ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34N0841

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TITLE: Minutes of March 2007 Meeting - Oslo, Norway
SOURCE: SC34 Secretariat
STATUS: Meeting minutes
ACTION: For information
DATE: 2007-03-24
DISTRIBUTION: SC34 and Liaisons

Dr. James David Mason
(ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 Chairman)
Y-12 National Security Complex
Bldg. 9113, M.S. 8208
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8208 U.S.A.
Telephone: +1 865 574-6973
Facsimile: +1 865 574-1896

Mr. G. Ken Holman
(ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 Secretariat - Standards Council of Canada)
Crane Softwrights Ltd.
Box 266,
Telephone: +1 613 489-0999
Facsimile: +1 613 489-0995

1. Opening of opening plenary meeting - 2007-03-22 09:10
2. Roll call of Delegates
 - please check name information details on the interim report
3. Appointment of Drafting Committee
 - please submit documents to Secretariat Manager by Friday afternoon, March 23
 - drafting committee: chair, secretary, working group convenors
4. Adoption of the Agenda: Document: SC34 N 795
 - no additions to the agenda
5. Chairman's Remarks
 - Jim addressed the assembly
 - many thanks to the Bouvet and the National Body of Norway for hosting us
6. Secretariat's Remarks 
 - many thanks to the National Body of Japan for offering to undertake the 
Secretariat responsibilities ... please see J1N8546 for the default ballot 
due May 14, 2007 (this is a default ballot, thus nothing needs to be said 
in order to support the ballot; only objections are sent in response)
7. Reports of ISO/IEC Liaisons (Specific ISO/IEC liaisons will be added 
   to the agenda upon receipt of written contributions to the plenary meeting)
 - 10036 liaison report (N834)
8. Reports of External Liaisons (Specific ISO/IEC liaisons will be added 
   to the agenda upon receipt of written contributions to the plenary meeting)
   - Ecma
     - Rex Jaeschke
     - project editor of record for 29500
     - see N0830 for liaison report
   - ISUG
     - after over 20 years this group has been disbanded and no future 
       delegations are expected
   - XML Guild
     - anticipate an application from the XML Guild
       for Category A Liaison with SC34
   - ITU/T - accelerate using XML for the writing of standards documents
           - planning to introduce their own XML but will consider 
             PDAM 9573-11 and existing 9573-11
   - OASIS RELAX-NG TC - activities starting again
9. Reports of Working Groups
   - ISO-HTML public availability
     - WG3 tasked with recommending that SC34 ask Central Secretariat to 
       make ISO HTML publicly available
   - maintenance procedures for 29500 (FT), 26300 (PAS) and DSDL (IS) standards
     - brief discussion
   - note the following from ISO Central Secretariat:

     Apparently, the following projects have been granted an extension 
     by JTC 1. We, however, still require new target dates in order to 
     complete the reinstating process. Could you please provide new 
     target dates, so that I can inform Lisa for JTC 1 endorsement?
     ISO/IEC WD 19757-10 20. 20 2004-04-20 JTC 1/SC 34/WG 1 available : 2006-11-22
     ISO/IEC CD 19757-5 30. 60 2006-05-28 JTC 1/SC 34/WG 1 available : 2006-11-22
     ISO/IEC WD 19757-6 20. 20 2004-04-20 JTC 1/SC 34/WG 1 available : 2006-11-22
     ISO/IEC CD 19757-7 30. 60 2005-05-20 JTC 1/SC 34/WG 1 available : 2006-11-22
     ISO/IEC CD 19757-9 30. 60 2006-05-28 JTC 1/SC 34/WG 1 available : 2006-11-22
     ISO/IEC CD 18048 30. 60 2006-10-16 JTC 1/SC 34/WG 3 available : 2006-11-22

9.1. Working Group 1 - Markup Languages
 - three ballots to resolve
 - new draft for DSDL 5
 - 9573-11 
 - 9573-13 may have to be withdrawn
 - 13 participants
9.2. Working Group 2 - Information Presentation
 - 9541-4 font information interchange
   - last meeting PDAM text 1 Amd 4 part 2 Amd 2
   - SC22 finalized text
 - 24754 - minimum requirements for 
   - FCD text circulated for ballot closing in May
 - 3 participants
9.3. Working Group 3 - Information Association
 - great deal of progress
 - data model and XTM 2.0 nearly at publication status
 - two WG3 meetings - August and October
 - three new drafts ready for discussion
 - 20 participants
10. ISO/IEC JTC1 Activities of Interest to SC34 
 - none
11. Review of Programme of Work and Target Dates
12. Review of SC34 Meeting Calendar 
  - 2007H2
    - Montréal August?
    - Kyoto November 12-16 (tentative)
  - 2008H1
    - UK?
  - 2008H2
    - Jeju Island, Korea?
13. Other opening plenary meeting business 
  - upcoming appointment/selection of chairman and working group convenors 2007-11
    - go through national body if you are interested in being a convenor
  - mail lists, wikis, FTP, etc. for committee and working groups
    - suggest we postpone this until new Secretariat in place
  - status of RELAX-NG schemas for IS documents
  - review attendance at closing plenary (proxy rules Directives section 9.1.1)
14. Working group breakouts 10:40

15. Opening of closing plenary meeting 2007-03-24 14:20
16. Review of work accomplished since opening plenary meeting
  - members were directed to the approval of the resolutions
17. Review of Programme of Work and Target Dates 
  - addressed during the approval of the resolutions
18. Approval of Resolutions 
19. Other closing plenary business
 - publicize the mirror site for SC34 -
20. Adjournment