Document number:   P1976R0
Date:   2019-11-08
Audience:   Library Evolution Working Group
Tomasz Kamiński <tomaszkam at gmail dot com>

Fixed-size span construction from dynamic range

1. Introduction

This paper provides more detailed explanation of PL250 NB issue. We explore issues with construction of fixed-size span construction from the range with the dynamic size. This constructor are source of the undefined behavior, without providing any synctatic suggestion on the user side.

To resolve the issues, we present tree options:

Per LEWG guidance in Belfast, the proposed resolution follows the option C (PL250 guidance) and marks the fixed-spize span constructors from dynamic-size range explicit.

2. Revision history

2.1. Revision 0

Initial revision.

3. Motivation and Scope

The resolution of the LWG issue 3101 prevents user from running into accidental undefined-behavior when the span with fixed size is constructed from the range with the size that is not know at compile time. To illustrate:

void processFixed(std::span<int, 5>);

std::vector<int> v;

With the above declaration the following invocation is ill-formed:

processFixed(v); // ill-formed

Before the resolution of the issues, the above code was having undefined-behavior if the v.size() was different than 5 (size of span in declaration of processFixed).

However, the proposed resolution does not prevent the accidental undefined-behavior in situation when (iterator, size) or the (iterator, sentinel) constructor is used:

void processFixed({, v.size()}); // undefined-behavior if v.size() != 5
void processFixed({v.begin(), v.end()}); // undefined-behavior if v.size() != 5

3.2. Option A: Separate fixed-size and dynamic-size span (remove fixed-size span for C++20)

One of the option of resolving the issue is to separate the fixed-size and dynamic-size span into separate template. As it is to late for the C++20 for the introduction of the new template, such change would imply removal of the fixed-size span version of the span from the standard.

As consequence, the span template would become dynamicly sized, and would accept single type as template parameter:

template<class T> span;

Futhermore it would allow us to explore extending fixed-span construction to handle user-defined fixed-size ranges. Currently the standard regonizes only native arrays (T[N]), std::array<T, N> and fixed-size std::span<T, N> (where N != std::dynamic-extent) as fixed-size range. The appropariate trait was proposed in A SFINAE-friendly trait to determine the extent of statically sized containers.

3.2. Option B: Disabling constructors

We can follow the direction of the LWG issue 3101 and disable these constructor from particpating from the overload resolution entirelly. That would prevent the constructing the fixed-span from the dynamic range, and require the user to first<N>()/last<N>/subspan<P, N> methods explicitly.

void processFixed(std::span(v).first<5>());      // undefined-behavior if v.size() < 5
void processFixed(std::span(v).last<5>());       // undefined-behavior if v.size() < 5
void processFixed(std::span(v).subspan<1, 5>()); // undefined-behavior if v.size() < 6 = 1 + 5

[ Note: Lack of template parameter for span in above examples is intentional - they use deduction guides. ]

Tony Tables for option B.

Before After: Option B
void processFixed(std::span<int, 5>);
void processDynamic(std::span<int>);

Dynamic range with different size

std::vector<int> v3(3);
processFixed(v3);                                             // ill-formed
processFixed({, + 3});                     // undefined-behavior
processFixed({, 3});                                 // undefined-behavior

processFixed(span<int, 5>(v3));                               // ill-formed
processFixed(span<int, 5>{, + 3});         // undefined-behavior
processFixed(span<int, 5>{, 3});                     // undefined-behavior

processFixed(span<int>(v3).first<5>());                       // undefined-behavior
processFixed(span<int>{, + 3}.first<5>()); // undefined-behavior
processFixed(span<int>{, 3}.first<5>());             // undefined-behavior
processFixed(v3);                                             // ill-formed
processFixed({, + 3});                     // ill-formed
processFixed({, 3});                                 // ill-formed

processFixed(span<int, 5>(v3));                               // ill-formed
processFixed(span<int, 5>{, + 3});         // ill-formed
processFixed(span<int, 5>{, 3});                     // ill-formed

processFixed(span<int>(v3).first<5>());                       // undefined-behavior
processFixed(span<int>{, + 3}.first<5>()); // undefined-behavior
processFixed(span<int>{, 3}.first<5>());             // undefined-behavior

Dynamic range with matching size

std::vector<int> v5(5);
processFixed(v5);                                             // ill-formed
processFixed({, + 5});                     // ok
processFixed({, 5});                                 // ok

processFixed(span<int, 5>(v5));                               // ill-formed
processFixed(span<int, 5>{, + 5});         // ok
processFixed(span<int, 5>{, 5});                     // ok

processFixed(span<int>(v5).first<5>());                       // ok
processFixed(span<int>{, + 5}.first<5>()); // ok
processFixed(span<int>{, 5}.first<5>());             // ok
processFixed(v5);                                             // ill-formed
processFixed({, + 5});                     // ill-formed
processFixed({, 5});                                 // ill-formed

processFixed(span<int, 5>(v5));                               // ill-formed
processFixed(span<int, 5>{, + 5});         // ill-formed
processFixed(span<int, 5>{, 5});                     // ill-formed

processFixed(span<int>(v5).first<5>());                       // ok
processFixed(span<int>{, + 5}.first<5>()); // ok
processFixed(span<int>{, 5}.first<5>());             // ok

3.3. Option C: Making constructors explicit

This is original resolution proposed in PL250.

The construction of the fixed-sized span from the dynamicly sized range, is not indentity operation - this operation assumes additional semantic property of the type (size of the range). Such conversion between semantically different types, should not be implicit. We can resolve the problem, by makrking all of such constructor explicit, as follows:

Destination/Source Fixed Dynamic
Fixed implicit (ill-formed if source.size() != dest.size()) explicit (undefined-behavior if source.size() != dest.size())
Dynamic implicit (always ok) implicit (always ok)

Tony Tables for option C.

Before After: Option C
void processFixed(std::span<int, 5>);
void processDynamic(std::span<int>);

Dynamic range with different size

std::vector<int> v3(3);
processFixed(v3);                                             // ill-formed
processFixed({, + 3});                     // undefined-behavior
processFixed({, 3});                                 // undefined-behavior

processFixed(span<int, 5>(v3));                               // ill-formed
processFixed(span<int, 5>{, + 3});         // undefined-behavior
processFixed(span<int, 5>{, 3});                     // undefined-behavior

processFixed(span<int>(v3).first<5>());                       // undefined-behavior
processFixed(span<int>{, + 3}.first<5>()); // undefined-behavior
processFixed(span<int>{, 3}.first<5>());             // undefined-behavior
processFixed(v3);                                             // ill-formed
processFixed({, + 3});                     // ill-formed
processFixed({, 3});                                 // ill-formed

processFixed(span<int, 5>(v3));                               // undefined-behavior
processFixed(span<int, 5>{, + 3});         // undefined-behavior
processFixed(span<int, 5>{, 3});                     // undefined-behavior

processFixed(span<int>(v3).first<5>());                       // undefined-behavior
processFixed(span<int>{, + 3}.first<5>()); // undefined-behavior
processFixed(span<int>{, 3}.first<5>());             // undefined-behavior

Dynamic range with matching size

std::vector<int> v5(5);
processFixed(v5);                                             // ill-formed
processFixed({, + 5});                     // ok
processFixed({, 5});                                 // ok

processFixed(span<int, 5>(v5));                               // ill-formed
processFixed(span<int, 5>{, + 5});         // ok
processFixed(span<int, 5>{, 5});                     // ok

processFixed(span<int>(v5).first<5>());                       // ok
processFixed(span<int>{, + 5}.first<5>()); // ok
processFixed(span<int>{, 5}.first<5>());             // ok
processFixed(v5);                                             // ill-formed
processFixed({, + 5});                     // ill-formed
processFixed({, 5});                                 // ill-formed

processFixed(span<int, 5>(v5));                               // ok
processFixed(span<int, 5>{, + 5});         // ok
processFixed(span<int, 5>{, 5});                     // ok

processFixed(span<int>(v5).first<5>());                       // ok
processFixed(span<int>{, + 5}.first<5>()); // ok
processFixed(span<int>{, 5}.first<5>());             // ok

3.4. No impact on dynamic-sized span

All proposed options (including removal) does not have any impact on the construction of the dynamic-sized span (i.e. span<T>). The construction changes affect only cases when N != std::dynamic-extent.

3.5. Option B vs C: Impact on initialization

The major difference between the option B and option C, is the impact the impact on the initialization of the span variables. Some of the readers, may consider the difference between various syntaxes and their meaning two subtle.

Tony Tables for initialization.

Option B Option C
std::vector<int> v3(3);

span<int, 5> s = v3;                             // ill-formed
span<int, 5> s(v3);                              // ill-formed
auto s = span<int, 5>(v3);                       // ill-formed

span<int, 5> s = {, + 3};     // ill-formed
span<int, 5> s{, + 3};        // ill-formed
auto s = span<int, 5>{, + 3}; // ill-formed
span<int, 5> s = v3;                             // ill-formed
span<int, 5> s(v3);                              // undefined-behavior
auto s = span<int, 5>(v3);                       // undefined-behavior

span<int, 5> s = {, + 3};     // ill-formed
span<int, 5> s{, + 3};        // undefined-behavior
auto s = span<int, 5>{, + 3}; // undefined-behavior

3.6. Option B and C: Construction from fixed-sized range

Neither option B nor C, proposes any change to the behavior of the construction of the fixed-size span from the ranges that are recognized by the standard as fixed-size: native arrays (T[N]), std::array<T, N> and fixed-size std::span<T, N> (where N != std::dynamic-extent). The construction is implicit if size of the source is the same as the size of destination, ill-formed otherwise.

void processFixed(span<int, 5>);

std::array<int, 3> a3;
std::array<int, 5> a5;

processFixed(a3); // ill-formed
processFixed(a5); // ok

std::span<int, 3> s3(a3);
std::span<int, 5> s5(a5);

processFixed(s3); // ill-formed
processFixed(s5); // ok

3.7. Option B and C: Impact of the P1394

The P1394: Range constructor for std::span (that is targeting C++20) generalized the constructor of the span.

The Container constructor was replaced with the Range constructor, that have the same constrain (i.e. it is disabled for fixed-size span), so the original example remain ill-formed:

processFixed(v); // ill-formed

In addition it replaces the (pointer, size) and (pointer, pointer) constructor, with more general (iterator, size) and (iterator, sentinel). As consequence in addition the undefined-behavior is exposed in more situations:

void processFixed({v.begin(), v.size()}); // undefined-behavior if v.size() != 5
void processFixed({v.begin(), v.end()});  // undefined-behavior if v.size() != 5

in addition to:

void processFixed({, v.size()});            // undefined-behavior if v.size() != 5
void processFixed({, + v.size()}); // undefined-behavior if v.size() != 5

Changes presented in this paper still apply after signature changes from P1394.

4. Impact and Implementability

As the std:span was introduced in C++20, the changes introduce in these paper (regardless of the selected option) cannot break existing code. In addition, all pesented options do not affect uses of span with the dynamic size.

The implementation of the option A requires duplicating a constrain:
Constrains: extent == dynamic_extent is true.
that is already present in Container/Range constructor ([span.cons] p14.1) to 3 additional constuctors. In can be implemented using the SFINAE tricks (std::enable_if) or requires clause.

The implementation of the option B mostly requires adding an conditional explicit specifier to 4 constuctors:

explicit(extent != dynamic_extent)

5. Proposed Wording

To be created after specific option is selected.

6. Acknowledgements

Andrzej Krzemieński offered many useful suggestions and corrections to the proposal.

Special thanks and recognition goes to Sabre ( for supporting the production of this proposal and author's participation in standardization committee.

7. References

  1. Poland, "PL250 [span.cons] size mismatch for fixed-sized span", (PL250,
  2. Stephan T. Lavavej, "span's Container constructors need another constraint", (LWG3103,
  3. Corentin Jabot, Casey Carter, "Range constructor for std::span", (P1394R4,
  4. Corentin Jabot, Casey Carter, "A SFINAE-friendly trait to determine the extent of statically sized containers" (P1419R0,