector<int> const>. However, when v is converted to ref_view by using views::all, views::as_const(views::all(v)) produces as_const_view<ref_view<std::vector<int>>>.

Invoking views::as_const on ref_view<T> should produce ref_view<const T> when const T models a constant range. This will reduce the number of instantiations, and make a behavior of views::as_const consistent on references and ref_view to containers.

[Kona 2022-11-08; Move to Ready]

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify [range.as.const.overview] as indicated:

    [Drafting note: If we have ref_view<V>, when V is constant propagating view (single_view, owning_view), we still can (and should) produce ref_view<V const>. This wording achieves that.]

    -2- The name views::as_const denotes a range adaptor object (26.7.2 [range.adaptor.object]). Let E be an expression, let T be decltype((E)), and let U be remove_cvref_t<T>. The expression views::as_const(E) is expression-equivalent to:

    1. (2.1) — If views::all_t<T> models constant_range, then views::all(E).

    2. (2.2) — Otherwise, if U denotes span<X, Extent> for some type X and some extent Extent, then span<const X, Extent>(E).

    3. (2.?) — Otherwise, if U denotes ref_view<X> for some type X and const X models constant_range, then ref_view(static_cast<const X&>(E.base())).

    4. (2.3) — Otherwise, if E is an lvalue, const U models constant_range, and U does not model view, then ref_view(static_cast<const U&>(E)).

    5. (2.4) — Otherwise, as_const_view(E).

3820. cartesian_product_view::iterator::prev is not quite right

Section: 99 [ranges.cartesian.iterator] Status: Ready Submitter: Hewill Kang Opened: 2022-11-08 Last modified: 2022-11-10

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [ranges.cartesian.iterator].

View all other issues in [ranges.cartesian.iterator].


Currently, cartesian_product_view::iterator::prev has the following Effects:

auto& it = std::get<N>(current_);
if (it == ranges::begin(std::get<N>(parent_->bases_))) {
  it = cartesian-common-arg-end(std::get<N>(parent_->bases_));
  if constexpr (N > 0) {
    prev<N - 1>();

which decrements the underlying iterator one by one using recursion. However, when N == 0, it still detects if the first iterator has reached the beginning and assigns it to the end, which is not only unnecessary, but also causes cartesian-common-arg-end to be applied to the first range, making it ill-formed in some cases, for example:

#include <ranges>

int main() {
  auto r = std::views::cartesian_product(std::views::iota(0));
  r.begin() += 3; // hard error

This is because, for the first range, cartesian_product_view::iterator::operator+= only requires it to model random_access_range. However, when x is negative, this function will call prev and indirectly calls cartesian-common-arg-end, since the latter constrains its argument to satisfy cartesian-product-common-arg, that is, common_range<R> || (sized_range<R> && random_access_range<R>), which is not the case for the unbounded iota_view, resulting in a hard error in prev's function body.

The proposed resolution changes the position of the if constexpr so that we just decrement the first iterator and nothing else.

[Kona 2022-11-08; Move to Ready]

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify 99 [ranges.cartesian.iterator] as indicated:

    template<size_t N = sizeof...(Vs)>
      constexpr void prev();

    -6- Effects: Equivalent to:

    auto& it = std::get<N>(current_);
    if constexpr (N > 0) {
      if (it == ranges::begin(std::get<N>(parent_->bases_))) {
        it = cartesian-common-arg-end(std::get<N>(parent_->bases_));
        if constexpr (N > 0) {
          prev<N - 1>();

3825. Missing compile-time argument id check in basic_format_parse_context::next_arg_id

Section: [format.parse.ctx] Status: Ready Submitter: Victor Zverovich Opened: 2022-11-09 Last modified: 2022-11-11

Priority: Not Prioritized


The definition of check_arg_id in [format.parse.ctx] includes a (compile-time) argument id check in the Remarks element:

constexpr void check_arg_id(size_t id);


Remarks: Call expressions where id >= num_args_ are not core constant expressions (7.7 [expr.const]).

However, a similar check is missing from next_arg_id which means that there is no argument id validation in user-defined format specification parsing code that invokes this function (e.g. when parsing automatically indexed dynamic width).

Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify [format.parse.ctx] as indicated:

    constexpr size_t next_arg_id();

    -7- Effects: If indexing_ != manual, equivalent to:

    if (indexing_ == unknown)
      indexing_ = automatic;
    return next_arg_id_++;

    -8- Throws: format_error if indexing_ == manual which indicates mixing of automatic and manual argument indexing.

    -?- Remarks: Call expressions where next_arg_id_ >= num_args_ are not core constant expressions (7.7 [expr.const]).

[2022-11-11; Tomasz provide improved wording; Move to Open]

Clarify that the value of next_arg_id_ is used, and add missing "is true."

[Kona 2022-11-11; move to Ready]

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify [format.parse.ctx] as indicated:

    constexpr size_t next_arg_id();

    -7- Effects: If indexing_ != manual is true, equivalent to:

    if (indexing_ == unknown)
      indexing_ = automatic;
    return next_arg_id_++;

    -8- Throws: format_error if indexing_ == manual is true which indicates mixing of automatic and manual argument indexing.

    -?- Remarks: Let cur-arg-id be the value of next_arg_id_ prior to this call. Call expressions where cur-arg-id >= num_args_ is true are not core constant expressions (7.7 [expr.const]).

    constexpr size_t check_arg_id(size_t id);

    -9- Effects: If indexing_ != automatic is true, equivalent to:

    if (indexing_ == unknown)
      indexing_ = manual;

    -10- Throws: format_error if indexing_ == automatic is true which indicates mixing of automatic and manual argument indexing.

    -11- Remarks: Call expressions where id >= num_args_ is true are not core constant expressions (7.7 [expr.const]).

Tentatively Ready Issues

3204. sub_match::swap only swaps the base class

Section: 32.8 [re.submatch] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Jonathan Wakely Opened: 2019-05-07 Last modified: 2022-11-30

Priority: 3

View other active issues in [re.submatch].

View all other issues in [re.submatch].


sub_match<I> derives publicly from pair<I,I>, and so inherits pair::swap(pair&). This means that the following program fails:

#include <regex>
#include <cassert>

int main()
  std::sub_match<const char*> a, b;
  a.matched = true;

The pair::swap(pair&) member should be hidden by a sub_match::swap(sub_match&) member that does the right thing.

[2019-06-12 Priority set to 3 after reflector discussion]

[2020-05-01; Daniel adjusts wording to recent working draft]

[2022-04-25; Daniel adjusts wording to recent working draft]

In addition the revised wording uses the new standard phrase "The exception specification is equivalent to"

Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N4910.

  1. Modify 32.8 [re.submatch], class template sub_match synopsis, as indicated:

    template<class BidirectionalIterator>
    class sub_match : public pair<BidirectionalIterator, BidirectionalIterator> {
      int compare(const sub_match& s) const;
      int compare(const string_type& s) const;
      int compare(const value_type* s) const;
      void swap(sub_match& s) noexcept(see below);
  2. Modify 32.8.2 [re.submatch.members] as indicated:

    int compare(const value_type* s) const;


    void swap(sub_match& s) noexcept(see below);
    [Drafting note: The swappable requirement should really be unnecessary because Cpp17Iterator requires it, but there is no wording that requires BidirectionalIterator in Clause 32 [re] in general meets the bidirectional iterator requirements. Note that the definition found in 27.2 [algorithms.requirements] does not extend to 32 [re] normatively. — end drafting note]

    -?- Preconditions: Lvalues of type BidirectionalIterator are swappable ( [swappable.requirements]).

    -?- Effects: Equivalent to:

    this->pair<BidirectionalIterator, BidirectionalIterator>::swap(s);
    std::swap(matched, s.matched);

    -?- Remarks: The exception specification is equivalent to is_nothrow_swappable_v<BidirectionalIterator>.

[2022-11-06; Daniel comments and improves wording]

With the informal acceptance of P2696R0 by LWG during a pre-Kona telecon, we should use the new requirement set Cpp17Swappable instead of the "LValues are swappable" requirements.

[2022-11-30; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively Ready after six votes in favour during reflector poll.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917 and assumes the acceptance of P2696R0.

  1. Modify 32.8 [re.submatch], class template sub_match synopsis, as indicated:

    template<class BidirectionalIterator>
    class sub_match : public pair<BidirectionalIterator, BidirectionalIterator> {
      int compare(const sub_match& s) const;
      int compare(const string_type& s) const;
      int compare(const value_type* s) const;
      void swap(sub_match& s) noexcept(see below);
  2. Modify 32.8.2 [re.submatch.members] as indicated:

    int compare(const value_type* s) const;


    void swap(sub_match& s) noexcept(see below);
    [Drafting note: The Cpp17Swappable requirement should really be unnecessary because Cpp17Iterator requires it, but there is no wording that requires BidirectionalIterator in Clause 32 [re] in general meets the bidirectional iterator requirements. Note that the definition found in 27.2 [algorithms.requirements] does not extend to 32 [re] normatively. — end drafting note]

    -?- Preconditions: BidirectionalIterator meets the Cpp17Swappable requirements ( [swappable.requirements]).

    -?- Effects: Equivalent to:

    this->pair<BidirectionalIterator, BidirectionalIterator>::swap(s);
    std::swap(matched, s.matched);

    -?- Remarks: The exception specification is equivalent to is_nothrow_swappable_v<BidirectionalIterator>.

3733. ranges::to misuses cpp17-input-iterator

Section: [range.utility.conv.to] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: S. B. Tam Opened: 2022-07-10 Last modified: 2023-01-11

Priority: 2

View other active issues in [range.utility.conv.to].

View all other issues in [range.utility.conv.to].


ranges::to uses cpp17-input-iterator<iterator_t<R>> to check whether an iterator is a Cpp17InputIterator, which misbehaves if there is a std::iterator_traits specialization for that iterator (e.g. if the iterator is a std::common_iterator).

struct MyContainer {
    template<class Iter>
    MyContainer(Iter, Iter);

    char* begin();
    char* end();

auto nul_terminated = std::views::take_while([](char ch) { return ch != '\0'; });
auto c = nul_terminated("") | std::views::common | std::ranges::to<MyContainer>();  // error

I believe that ranges::to should instead use derived_from<typename iterator_traits<iterator_t<R>>::iterator_category, input_iterator_tag>, which correctly detects the iterator category of a std::common_iterator.

[2022-08-23; Reflector poll]

Set priority to 2 after reflector poll. Set status to Tentatively Ready after five votes in favour during reflector poll.

Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N4910.

  1. Modify [range.utility.conv.to] as indicated:

    template<class C, input_range R, class... Args> requires (!view<C>)
      constexpr C to(R&& r, Args&&... args);

    -1- Returns: An object of type C constructed from the elements of r in the following manner:

    1. (1.1) — If convertible_to<range_reference_t<R>, range_value_t<C>> is true:

      1. (1.1.1) — If constructible_from<C, R, Args...> is true:

        C(std::forward<R>(r), std::forward<Args>(args)...)
      2. (1.1.2) — Otherwise, if constructible_from<C, from_range_t, R, Args...> is true:

        C(from_range, std::forward<R>(r), std::forward<Args>(args)...)
      3. (1.1.3) — Otherwise, if

        1. ( — common_range<R> is true,

        2. ( — cpp17-input-iteratorderived_from<typename iterator_traits<iterator_t<R>>::iterator_category, input_iterator_tag> is true, and

        3. ( — constructible_from<C, iterator_t<R>, sentinel_t<R>, Args...> is true:

          C(ranges::begin(r), ranges::end(r), std::forward<Args>(args)...)
      4. (1.1.4) — Otherwise, if

        1. ( — constructible_from<C, Args...> is true, and

        2. ( — container-insertable<C, range_reference_t<R>> is true:

    2. (1.2) — Otherwise, if input_range<range_reference_t<R>> is true:

      to<C>(r | views::transform([](auto&& elem) {
        return to<range_value_t<C>>(std::forward<decltype(elem)>(elem));
      }), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
    3. (1.3) — Otherwise, the program is ill-formed.

[2022-08-27; Hewill Kang reopens and suggests a different resolution]

This issue points out that the standard misuses cpp17-input-iterator to check whether the iterator meets the requirements of Cpp17InputIterator, and proposes to use iterator_traits<I>::iterator_category to check the iterator's category directly, which may lead to the following potential problems:

First, for the range types that model both common_range and input_range, the expression iterator_traits<I>::iterator_category may not be valid, consider

#include <ranges>

struct I {
  using difference_type = int;
  using value_type = int;
  int operator*() const;
  I& operator++();
  void operator++(int);
  bool operator==(const I&) const;
  bool operator==(std::default_sentinel_t) const;

int main() {
  auto r = std::ranges::subrange(I{}, I{});
  auto v = r | std::ranges::to<std::vector<int>>(0);

Although I can serve as its own sentinel, it does not model cpp17-input-iterator since postfix operator++ returns void, which causes iterator_traits<R> to be an empty class, making the expression derived_from<iterator_traits<I>::iterator_category, input_iterator_tag> ill-formed.

Second, for common_iterator, iterator_traits<I>::iterator_category does not guarantee a strictly correct iterator category in the current standard.

For example, when the above I::operator* returns a non-copyable object that can be converted to int, this makes common_iterator<I, default_sentinel_t> unable to synthesize a C++17-conforming postfix operator++, however, iterator_traits<common_iterator<I, S>>::iterator_category will still give input_iterator_tag even though it's not even a C++17 iterator.

Another example is that for input_iterators with difference type of integer-class type, the difference type of the common_iterator wrapped on it is still of the integer-class type, but the iterator_category obtained by the iterator_traits is input_iterator_tag.

The proposed resolution only addresses the first issue since I believe that the problem with common_iterator requires a paper.

[2023-01-11; LWG telecon]

Set status to Tentatively Ready (poll results F6/A0/N1)

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify [range.utility.conv.to] as indicated:

    template<class C, input_range R, class... Args> requires (!view<C>)
      constexpr C to(R&& r, Args&&... args);

    -1- Returns: An object of type C constructed from the elements of r in the following manner:

    1. (1.1) — If convertible_to<range_reference_t<R>, range_value_t<C>> is true:

      1. (1.1.1) — If constructible_from<C, R, Args...> is true:

        C(std::forward<R>(r), std::forward<Args>(args)...)
      2. (1.1.2) — Otherwise, if constructible_from<C, from_range_t, R, Args...> is true:

        C(from_range, std::forward<R>(r), std::forward<Args>(args)...)
      3. (1.1.3) — Otherwise, if

        1. ( — common_range<R> is true,

        2. ( — cpp17-input-iteratorif the qualified-id iterator_traits<iterator_t<R>>::iterator_category is true valid and denotes a type that models derived_from<input_iterator_tag>, and

        3. ( — constructible_from<C, iterator_t<R>, sentinel_t<R>, Args...>:

          C(ranges::begin(r), ranges::end(r), std::forward<Args>(args)...)
      4. (1.1.4) — Otherwise, if

        1. ( — constructible_from<C, Args...> is true, and

        2. ( — container-insertable<C, range_reference_t<R>> is true:

    2. (1.2) — Otherwise, if input_range<range_reference_t<R>> is true:

      to<C>(r | views::transform([](auto&& elem) {
        return to<range_value_t<C>>(std::forward<decltype(elem)>(elem));
      }), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
    3. (1.3) — Otherwise, the program is ill-formed.

3742. deque::prepend_range needs to permute

Section: 24.2.4 [sequence.reqmts] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Casey Carter Opened: 2022-07-16 Last modified: 2022-11-30

Priority: 2

View other active issues in [sequence.reqmts].

View all other issues in [sequence.reqmts].


When the range to be inserted is neither bidirectional nor sized, it's simpler to prepend elements one at a time, and then reverse the prepended elements. When the range to be inserted is neither forward nor sized, I believe this approach is necessary to implement prepend_range at all — there is no way to determine the length of the range modulo the block size of the deque ahead of time so as to insert the new elements in the proper position.

The container requirements do not allow prepend_range to permute elements in a deque. I believe we must allow permutation when the range is neither forward nor sized, and we should allow permutation when the range is not bidirectional to allow implementations the freedom to make a single pass through the range.

[2022-07-17; Daniel comments]

The below suggested wording follows the existing style used in the specification of insert and insert_range, for example. Unfortunately, this existing practice violates the usual wording style that a Cpp17XXX requirement shall be met and that we should better say that "lvalues of type T are swappable ( [swappable.requirements])" to be clearer about the specific swappable context. A separate editorial issue will be reported to take care of this problem.

[2022-08-23; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively Ready after five votes in favour during reflector poll.

Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N4910.

  1. Modify 24.2.4 [sequence.reqmts] as indicated:


    -94- Result: void

    -95- Preconditions: T is Cpp17EmplaceConstructible into X from *ranges::begin(rg). For deque, T is also Cpp17MoveInsertable into X, Cpp17MoveConstructible, Cpp17MoveAssignable, and swappable ( [swappable.requirements]).

    -96- Effects: Inserts copies of elements in rg before begin(). Each iterator in the range rg is dereferenced exactly once.

    [Note 3: The order of elements in rg is not reversed. — end note]

    -97- Remarks: Required for deque, forward_list, and list.

[2022-11-07; Daniel reopens and comments]

The proposed wording has two problems:

  1. It still uses "swappable" instead of "swappable lvalues", which with the (informal) acceptance of P2696R0 should now become Cpp17Swappable.

  2. It uses an atypical form to say "T (is) Cpp17MoveConstructible, Cpp17MoveAssignable" instead of the more correct form "T meets the Cpp17MoveConstructible and Cpp17MoveAssignable requirements". This form was also corrected by P2696R0.

The revised wording uses the P2696R0 wording approach to fix both problems.

[Kona 2022-11-12; Set priority to 2]

[2022-11-30; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively Ready after five votes in favour during reflector poll.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917 assuming that P2696R0 has been accepted.

  1. Modify 24.2.4 [sequence.reqmts] as indicated:


    -94- Result: void

    -95- Preconditions: T is Cpp17EmplaceConstructible into X from *ranges::begin(rg). For deque, T is also Cpp17MoveInsertable into X, and T meets the Cpp17MoveConstructible, Cpp17MoveAssignable, and Cpp17Swappable ( [swappable.requirements]) requirements.

    -96- Effects: Inserts copies of elements in rg before begin(). Each iterator in the range rg is dereferenced exactly once.

    [Note 3: The order of elements in rg is not reversed. — end note]

    -97- Remarks: Required for deque, forward_list, and list.

3790. P1467 accidentally changed nexttoward's signature

Section: 28.7.1 [cmath.syn] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: David Olsen Opened: 2022-09-30 Last modified: 2023-01-11

Priority: 1

View other active issues in [cmath.syn].

View all other issues in [cmath.syn].


P1467 (Extended floating-point types), which was adopted for C++23 at the July plenary, has a typo (which is entirely my fault) that no one noticed during wording review. The changes to the <cmath> synopsis in the paper included changing this:

constexpr float nexttoward(float x, long double y);       // see [library.c]
constexpr double nexttoward(double x, long double y);
constexpr long double nexttoward(long double x, long double y);   // see [library.c]

to this:

constexpr floating-point-type nexttoward(floating-point-type x, floating-point-type y);

That changed the second parameter of nexttoward from always being long double to being floating-point-type, which matches the type of the first parameter.

The change is obviously incorrect. The purpose of the changes to <cmath> was to add overloads of the functions for extended floating-point types, not to change any existing signatures.

[2022-10-10; Reflector poll]

Set priority to 1 after reflector poll. Discussion during prioritization revolved around whether to delete nexttoward for new FP types or just restore the C++20 signatures, which might accept the new types via implicit conversions (and so return a different type, albeit with the same representation and same set of values).

"When the first argument to nexttoward is an extended floating-point type that doesn't have the same representation as a standard floating-point type, such as std::float16_t, std::bfloat16_t, or std::float128_t (on some systems), the call to nexttoward is ambiguous and ill-formed, so the unexpected return type is not an issue. Going through the extra effort of specifying '= delete' for nexttoward overloads that have extended floating-point arguments is a solution for a problem that doesn't really exist."

Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify 28.7.1 [cmath.syn], header <cmath> synopsis, as indicated:

    constexpr floating-point-type nexttoward(floating-point-type x, floating-point-typelong double y);
    constexpr float nexttowardf(float x, long double y);
    constexpr long double nexttowardl(long double x, long double y);

[2022-10-04; David Olsen comments and provides improved wording]

C23 specifies variants of most of the functions in <math.h> for the _FloatN types (which are C23's equivalent of C++23's std::floatN_t types). But it does not specify those variants for nexttoward.

Based on what C23 is doing, I think it would be reasonable to leave nexttoward's signature unchanged from C++20. There would be no requirement to provide overloads for extended floating-point types, only for the standard floating-point types. Instead of explicitly deleting the overloads with extended floating-point types, we can just never declare them in the first place.

Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify 28.7.1 [cmath.syn], header <cmath> synopsis, as indicated:

    constexpr float nexttoward(float x, long double y);
    constexpr double nexttoward(double x, long double y);
    constexpr long double nexttoward(long double x, long double y);
    constexpr floating-point-type nexttoward(floating-point-type x, floating-point-type y);
    constexpr float nexttowardf(float x, long double y);
    constexpr long double nexttowardl(long double x, long double y);

[2022-11-12; Tomasz comments and provides improved wording]

During 2022-10-26 LWG telecon we decided that we want to make the calls of the nexttoward to be ill-formed (equivalent of Mandates) when the first argument is extended floating-point type.

[2023-01-11; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively Ready after seven votes in favour during reflector poll.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify 28.7.1 [cmath.syn], header <cmath> synopsis, as indicated:

    constexpr floating-point-type nexttoward(floating-point-type x, floating-point-typelong double y);
    constexpr float nexttowardf(float x, long double y);
    constexpr long double nexttowardl(long double x, long double y);
  2. Add following paragraph at the end of 28.7.1 [cmath.syn], header <cmath> synopsis:

    -?- An invocation of nexttoward is ill-formed if the argument corresponding to the floating-point-type parameter has extended floating-point type.

3819. reference_meows_from_temporary should not use is_meowible

Section: [meta.unary.prop] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Tim Song Opened: 2022-11-08 Last modified: 2022-11-10

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [meta.unary.prop].

View all other issues in [meta.unary.prop].


The intent of P2255R2 is for the reference_meows_from_temporary traits to fully support cases where a prvalue is used as the source. Unfortunately the wording fails to do so because it tries to use the is_meowible traits to say "the initialization is well-formed", but those traits only consider initialization from xvalues, not prvalues. For example, given:

struct U {
  U(U&&) = delete;

struct T {

reference_constructs_from_temporary_v<const T&, U> should be true, but is currently defined as false. We need to spell out the "is well-formed" condition directly.

[Kona 2022-11-08; Move to Tentatively Ready]

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

[Drafting note: The note is already repeated every time we talk about "immediate context".]

  1. Modify 21.3.3 [meta.type.synop], Table 46 ([tab:meta.unary.prop]) — "Type property predicates" — as indicated:

    Table 46: Type property predicates [tab:meta.unary.prop]
    Template Condition Preconditions
    template<class T, class U>
    struct reference_constructs_from_temporary;
    conjunction_v<is_reference<T>, is_constructible<T, U>> is trueT is a reference type, and the initialization T t(VAL<U>); is well-formed and binds t to a temporary object whose lifetime is extended (6.7.7 [class.temporary]). Access checking is performed as if in a context unrelated to T and U. Only the validity of the immediate context of the variable initialization is considered. [Note ?: The initialization can result in effects such as the instantiation of class template specializations and function template specializations, the generation of implicitly-defined functions, and so on. Such effects are not in the "immediate context" and can result in the program being ill-formed. — end note] T and U shall be complete types, cv void, or arrays of unknown bound.
    template<class T, class U>
    struct reference_converts_from_temporary;
    conjunction_v<is_reference<T>, is_convertible<U, T>> is trueT is a reference type, and the initialization T t = VAL<U>; is well-formed and binds t to a temporary object whose lifetime is extended (6.7.7 [class.temporary]). Access checking is performed as if in a context unrelated to T and U. Only the validity of the immediate context of the variable initialization is considered. [Note ?: The initialization can result in effects such as the instantiation of class template specializations and function template specializations, the generation of implicitly-defined functions, and so on. Such effects are not in the "immediate context" and can result in the program being ill-formed. — end note] T and U shall be complete types, cv void, or arrays of unknown bound.

3821. uses_allocator_construction_args should have overload for pair-like

Section: [allocator.uses.construction] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Tim Song Opened: 2022-11-08 Last modified: 2023-01-11

Priority: 2

View other active issues in [allocator.uses.construction].

View all other issues in [allocator.uses.construction].


P2165R4 added a pair-like constructor to std::pair but didn't add a corresponding uses_allocator_construction_args overload. It was in P2165R3 but incorrectly removed during the small group review.

Without LWG 3525, not having the overload would have caused emplacing a pair-like into a pmr::vector<pair> to be outright ill-formed.

With that issue's resolution, in cases where the constructor is not explicit we would create a temporary pair and then do uses-allocator construction using its pieces, and it still won't work when the constructor is explicit.

We should just do this properly.

[2022-11-09 Tim updates wording following LWG review]

During review of this issue LWG noticed that neither the constructor nor the new overload should accept subrange.

The remove_cv_t in the new paragraph is added for consistency with LWG 3677.

[Kona 2022-11-12; Set priority to 2]

[2023-01-11; LWG telecon]

Replace P with U in p17 and set status to Tentatively Ready (poll result: 8/0/0).

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917 after the application of LWG 3677.

  1. Edit 22.3.2 [pairs.pair] as indicated:

    template<class U1, class U2> constexpr explicit(see below) pair(pair<U1, U2>& p);
    template<class U1, class U2> constexpr explicit(see below) pair(const pair<U1, U2>& p);
    template<class U1, class U2> constexpr explicit(see below) pair(pair<U1, U2>&& p);
    template<class U1, class U2> constexpr explicit(see below) pair(const pair<U1, U2>&& p);
    template<pair-like P> constexpr explicit(see below) pair(P&& p);

    -14- Let FWD(u) be static_cast<decltype(u)>(u).

    -15- Constraints:

    1. (15.?) — For the last overload, remove_cvref_t<P> is not a specialization of ranges::subrange,

    2. (15.1) — is_constructible_v<T1, decltype(get<0>(FWD(p)))> is true and

    3. (15.2) — is_constructible_v<T2, decltype(get<1>(FWD(p)))> is true.

    -16- Effects: Initializes first with get<0>(FWD(p)) and second with get<1>(FWD(p)).

  2. Edit 20.2.2 [memory.syn], header <memory> synopsis, as indicated:

    namespace std {
      // [allocator.uses.construction], uses-allocator construction
      template<class T, class Alloc, class U, class V>
        constexpr auto uses_allocator_construction_args(const Alloc& alloc,
                                                        pair<U, V>& pr) noexcept;
      template<class T, class Alloc, class U, class V>
        constexpr auto uses_allocator_construction_args(const Alloc& alloc,
                                                        const pair<U, V>& pr) noexcept;
      template<class T, class Alloc, class U, class V>
        constexpr auto uses_allocator_construction_args(const Alloc& alloc,
                                                        pair<U, V>&& pr) noexcept;
      template<class T, class Alloc, class U, class V>
        constexpr auto uses_allocator_construction_args(const Alloc& alloc,
                                                        const pair<U, V>&& pr) noexcept;
      template<class T, class Alloc, pair-like P>
        constexpr auto uses_allocator_construction_args(const Alloc& alloc, P&& p) noexcept;
      template<class T, class Alloc, class U>
        constexpr auto uses_allocator_construction_args(const Alloc& alloc, U&& u) noexcept;
  3. Add the following to [allocator.uses.construction]:

      template<class T, class Alloc, pair-like P>
        constexpr auto uses_allocator_construction_args(const Alloc& alloc, P&& p) noexcept;

    -?- Constraints: remove_cv_t<T> is a specialization of pair and remove_cvref_t<P> is not a specialization of ranges::subrange.

    -?- Effects: Equivalent to:

    return uses_allocator_construction_args<T>(alloc, piecewise_construct,
  4. Edit [allocator.uses.construction] p17:

      template<class T, class Alloc, class U>
        constexpr auto uses_allocator_construction_args(const Alloc& alloc, U&& u) noexcept;

    -16- Let FUN be the function template:

      template<class A, class B>
      void FUN(const pair<A, B>&);

    -17- Constraints: remove_cv_t<T> is a specialization of pair, and either:

    1. (17.1) — remove_cvref_t<U> is a specialization of ranges::subrange, or

    2. (17.2) — U does not satisfy pair-like and the expression FUN(u) is not well-formed when considered as an unevaluated operand..

3834. Missing constexpr for std::intmax_t math functions in <cinttypes>

Section: 31.13.2 [cinttypes.syn] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: George Tokmaji Opened: 2022-11-27 Last modified: 2023-01-06

Priority: Not Prioritized


P0533R9 adds constexpr to math functions in <cmath> and <cstdlib>, which includes std::abs and std::div. This misses the overloads for std::intmax_t in <cinttypes>, as well as std::imaxabs and std::imaxdiv, which seems like an oversight.

[2023-01-06; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively Ready after six votes in favour during reflector poll.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify 31.13.2 [cinttypes.syn], header <cinttypes> synopsis, as indicated:

    namespace std {
      using imaxdiv_t = see below;
      constexpr intmax_t imaxabs(intmax_t j);
      constexpr imaxdiv_t imaxdiv(intmax_t numer, intmax_t denom);
      intmax_t strtoimax(const char* nptr, char** endptr, int base);
      uintmax_t strtoumax(const char* nptr, char** endptr, int base);
      intmax_t wcstoimax(const wchar_t* nptr, wchar_t** endptr, int base);
      uintmax_t wcstoumax(const wchar_t* nptr, wchar_t** endptr, int base);
      constexpr intmax_t abs(intmax_t);            // optional, see below
      constexpr imaxdiv_t div(intmax_t, intmax_t); // optional, see below

    -1- The contents and meaning of the header <cinttypes> are the same as the C standard library header <inttypes.h>, with the following changes:

    1. (1.1) — The header <cinttypes> includes the header <cstdint> (17.4.1 [cstdint.syn]) instead of <stdint.h>, and

    2. (1.2) — if and only if the type intmax_t designates an extended integer type (6.8.2 [basic.fundamental]), the following function signatures are added:

      constexpr intmax_t abs(intmax_t);
      constexpr imaxdiv_t div(intmax_t, intmax_t);

      which shall have the same semantics as the function signatures constexpr intmax_t imaxabs(intmax_t) and constexpr imaxdiv_t imaxdiv(intmax_t, intmax_t), respectively.

3839. range_formatter's set_separator, set_brackets, and underlying functions should be noexcept

Section: [format.range.formatter], [format.range.fmtdef], 22.14.9 [format.tuple] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Hewill Kang Opened: 2022-12-11 Last modified: 2023-01-06

Priority: Not Prioritized


The set_separator and set_brackets of range_formatter only invoke basic_string_view's assignment operator, which is noexcept, we should add noexcept specifications for them.

In addition, its underlying function returns a reference to the underlying formatter, which never throws, they should also be noexcept.

Similar rules apply to range-default-formatter and formatter's tuple specialization.

[2023-01-06; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively Ready after eight votes in favour during reflector poll.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify [format.range.formatter] as indicated:

    namespace std {
      template<class T, class charT = char>
        requires same_as<remove_cvref_t<T>, T> && formattable<T, charT>
      class range_formatter {
        formatter<T, charT> underlying_;                                          // exposition only
        basic_string_view<charT> separator_ = STATICALLY-WIDEN<charT>(", ");      // exposition only
        basic_string_view<charT> opening-bracket_ = STATICALLY-WIDEN<charT>("["); // exposition only
        basic_string_view<charT> closing-bracket_ = STATICALLY-WIDEN<charT>("]"); // exposition only
        constexpr void set_separator(basic_string_view<charT> sep) noexcept;
        constexpr void set_brackets(basic_string_view<charT> opening,
                                    basic_string_view<charT> closing) noexcept;
        constexpr formatter<T, charT>& underlying() noexcept { return underlying_; }
        constexpr const formatter<T, charT>& underlying() const noexcept { return underlying_; }
    constexpr void set_separator(basic_string_view<charT> sep) noexcept;

    -7- Effects: Equivalent to: separator_ = sep;

    constexpr void set_brackets(basic_string_view<charT> opening, basic_string_view<charT> closing) noexcept;

    -8- Effects: Equivalent to:

    opening-bracket_ = opening;
    closing-bracket_ = closing;

  2. Modify [format.range.fmtdef] as indicated:

    namespace std {
      template<ranges::input_range R, class charT>
      struct range-default-formatter<range_format::sequence, R, charT> {    // exposition only
        using maybe-const-r = fmt-maybe-const<R, charT>;                    // exposition only
                        charT> underlying_;                                 // exposition only
        constexpr void set_separator(basic_string_view<charT> sep) noexcept;
        constexpr void set_brackets(basic_string_view<charT> opening,
                                    basic_string_view<charT> closing) noexcept;
    constexpr void set_separator(basic_string_view<charT> sep) noexcept;

    -1- Effects: Equivalent to: underlying_.set_separator(sep);.

    constexpr void set_brackets(basic_string_view<charT> opening, basic_string_view<charT> closing) noexcept;

    -2- Effects: Equivalent to: underlying_.set_brackets(opening, closing);.

  3. Modify 22.14.9 [format.tuple] as indicated:

    namespace std {
      template<class charT, formattable<charT>... Ts>
      struct formatter<pair-or-tuple<Ts...>, charT> {
        tuple<formatter<remove_cvref_t<Ts>, charT>...> underlying_;               // exposition only
        basic_string_view<charT> separator_ = STATICALLY-WIDEN<charT>(", ");      // exposition only
        basic_string_view<charT> opening-bracket_ = STATICALLY-WIDEN<charT>("("); // exposition only
        basic_string_view<charT> closing-bracket_ = STATICALLY-WIDEN<charT>(")"); // exposition only
        constexpr void set_separator(basic_string_view<charT> sep) noexcept;
        constexpr void set_brackets(basic_string_view<charT> opening,
                                    basic_string_view<charT> closing) noexcept;
    constexpr void set_separator(basic_string_view<charT> sep) noexcept;

    -5- Effects: Equivalent to: separator_ = sep;

    constexpr void set_brackets(basic_string_view<charT> opening, basic_string_view<charT> closing) noexcept;

    -6- Effects: Equivalent to:

    opening-bracket_ = opening;
    closing-bracket_ = closing;

3841. <version> should not be "all freestanding"

Section: 17.3.2 [version.syn] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Jonathan Wakely Opened: 2022-12-14 Last modified: 2023-01-06

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [version.syn].

View all other issues in [version.syn].


It's reasonable for the <version> header to be required for freestanding, so that users can include it and see the "implementation-dependent information … (e.g. version number and release date)", and also to ask which features are present (which is the real intended purpose of <version>). It seems less reasonable to require every macro to be present on freestanding implementations, even the ones that correspond to non-freestanding features.

P2198R7 will fix this situation for C++26, but we should also do something for C++23 before publishing it. It seems sensible not to require any of the macros to be present, and then allow implementations to define them for the features that they support.

[2023-01-06; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively Ready after eight votes in favour during reflector poll.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify 17.3.2 [version.syn], header <version> synopsis, as indicated:

    -2- Each of the macros defined in <version> is also defined after inclusion of any member of the set of library headers indicated in the corresponding comment in this synopsis.

    [Note 1: Future revisions of C++ might replace the values of these macros with greater values. — end note]

    // all freestanding
    #define __cpp_lib_addressof_constexpr          201603L // also in <memory>

3842. Unclear wording for precision in chrono-format-spec

Section: 29.12 [time.format] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Jonathan Wakely Opened: 2022-12-14 Last modified: 2023-01-06

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [time.format].

View all other issues in [time.format].


29.12 [time.format] says:

[…] Giving a precision specification in the chrono-format-spec is valid only for std::chrono::duration types where the representation type Rep is a floating-point type. For all other Rep types, an exception of type format_error is thrown if the chrono-format-spec contains a precision specification. […]

It's unclear whether the restriction in the first sentence applies to all types, or only duration types. The second sentence seems to restrict the exceptional case to only types with a non-floating-point Rep, but what about types with no Rep type at all?

Can you use a precision with sys_time<duration<float>>? That is not a duration type at all, so does the restriction apply? What about hh_mm_ss<duration<int>>? That's not a duration type, but it uses one, and its Rep is not a floating-point type. What about sys_info? That's not a duration and doesn't have any associated duration, or Rep type.

What is the intention here?

Less importantly, I don't like the use of Rep here. That's the template parameter of the duration class template, but that name isn't in scope here. Why aren't we talking about the duration type's rep type, which is the public name for it? Or about a concrete specialization duration<Rep, Period>, instead of the class template?

The suggested change below would preserve the intended meaning, but with more … precision.

[2023-01-06; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively Ready after eight votes in favour during reflector poll.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify 29.12 [time.format] as indicated:

    -1- […]

    The productions fill-and-align, width, and precision are described in 22.14.2 [format.string]. Giving a precision specification in the chrono-format-spec is valid only for types that are specializations of std::chrono::duration types where the representation type Rep isfor which the nested typedef-name rep denotes a floating-point type. For all other Rep types, an exception of type format_error is thrown if the chrono-format-spec contains a precision specification. […]

3848. adjacent_view, adjacent_transform_view and slide_view missing base accessor

Section: [range.adjacent.view], [range.adjacent.transform.view], [range.slide.view] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Hewill Kang Opened: 2023-01-06 Last modified: 2023-02-01

Priority: Not Prioritized


Like most range adaptors, these three views accept a single range and store it as a member variable. However, they do not provide a base() member function for accessing the underlying range, which seems like an oversight.

[2023-02-01; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively Ready after seven votes in favour during reflector poll.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify [range.adjacent.view] as indicated:

    namespace std::ranges {
      template<forward_range V, size_t N>
        requires view<V> && (N > 0)
      class adjacent_view : public view_interface<adjacent_view<V, N>> {
        V base_ = V();                      // exposition only
        adjacent_view() requires default_initializable<V> = default;
        constexpr explicit adjacent_view(V base);
        constexpr V base() const & requires copy_constructible<V> { return base_; }
        constexpr V base() && { return std::move(base_); }
  2. Modify [range.adjacent.transform.view] as indicated:

    namespace std::ranges {
      template<forward_range V, move_constructible F, size_t N>
        requires view<V> && (N > 0) && is_object_v<F> &&
                 regular_invocable<F&, REPEAT(range_reference_t<V>, N)...> &&
                 can-reference<invoke_result_t<F&, REPEAT(range_reference_t<V>, N)...>>
      class adjacent_transform_view : public view_interface<adjacent_transform_view<V, F, N>> {
        movable-box<F> fun_;                        // exposition only
        adjacent_view<V, N> inner_;                 // exposition only
        using InnerView = adjacent_view<V, N>;      // exposition only
        adjacent_transform_view() = default;
        constexpr explicit adjacent_transform_view(V base, F fun);
        constexpr V base() const & requires copy_constructible<InnerView> { return inner_.base(); }
        constexpr V base() && { return std::move(inner_).base(); }
  3. Modify [range.slide.view] as indicated:

    namespace std::ranges {
      template<forward_range V>
        requires view<V>
      class slide_view : public view_interface<slide_view<V>> {
        V base_;                            // exposition only
        range_difference_t<V> n_;           // exposition only
        constexpr explicit slide_view(V base, range_difference_t<V> n);
        constexpr V base() const & requires copy_constructible<V> { return base_; }
        constexpr V base() && { return std::move(base_); }

3849. cartesian_product_view::iterator's default constructor is overconstrained

Section: 99 [ranges.cartesian.iterator] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Hewill Kang Opened: 2023-01-06 Last modified: 2023-02-01

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [ranges.cartesian.iterator].

View all other issues in [ranges.cartesian.iterator].


Currently, cartesian_product_view::iterator only provides the default constructor when the first range models forward_range, which seems too restrictive since several input iterators like istream_iterator are still default-constructible.

It would be more appropriate to constrain the default constructor only by whether the underlying iterator satisfies default_initializable, as most other range adaptors do. Since cartesian_product_view::iterator contains a tuple member that already has a constrained default constructor, the proposed resolution simply removes the constraint.

[2023-02-01; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively Ready after nine votes in favour during reflector poll.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify 99 [ranges.cartesian.iterator] as indicated:

    namespace std::ranges {
      template<input_range First, forward_range... Vs>
        requires (view<First> && ... && view<Vs>)
      template<bool Const>
      class cartesian_product_view<First, Vs...>::iterator {
        iterator() requires forward_range<maybe-const<Const, First>> = default;
        using Parent = maybe-const<Const, cartesian_product_view>;          // exposition only
        Parent* parent_ = nullptr;                                          // exposition only
        tuple<iterator_t<maybe-const<Const, First>>,
          iterator_t<maybe-const<Const, Vs>>...> current_;                  // exposition only

3850. views::as_const on empty_view<T> should return empty_view<const T>

Section: [range.as.const.overview] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Hewill Kang Opened: 2023-01-06 Last modified: 2023-02-01

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [range.as.const.overview].

View all other issues in [range.as.const.overview].


Currently, applying views::as_const to an empty_view<int> will result in an as_const_view<empty_view<int>>, and its iterator type will be basic_const_iterator<int*>.

This amount of instantiation is not desirable for such a simple view, in which case simply returning empty_view<const int> should be enough.

[2023-02-01; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively Ready after eight votes in favour during reflector poll.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify [range.as.const.overview] as indicated:

    -2- The name views::as_const denotes a range adaptor object (26.7.2 [range.adaptor.object]). Let E be an expression, let T be decltype((E)), and let U be remove_cvref_t<T>. The expression views::as_const(E) is expression-equivalent to:

    1. (2.1) — If views::all_t<T> models constant_range, then views::all(E).

    2. (2.?) — Otherwise, if U denotes empty_view<X> for some type X, then auto(views::empty<const X>).

    3. (2.2) — Otherwise, if U denotes span<X, Extent> for some type X and some extent Extent, then span<const X, Extent>(E).

    4. (2.3) — Otherwise, if E is an lvalue, const U models constant_range, and U does not model view, then ref_view(static_cast<const U&>(E)).

    5. (2.4) — Otherwise, as_const_view(E).

3851. chunk_view::inner-iterator missing custom iter_move and iter_swap

Section: [range.chunk.inner.iter] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Hewill Kang Opened: 2023-01-06 Last modified: 2023-02-01

Priority: Not Prioritized


For the input version of chunk_view, its inner-iterator::operator*() simply dereferences the underlying input iterator. However, there are no customized iter_move and iter_swap overloads for the inner-iterator, which prevents customized behavior when applying views::chunk to a range whose iterator type is a proxy iterator, for example:

    #include <algorithm>
    #include <cassert>
    #include <ranges>
    #include <sstream>
    #include <vector>

    int main() {
      auto ints = std::istringstream{"0 1 2 3 4"};
      std::vector<std::string> vs{"the", "quick", "brown", "fox"};
      auto r = std::views::zip(vs, std::views::istream<int>(ints))
              | std::views::chunk(2)
              | std::views::join;
      std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, int>> res;
      std::ranges::copy(std::move_iterator(r.begin()), std::move_sentinel(r.end()), 
      assert(vs.front().empty()); // assertion failed

zip iterator has a customized iter_move behavior, but since there is no iter_move specialization for inner-iterator, when we try to move elements in chunk_view, move_iterator will fallback to use the default implementation of iter_move, making strings not moved as expected from the original vector but copied instead.

[2023-02-01; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively Ready after five votes in favour during reflector poll.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify [range.chunk.inner.iter] as indicated:

    namespace std::ranges {
      template<view V>
        requires input_range<V>
      class chunk_view<V>::inner-iterator {
        chunk_view* parent_;                                                // exposition only
        constexpr explicit inner-iterator(chunk_view& parent) noexcept;     // exposition only
        friend constexpr difference_type operator-(default_sentinel_t y, const inner-iterator& x)
          requires sized_sentinel_for<sentinel_t<V>, iterator_t<V>>;
        friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const inner-iterator& x, default_sentinel_t y)
          requires sized_sentinel_for<sentinel_t<V>, iterator_t<V>>;
        friend constexpr range_rvalue_reference_t<V> iter_move(const inner-iterator& i)
        friend constexpr void iter_swap(const inner-iterator& x, const inner-iterator& y)
          noexcept(noexcept(ranges::iter_swap(*x.parent_->current_, *y.parent_->current_)))
          requires indirectly_swappable<iterator_t<V>>;
    friend constexpr range_rvalue_reference_t<V> iter_move(const inner-iterator& i)

    -?- Effects: Equivalent to: return ranges::iter_move(*i.parent_->current_);

    friend constexpr void iter_swap(const inner-iterator& x, const inner-iterator& y)
      noexcept(noexcept(ranges::iter_swap(*x.parent_->current_, *y.parent_->current_)))
      requires indirectly_swappable<iterator_t<V>>;

    -?- Effects: Equivalent to: ranges::iter_swap(*x.parent_->current_, *y.parent_->current_).

3853. basic_const_iterator<volatile int*>::operator-> is ill-formed

Section: 25.5.3 [const.iterators] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Hewill Kang Opened: 2023-01-06 Last modified: 2023-02-01

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [const.iterators].

View all other issues in [const.iterators].


Currently, basic_const_iterator::operator-> constrains the value type of the underlying iterator to be only the cv-unqualified type of its reference type, which is true for raw pointers.

However, since it also explicitly specifies returning a pointer to a const value type, this will cause a hard error when the value type is actually volatile-qualified:

std::basic_const_iterator<volatile int*> it;
auto* p = it.operator->(); // invalid conversion from 'volatile int*' to 'const int*'

The proposed resolution changes the return type from const value_type* to const auto*, which makes it deduce the correct type in the above example, i.e. const volatile int*.

[2023-02-01; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively Ready after six votes in favour during reflector poll.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify 25.5.3 [const.iterators] as indicated:

    namespace std {
      template<class I>
        concept not-a-const-iterator = see below;
      template<input_iterator Iterator>
      class basic_const_iterator {
        Iterator current_ = Iterator();                             // exposition only
        using reference = iter_const_reference_t<Iterator>;         // exposition only
        constexpr reference operator*() const;
        constexpr const autovalue_type* operator->() const
           requires is_lvalue_reference_v<iter_reference_t<Iterator>> &&
                    same_as<remove_cvref_t<iter_reference_t<Iterator>>, value_type>;
    constexpr const autovalue_type* operator->() const
      requires is_lvalue_reference_v<iter_reference_t<Iterator>> &&
               same_as<remove_cvref_t<iter_reference_t<Iterator>>, value_type>;

    -7- Returns: If Iterator models contiguous_iterator, to_address(current_); otherwise, addressof(*current_).

3857. basic_string_view should allow explicit conversion when only traits vary

Section: [string.view.cons] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Casey Carter Opened: 2023-01-10 Last modified: 2023-02-01

Priority: Not Prioritized

View all other issues in [string.view.cons].


basic_string_view has a constructor that converts appropriate contiguous ranges to basic_string_view. This constructor accepts an argument by forwarding reference (R&&), and has several constraints including that specified in [string.view.cons]/12.6:

if the qualified-id remove_reference_t<R>::traits_type is valid and denotes a type,  is_same_v<remove_reference_t<R>::traits_type, traits> is true.

This constraint prevents conversions from basic_string_view<C, T1> and basic_string<C, T1, A>  to basic_string_view<C, T2>. Preventing such seemingly semantic-affecting conversions from happening implicitly was a good idea, but since the constructor was changed to be explicit it no longer seems necessary to forbid these conversions. If a user wants to convert a basic_string_view<C, T2> to  basic_string_view<C, T1> with static_cast<basic_string_view<C, T1>>(meow) instead of by writing out basic_string_view<C, T1>{meow.data(), meow.size()} that seems fine to me. Indeed, if we think conversions like this are so terribly dangerous we probably shouldn't be performing them ourselves in [format.arg]/9 and [format.arg]/10.

[2023-02-01; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively Ready after six votes in favour during reflector poll.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4917.

  1. Modify [string.view.cons] as indicated:

    template<class R>
      constexpr explicit basic_string_view(R&& r);

    -11- Let d be an lvalue of type remove_cvref_t<R>.

    -12- Constraints:

    1. (12.1) — remove_cvref_t<R> is not the same type as basic_string_view,

    2. (12.2) — R models ranges::contiguous_range and ranges::sized_range,

    3. (12.3) — is_same_v<ranges::range_value_t<R>, charT> is true,

    4. (12.4) — is_convertible_v<R, const charT*> is false, and

    5. (12.5) — d.operator ::std::basic_string_view<charT, traits>() is not a valid expression, and.

    6. (12.6) — if the qualified-id remove_reference_t<R>::traits_type is valid and denotes a type, is_same_v<remove_reference_t<R>::traits_type, traits> is true.

3860. range_common_reference_t is missing

Section: 26.2 [ranges.syn] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Hewill Kang Opened: 2023-01-24 Last modified: 2023-02-06

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [ranges.syn].

View all other issues in [ranges.syn].


For the alias template iter_meow_t in <iterator>, there are almost all corresponding range_meow_t in <ranges>, except for iter_common_reference_t, which is used to calculate the common reference type shared by reference and value_type of the iterator.

Given that it has a highly similar formula form to iter_const_reference_t, and the latter has a corresponding sibling, I think we should add a range_common_reference_t for <ranges>.

This increases the consistency of the two libraries and simplifies the text of getting common reference from a range. Since C++23 brings proxy iterators and tuple enhancements, I believe such introduction can bring some value.

[2023-02-06; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively Ready after seven votes in favour during reflector poll.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4928.

  1. Modify 26.2 [ranges.syn], header <ranges> synopsis, as indicated:

    #include <compare>              // see 17.11.1 [compare.syn]
    #include <initializer_list>     // see 17.10.2 [initializer.list.syn]
    #include <iterator>             // see 25.2 [iterator.synopsis]
    namespace std::ranges {
      template<range R>
        using range_reference_t = iter_reference_t<iterator_t<R>>;                      // freestanding
      template<range R>
        using range_const_reference_t = iter_const_reference_t<iterator_t<R>>;          // freestanding
      template<range R>
        using range_rvalue_reference_t = iter_rvalue_reference_t<iterator_t<R>>;        // freestanding
      template<range R>
        using range_common_reference_t = iter_common_reference_t<iterator_t<R>>;        // freestanding

3866. Bad Mandates for expected::transform_error overloads

Section: [expected.object.monadic], [expected.void.monadic] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Casey Carter Opened: 2023-01-29 Last modified: 2023-02-06

Priority: Not Prioritized


The overloads of expected::transform_error mandate that "[type] G is a valid value type for expected" ( [expected.object.monadic]/27 and 31 as well as [expected.void.monadic]/24 and 27)).

All of these overloads then instantiate expected<T, G> (for some type T) which doesn't require G to be a valid value type for expected ( [expected.object.general]/2) but instead requires that G is "a valid template argument for unexpected" ( [expected.object.general]/2). Comparing [expected.object.general]/2 with [expected.un.general]/2 it's clear that there are types — const int, for example — which are valid value types for expected but not valid template arguments for unexpected. Presumably this unimplementable requirement is a typo, and the subject paragraphs intended to require that G be a valid template argument for unexpected.

[2023-02-06; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively Ready after five votes in favour during reflector poll.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4928.

  1. Modify [expected.object.monadic] as indicated:

    template<class F> constexpr auto transform_error(F&& f) &;
    template<class F> constexpr auto transform_error(F&& f) const &;


    -27- Mandates: G is a valid value type for expectedtemplate argument for unexpected ( [expected.un.general]) and the declaration

    G g(invoke(std::forward<F>(f), error()));

    is well-formed.


    template<class F> constexpr auto transform_error(F&& f) &&;
    template<class F> constexpr auto transform_error(F&& f) const &&;


    -31- Mandates: G is a valid value type for expectedtemplate argument for unexpected ( [expected.un.general]) and the declaration

    G g(invoke(std::forward<F>(f), std::move(error())));

    is well-formed.


  2. Modify [expected.void.monadic] as indicated:

    template<class F> constexpr auto transform_error(F&& f) &;
    template<class F> constexpr auto transform_error(F&& f) const &;


    -24- Mandates: G is a valid value type for expectedtemplate argument for unexpected ( [expected.un.general]) and the declaration

    G g(invoke(std::forward<F>(f), error()));

    is well-formed.


    template<class F> constexpr auto transform_error(F&& f) &&;
    template<class F> constexpr auto transform_error(F&& f) const &&;


    -27- Mandates: G is a valid value type for expectedtemplate argument for unexpected ( [expected.un.general]) and the declaration

    G g(invoke(std::forward<F>(f), std::move(error())));

    is well-formed.


3867. Should std::basic_osyncstream's move assignment operator be noexcept?

Section: [syncstream.osyncstream.overview] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Jiang An Opened: 2023-01-29 Last modified: 2023-02-06

Priority: Not Prioritized

View all other issues in [syncstream.osyncstream.overview].


The synopsis of std::basic_osyncstream ( [syncstream.osyncstream.overview]) indicates that it's member functions behave as if it hold a std::basic_syncbuf as its subobject, and according to [functions.within.classes], std::basic_osyncstream's move assignment operator should call std::basic_syncbuf's move assignment operator.

However, currently std::basic_osyncstream's move assignment operator is noexcept, while std::basic_syncbuf's is not. So when an exception is thrown from move assignment between std::basic_syncbuf objects, std::terminate should be called.

It's clarified in LWG 3498 that an exception can escape from std::basic_syncbuf's move assignment operator. Is there any reason that an exception shouldn't escape from std::basic_osyncstream's move assignment operator?

[2023-02-06; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively Ready after seven votes in favour during reflector poll.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4928.

  1. Modify [syncstream.osyncstream.overview] as indicated:

    namespace std {
      template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT>>
      class basic_osyncstream : public basic_ostream<charT, traits> {
        using syncbuf_type = basic_syncbuf<charT, traits, Allocator>;
        // assignment
        basic_osyncstream& operator=(basic_osyncstream&&) noexcept;
        syncbuf_type sb; // exposition only