Wording for boolean-testable

Document #: P1964R2
Date: 2020-02-11
Project: Programming Language C++
Reply-to: Tim Song

1 Introduction

This paper provides wording for replacing boolean with the boolean-testable exposition-only concept, as proposed in [P1964R0]. For detailed motivation and discussion, see that paper.

2 Revision history

3 LEWG Belfast vote

An early draft of [P1964R0] was presented to LEWG on Friday afternoon in Belfast. The following polls were taken:

Introduce an exposition-only concept $NAME as a replacement for the existing use of the boolean concept.

  • subsume convertible_to
  • add syntactic checking for !
  • add semantic requirements for “there is no operator|| nor operator&& that can be found in any use of T”

In favor of the above design.

3 11 2 0 0

Name is boolean-testable

Unanimous consent

Tim and Casey will update P1964 with wording for the above design. We forward that paper to LWG for C++20.

Unanimous consent

4 Drafting notes

Yes, this is a lot of words to specify what is basically “don’t be dumb”. Defining “dumb” with sufficient precision turns out to be complicated.

The basic requirement is that a boolean-testable type must not contribute any potentially viable operator&& or operator|| overload to the overload set. If so, then any two boolean-testable types can be freely used with these operators, because there are no viable user-defined overloads and therefore they must have their built-in meaning.

There are three cases to consider:

  1. Members. These are relatively straightforward: no operator&& or operator||, period.
  2. Non-member functions. These are also simple: we know the concrete types, so they are either potentially viable (an implicit conversion sequence exists from the source expression to one of the parameter types) or they are not.
  3. Non-member function templates. These are the hardest because we don’t know the parameter types at all and must therefore resort to template argument deduction.

There are some wrinkles for this third case.

Non-deduced contexts

Consider the following example:

 namespace X {
   enum A {};

   struct trait { using type = A; };

   template<class T>
   void operator&&(T*, typename trait<T>::type);

This operator&& will be picked up in an expression like (int*) nullptr && X::A(). Since int* should model boolean-testable (and certainly isn’t responsible for this operator), we must make X::A not model boolean-testable. In other words, a non-deduced context, which can encode an arbitrary type transformation, must be considered to match everything.


As mentioned in [P1964R0], the wording needs to avoid catching overloads like std::valarray’s operator&& on unsuspecting types in namespace std. That is, we want declarations like

template<class T>
valarray<bool> operator&&(const valarray<T>&, const typename valarray<T>::value_type&);

and its pre-[LWG3074] form

template<class T>
valarray<bool> operator&&(const valarray<T>&, const T&);

to disqualify specializations of std::valarray (or any derived class that might have added a conversion to bool), but not std::true_type.

The distinguishing characteristics of these overloads are

  1. They are part of the interface of some class template (e.g., std::valarray);
  2. They have a function parameter whose (uncvref’d) type is a specialization of that class template;
  3. They are a member of the same namespace as that class template (so that they can be found by ADL)

For these overloads, we can safely only consider the parameter(s) satisfying #2 above (called key parameters in the wording below). This is because for template argument deduction to succeed on such a parameter, the type of the provided argument must be either a specialization of that class template or derived from it. If so, then that argument must necessarily also bring this function template into the overload set. As long as the wording excludes such arguments, then, there is no need to worry about other types that may happen to belong in the same namespace.

I have color-coded the two steps in this reasoning because there are corner cases involving each, which I’ll now discuss.

Non-deduced contexts, again

Consider this example:

namespace Y {
  struct C {};

  template<class T>
  void operator&&(C<T> x, T y);

  template<class T>
  void operator||(C<std::decay_t<T>> x, T y);

  enum A {};

struct B { template<class T> operator T(); };

We don’t want the operator&& declaration to disqualify Y::A; however the expression ::B() || Y::A() will use the Y::operator|| overload, and therefore Y::A cannot be boolean-testable, even though its declaration might be superficially similar. The key difference here is that C<std::decay_t<T>> doesn’t contain anything that participates in template argument deduction, and therefore no longer requires the argument to have any relation to C, contrary to the first sentence of the reasoning above.

To qualify as a key parameter, then, the type must contain at least one template parameter that participates in template argument deduction.

Hidden friends

Hidden friends strike at the second sentence of the reasoning above. Consider:

namespace Z {
  struct A {
    operator bool();

  struct B {
    operator bool();
    template<class T>
    friend void operator&&(A<T>, B);

Z::A<int>() && Z::B() will use the operator&& overload, but ADL for Z::A<int>() alone will not even find the hidden friend overload (indeed, the author of Z::A might have nothing to do with it). So we must disqualify Z::B instead.

The problem here is that the hidden friend can be a friend of the wrong class. That means that the second sentence of the reasoning above no longer applies, because we are no longer guaranteed that the argument related to A will bring the overload in.

The wording below excludes hidden friends from the key parameter special case: hidden friends disqualify a type from modeling boolean-testable if template argument deduction for either parameter succeeds. Note that the concern motivating this special case doesn’t apply to hidden friends: if they are the hidden friend of the “right” class template, then ADL for other types in the namespace will not even find them, so they will not accidentally disqualify anything.

5 Wording

This wording is relative to [N4842].

Replace 18.5.2 [concept.boolean] with the following:

18.5.2 Boolean testability [concept.booleantestable]

1 The exposition-only boolean-testable concept specifies the requirements on expressions that are convertible to bool and for which the logical operators (7.6.14 [expr.log.and], 7.6.15 [expr.log.or], [expr.unary.op]) have the conventional semantics.

template<class T>
concept boolean-testable-impl = convertible_to<T, bool>;  // exposition only

2 Let e be an expression such that decltype((e)) is T. T models boolean-testable-impl only if:

  • (2.1) either remove_cvref_t<T> is not a class type, or name lookup for the names operator&& and operator|| within the scope of remove_cvref_t<T> as if by class member access lookup (11.8 [class.member.lookup]) results in an empty declaration set; and
  • (2.2) name lookup for the names operator&& and operator|| in the associated namespaces and entities of T (6.5.2 [basic.lookup.argdep]) finds no disqualifying declaration (defined below).

3 A disqualifying parameter is a function parameter whose declared type P

  • (3.1) is not dependent on a template parameter, and there exists an implicit conversion sequence ( [over.best.ics]) from e to P; or
  • (3.2) is dependent on one or more template parameters, and either
    • (3.2.1) P contains no template parameter that participates in template argument deduction ( [temp.deduct.type]), or
    • (3.2.2) template argument deduction using the rules for deducing template arguments in a function call ( [temp.deduct.call]) and the type of e as the argument type succeeds.

4 A key parameter of a function template D is a function parameter of type cv X or reference thereto, where X names a specialization of a class template that is a member of the same namespace as D, and X contains at least one template parameter that participates in template argument deduction.

[ Example: In

 namespace Z {
   struct C {};

   template<class T>
   void operator&&(C<T> x, T y);

   template<class T>
   void operator||(C<type_identity_t<T>> x, T y);

the declaration of Z::operator&& contains one key parameter, C<T> x, and the declaration of Z::operator|| contains no key parameters.end example ]

5 A disqualifying declaration is

  • (5.1) a (non-template) function declaration that contains at least one disqualifying parameter; or
  • (5.2) a function template declaration that contains at least one disqualifying parameter, where
    • (5.2.1) at least one disqualifying parameter is a key parameter; or
    • (5.2.2) the declaration contains no key parameters; or
    • (5.2.3) the declaration declares a function template that is not visible in its namespace ( [namespace.memdef]).

6 [ Note: The intention is to ensure that given two types T1 and T2 that each model boolean-testable-impl, the && and || operators within the expressions declval<T1>() && declval<T2>() and declval<T1>() || declval<T2>() resolve to the corresponding built-in operators.end note ]

template<class T>
concept boolean-testable =                             // exposition only
    boolean-testable-impl<T> && requires (T&& t) {
        { !std::forward<T>(t) } -> boolean-testable-impl;

7 Let e be an expression such that decltype((e)) is T. T models boolean-testable only if bool(e) == !bool(!e).

8 [ Example: The types bool, true_­type (20.15.2 [meta.type.synop]), int*, and bitset<N>::​reference (20.9.2 [template.bitset]) model boolean-testable.end example ]

Edit 18.3 [concepts.syn] as indicated:

 namespace std {

   // 18.5, comparison concepts
-  // 18.5.2, concept boolean
-  template<class B>
-  concept boolean = see below ;


Replace all instances of boolean in 17.11.4 [cmp.concept], 18.5.3 [concept.equalitycomparable], 18.5.4 [concept.totallyordered] and 18.7.4 [concept.predicate] with boolean-testable.

Edit [expos.only.func] as indicated:

 constexpr auto synth-three-way =
   []<class T, class U>(const T& t, const U& u)
     requires requires {
-      { t < u } -> convertible_to<bool>;
-      { u < t } -> convertible_to<bool>;
+      { t < u } -> boolean-testable;
+      { u < t } -> boolean-testable;
     if constexpr (three_way_comparable_with<T, U>) {
       return t <=> u;
     } else {
       if (t < u) return weak_ordering::less;
       if (u < t) return weak_ordering::greater;
       return weak_ordering::equivalent;

Edit 25.5.5 [alg.find] p1 as indicated:

1 Let E be:

  • (1.1) *i == value for find,
  • (1.2) pred(*i) != false for find_­if,
  • (1.3) pred(*i) == false for find_­if_­not,
  • (1.4) bool(invoke(proj, *i) == value) for ranges​::​find,
  • (1.5) bool(invoke(pred, invoke(proj, *i))) != false for ranges​::​find_­if,
  • (1.6) bool(!invoke(pred, invoke(proj, *i))) == false for ranges​::​find_­if_­not.

Edit 25.5.7 [alg.find.first.of] p1 as indicated:

1 Let E be:

  • (1.1) *i == *j for the overloads with no parameter pred,
  • (1.2) pred(*i, *j) != false for the overloads with a parameter pred and no parameter proj1,
  • (1.3) bool(invoke(pred, invoke(proj1, *i), invoke(proj2, *j))) != false for the overloads with parameters pred and proj1.

Edit 25.5.8 [alg.adjacent.find] p1 as indicated:

1 Let E be:

  • (1.1) *i == *(i + 1) for the overloads with no parameter pred,
  • (1.2) pred(*i, *(i + 1)) != false for the overloads with a parameter pred and no parameter proj,
  • (1.3) bool(invoke(pred, invoke(proj, *i), invoke(proj, *(i + 1)))) != false for the overloads with parameters pred and proj.

Edit 25.5.9 [alg.count] p1 as indicated:

1 Let E be:

  • (1.1) *i == value for the overloads with no parameter pred or proj,
  • (1.2) pred(*i) != false for the overloads with a parameter pred but no parameter proj,
  • (1.3) invoke(proj, *i) == value for the overloads with a parameter proj but no parameter pred,
  • (1.4) bool(invoke(pred, invoke(proj, *i))) != false for the overloads with both parameters proj and pred.

Update the value of __cpp_lib_concepts in 17.3.2 [version.syn], header <version> synopsis, to reflect the date of approval of this proposal.

6 References

[LWG3074] Jonathan Wakely. Non-member functions for valarray should only deduce from the valarray.

[N4842] Richard Smith. 2019. Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++.

[P1964R0] Tim Song. 2019. Casting convertible_to<bool> considered harmful.