C++ Standard Library Issues List (Revision R124)

Index by Status and Section

Reference ISO/IEC IS 14882:2020(E)

This document is the Index by Status and Section for the Library Active Issues List, Library Defect Reports and Accepted Issues, and Library Closed Issues List.

Revised 2023-06-09 at 14:25:43 UTC

Tentatively Ready (17 issues)

Issue Status Section Title Proposed Resolution Priority Duplicates
3885(i) Tentatively Ready [zombie.names] 'op' should be in [zombie.names] Yes
3887(i) Tentatively Ready 17.3.2 [version.syn] Version macro for allocate_at_least Yes
3938(i) Tentatively Ready [expected.object.monadic] Cannot use std::expected monadic ops with move-only error_type Yes
3940(i) Tentatively Ready [expected.void.obs] std::expected<void, E>::value() also needs E to be copy constructible Yes
3925(i) Tentatively Ready [format.formattable] Concept formattable's definition is incorrect Yes
2994(i) Tentatively Ready 23.2 [char.traits] Needless UB for basic_string and basic_string_view Yes 3
3927(i) Tentatively Ready 24.2.4 [sequence.reqmts] Unclear preconditions for operator[] for sequence containers Yes
3884(i) Tentatively Ready 24.6.9 [flat.map] flat_foo is missing allocator-extended copy/move constructors Yes
3903(i) Tentatively Ready [span.overview] span destructor is redundantly noexcept Yes
3914(i) Tentatively Ready 26.2 [ranges.syn] Inconsistent template-head of ranges::enumerate_view Yes
3915(i) Tentatively Ready 26.4.2 [range.range] Redundant paragraph about expression variations Yes
3904(i) Tentatively Ready [range.lazy.split.outer] lazy_split_view::outer-iterator's const-converting constructor isn't setting trailing_empty_ Yes
3912(i) Tentatively Ready [range.enumerate.iterator] enumerate_view::iterator::operator- should be noexcept Yes
3894(i) Tentatively Ready 26.8.5 [coro.generator.promise] generator::promise_type::yield_value(ranges::elements_of<Rng, Alloc>) should not be noexcept Yes
3905(i) Tentatively Ready 28.3.1 [cfenv.syn] Type of std::fexcept_t Yes
3935(i) Tentatively Ready 28.4.3 [complex] template<class X> constexpr complex& operator=(const complex<X>&) has no specification Yes
3893(i) Tentatively Ready [util.smartptr.atomic.shared] LWG 3661 broke atomic<shared_ptr<T>> a; a = nullptr; Yes