ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34N0585

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Information Technology --
Document Description and Processing Languages

TITLE: Minutes of December 2004 Meeting - Washington DC
SOURCE: SC34 Secretariat
STATUS: Meeting minutes
ACTION: For information
DATE: 2004-11-17
DISTRIBUTION: SC34 and Liaisons

Dr. James David Mason
(ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 Chairman)
Y-12 National Security Complex
Bldg. 9113, M.S. 8208
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8208 U.S.A.
Telephone: +1 865 574-6973
Facsimile: +1 865 574-1896

Mr. G. Ken Holman
(ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 Secretariat - Standards Council of Canada)
Crane Softwrights Ltd.
Box 266,
Telephone: +1 613 489-0999
Facsimile: +1 613 489-0995

1. Opening of opening plenary (2004/11/13 13:00) 
2. Roll call of Delegates 
   - name, NB, WGs
3. Appointment of Drafting Committee
   - Ken, Jim, convenors
4. Adoption of the Agenda: Document: SC34 N 535 
   - closing plenary moved to 18:00
   - 13.1 - discussion of document submission requirements
   - 13.2 - discussion of WG document numbering and distribution
   - 13.3 - OpenOffice file format ISO standardization
5. Chairman's Remarks
6. Secretariat's Remarks 
   - thanks to Patrick
   - thanks to XML UK
   - alignment with ISO on project status
   - need convenors to keep up with any project change
   - triggers impact on ISO warnings about project cancellations
   - my task is to write up more documentation on the XML fragments
7. Reports of ISO/IEC Liaisons (Specific ISO/IEC liaisons will be 
   added to the agenda upon receipt of written contributions to the Plenary).
   - SC2 plenary Toronto June
     - progressing 10646
     - transferred sorting standard 14651 from SC22 to SC2
   - SC22 plenary Korea September
     - disbanded Posix and Internationalization
     - advisory group for Posix
     - rapporteur group for Internationalization
   - TC46 - unsuccessful contact
          - needs assistance
   - SC36 
     - appointed a new liaison to SC34
8. Reports of External Liaisons (Specific ISO/IEC liaisons will be added to
   the agenda upon receipt of written contributions to the Plenary). 
   - N0563 - ISO/IEC 10036 Registration
   - informal comments
     - W3C Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group
     - SC32 - looking at ontology registration
     - Dublin Core - consistent terminology management, namespace, URI
     - IEEE committee on Standard Upper Ontology (SUO)
     - OASIS - technical committee on published subjects 
             - meeting on Monday evening in Taft room
9. Reports of Working Groups 
9.1. Appointment/selection of Working Group Convenors
     - acclaimed - WG1 - UK - Mr. Martin Bryan - 2004-09-30
                 - WG2 - Japan - Dr. Yushi Komachi - 2004-09-28
                 - WG3 - Norway - Mr. Steve Pepper - 2004-08-25
9.2. Working Group 1 - Markup Languages
     - met in Cambridge in September
     - promotion of documents
     - looking for membership from national bodies from other continents
9.3. Working Group 2 - Information Presentation
     - N0562
9.4. Working Group 3 - Information Association
     - two passed CD ballots since last plenary
     - Reference Model Workshop held in August 2004 in connection with 
       the Extreme Markup conference in Montreal
10. ISO/IEC JTC1 Activities of Interest to SC34 
    - N0564 - Berlin plenary
      - file naming conventions
      - IT group looking for input
11. Review of Programme of Work and Target Dates 
 - ISO/IEC 15445 publicly available
 - 9531-11 - check on that - original request 2004-04-30
    - review matrix 5.1
    - review calendar of upcoming dates 6.5
12. Review of SC34 Meeting Calendar 
    - Amsterdam - May 2005?
13. Other opening plenary business 
    - 13.1 - discussion of document submission requirements
             - no cover, use XML fragment to describe all cover information
           - documents triggering a change in status
             - use XML fragment to describe change in project status
    - 13.2 - discussion of WG document numbering and distribution
    - 13.3 - OpenOffice file format ISO standardization
           - some meetings in Europe - Danish UG, Linux UG
           - interest in getting ISO standard for document 
           - EU administration group asking for a standard
           - Jon Bosak raised issue with Jim
           - question of whether this belongs in TC46 or not
14. Working group breakouts
15. Opening of closing plenary (2004/11/17 18:00)
    - thoughts on OpenOffice format standardization in SC34
      - TR 9573-11 defines a particular vocabulary, this could be a TR
    - review of attendance list
    - who is going to be SC36 liaison?
    - review of action items
16. Review of Programme of Work and Target Dates 
    - review matrix 5.1
    - review calendar of upcoming dates 6.5
17. Approval of Resolutions 
    Acclamation - Steve Newcomb for the projector
18. Adjournment 

Action items:
 - ask JTC1 to make IS 15445 a freely-available standard
   - based on W3C HTML which is already freely-available
 - ask JTC1 to make TR 9573-11 a freely-available standard
   - based on it being a TR 
   - ref earlier email April 30
  - CD ballots - three months to SC34
   - 19757-1
 - FPDAM ballots - four months to SC34
   - 9543-1/FPDAM1
 - NP ballots - three months to SC34
   - n578
 - ballots to JTC1 and ITTF
   - n569 - 9543-1/FPDAM1
   - n571 - 10179/FDAM2
   - n573 - 19758/DAM3
   - n578 - NP
 - final text plus disposition documents to ITTF
   - n574/5 - 19758/Amd1
   - n576/7 - 19758/Amd2
- weekly correspondence, ask for SC36 liaison
- edits to draft meeting documents
  - 558 - two references to PDF files
        - "convenor" to "chairman"