Proposal for C2y
WG14 3204

Title:               Semantic basis for overloading
Author, affiliation: Alex Celeste, Perforce
Date:                2023-12-14
Proposal category:   Clarification, non-functional
Target audience:     Future feature authors


The document aims to compare and contrast the two major design approaches to overloading as found on the one hand in C++ and Java and related languages, and on the other hand in languages influenced by functional programming and strong type disciplines. We propose that C should look to the latter group of languages for guidance because of the simpler and clearer logical basis, the simpler integration into the C language, and the better characteristics of code likely to be developed by users in this system.

We try to describe typeclasses in non-theoretic terms that are likely to be approachable to C programmers.

Semantic basis for overloading

Reply-to:     Alex Celeste (
Document No:  N3204
Revises:      (n/a)
Date:         2023-12-14

Summary of Changes



"Overloading" refers to the ability for one name (or symbol) to refer to more than one function declared visible in the source, to be resolved to a specific callable entity by the use of some additional context information beyond the identifier (or symbol) and its linkage. This is often known as static polymorphism, because the resolution of the name usually involves type information and is decided at compile-time (although it can be implemented as a runtime feature: [7], [8]).

Taking a very coarse-grained view, there seem to be two major approaches to the definition and resolution of overloadable entities:

The boundary between these two approaches is fairly blurry and mostly orients around approaching the question starting from a generic/polymorphic perspective, vs a static/monomorphic perspective. The open-set approach provides a simple implementation for monomorphic code with a smaller set of user-facing features, while the typeclass approach presents more tools but allows for better control over the definition of generic client functions.

The downside of the open-set approach is that the apparently simple set of tools seem in practice to lead to extremely complicated backing implementations and also to multi-stage complex resolution rules for users to remember. Providing "only" a single syntactic feature disguises a high degree of both implementation and specification complexity, that combines poorly with already-complex promotion and implicit conversion rules in the existing base C language.

Our proposal is that C should choose a high-level approach to thinking about overloading and overload resolution before committing to implementation details that force a specific path.

We favour the typeclass approach and argue that even though it has precedent in C++, the open-set approach is a flawed design whose mistakes C has the opportunity to avoid repeating.

On infix

We do not generally consider infix syntax in this discussion. We believe all points fundamentally apply to both prefix/call syntax and infix-operator syntax alike, and will not discuss the details of what declaring or naming an infix operator in C might look like. "Operator" will refer to overloads using prefix/call syntax in the rest of this discussion.

Open sets

In C++ (and Java, and LCC, and Clang, and...) overloading is "open" in the sense that there is no restriction on two functions in the same scope being declared with the same name. At each call point, overload resolution simply considers everything visible at that point, and finds the best match based on the argument types.

Each overload is a first-class, top-level entity with a completely distinct scope and identity. The feature is "simple", because to add multiple overloads the user simply adds another declaration in the scope where they want to use the different functions and everything else happens implicitly. Unfortunately out of this apparent simplicity arise several points of complexity:

While overload resolution is not by itself especially complicated to implement (based on our experiences implementing it in both the Helix QAC C and C++ compilers), as there is really only implementation in two places - resolution at call-points, and some kind of naming scheme for the internal representation of the definitions - it has complex and confusing rules and interactions on the user-facing side.

The introduction of templates to the C++ language is itself arguably a design choice forced by this model of overloading, because by not binding overloads to some kind of type-based container, generic functions have no choice but to require separate instantiation so that they can create different body definitions with the different calls resolved.

Type classes

Type classes, traits, etc. originate from an inversion of the problem from a user perspective, starting with the generic function use case rather than treating it as an effective afterthought.

Starting with the premise that functions can be truly polymorphic:

val head : 'a list -> 'a

(SML syntax) head is some function that operates on a list of objects all of the same type. It doesn't care what type that is, but is able to guarantee that given a nonempty list of objects it will return an object with the same type as the element type of the list.

Despite having a polymorphic type, this function can still be used as a value because it doesn't depend on any further instantiation that would create more function body definitions. The type system is able to safely guarantee that what in C would probably be conversions to and from void * are correct. This kind of checking is also expressible in C with some attribute-based extensions to the type system that show how pointer identity is not affected.

Because the type of the elements is abstract, if we want to perform an operation on any of the values in the container, the only way to ensure it is correct (and actually does something) is to pass it in the parameters as well:

val fold : ('a * 'a' -> 'a) * 'a list -> 'a

This signature guarantees that some operation exists which can combine values in the list, without knowing what it is, by using the common type variable in the signature for both the operation and the container.

In void-which_binds extended C syntax, this might look like:

void fold (size_t N
    , Void(A) const in[N], Void(A) * out
    , void (*op) (Void(A) const *, Void(A) *));

which illustrates that the strong types are erased to void * and do not produce separate instances of the same function body.

If this first parameter is a structure (a "dict") containing a group of operations, instead of just one, we have implemented dictionary-passing style:

val sum : AddPack 'a * 'a list -> 'a

Now the signature allows for a group of operations to be passed in that provide sum expressions. The operations in the pack are on some type and the container is also of objects of that type, as is the result.

Typeclasses generalize this a bit further by not only being able to say "this is some type, and this other type is the same as it", but grouping "some type" by supported operations. For instance, int, float, _Decimal32 all support the arithmetic operators, so we can say that all three of those types are instances of a class Arithmetic. They're also all instances of Addable, which includes complete pointers, but Arithmetic doesn't include pointers because they don't support stuff like division. This can be communicated by shifting the notation slightly:

val sum : (Addable 'a) => 'a list -> 'a

(evil hybrid of SML and Haskell syntax) Because we know that the type 'a is the same in both the concrete list and the concrete Addable, the Addable can be deduced. Since there is a rule that there is only one object-instance of each complete dictionary type, we don't need to pass the value of Addable 'a at the call site because the singleton can be looked up by the compiler.

Within the body of sum there will be some invocation of addPack.+ on the dictionary argument that provides the concrete instance of the class used for the overloaded addition operators. The language syntax will allow the addPack. part to be implicit because the + is associated with the class Addable and no other type class - if + is available, it is as part of an instance of Addable, and also - will definitely be available with the same signature. In constrast to the open set where a template doesn't know that + is available until the point of instantiation, and even if augmented with a concept, can only ask that - exists as well but not that it is specifically bound to + in a definition block.

As a result, the generic case does not rely on pure syntactic (macro-like) lookup and instead allows generic functions to have a unique, addressable/value identity (i.e. "templates") without requiring separate instantiation for each concrete type. Monomorphisation remains available as an optimization pass but is not exposed to the user at all by language semantics - instead it is just a form of inlining, not observable in the program itself.

The use of overloading in languages with typeclasses outside generic functions is therefore just a special case where the type variables are already all filled in and lookup is immediate. To make a flexible overloaded add function that works with multiple types, we could, for instance:

val add : (Addable 'a) => ('a * 'a) -> 'a

Instead of calls to the add operator building a candidate set and working out the best matches to work out "which" add is being called here, we define that there is actually just one addition function. The types of its arguments are first checked to be the same, and then used to find the singleton dictionary with the appropriate addpack.+ implementation.

At runtime this will monomorphise to the same static direct call to some mangled-named operator implentation that the open-set resolution would have done, simply by regular function inlining (recognising that the implicit dict argument has a constexpr value).

Contrasting the approaches

The key difference in application of these two approaches is that there is an inverted order of operations:

This is of particular benefit to C because we alreayd have the Usual Arithmetic Conversions in the language, and open-set operators have to build the list of viable candidates before applying arithmetic conversions (or promotions); if we use a typeclass system, we can define that promotions and UAC happen before dictionary instance lookup, drastically simplifying the rules and completely eliminating the process of finding a shortest/best conversion "path".

Given an expression

int x = ...
float y = ...

add (x, y); // definitely calls add(float, float)

We can define that the UAC happens to the operands, which means that T is always the converted type: it is not possible to define an overload for (int, float) and we do not need to even consider logical paths that would produce it. Additionally, if Addable(float) is not visible in scope, we do not fall back to a second-best match like Addable(double) or Addable(int) - this is just a type error: the class instance required is Addable(float), not a nebulous "viable candidate".

This drastically simplifies use of overloading as a feature from a user perspective.

Class-instance selection effectively already exists in the language in the form of the _Generic operator, which takes a type argument (as an expression, but the value is irrelevant) and converts it via a chain of concrete generic-associations into an expression. This is well-suited to returning singleton values as the operator is a syntactic construct and therefore already returns a singleton (the product of the operator is the expression, which is then evaluated).

Modelled in C23

Since it is, verbosely, possible to express limited parametric polymorphism in C23 (it is possible to emulate a limited subset of VWB using typeof); and we have the class-instance selection mechanism in the language in the form of _Generic; we can wrap these tools up in macros and provide a demonstrative example of typeclass-based overloading using existing C23 features.

Declaring a type for the typeclass is enough to enforce that definitions of the opereators are provided together, because it wants to be initialized (we could potentially demand a dedicated syntax, but it isn't necessary). The names of the operator definition functions don't even matter and can be anything so long as they have the right type to initialize the right slot in the class instance:

typedef void (*BinOp) (void * out, void const * lhs, void const * rhs);

struct SumInst {
  BinOp add;
  BinOp sub;

void addInt (void * out, void const * lhs, void const * rhs) {
  *(int *)out = *(int const *)lhs + *(int const *) rhs;
void subInt (void * out, void const * lhs, void const * rhs) {
  *(int *)out = *(int const *)lhs + *(int const *) rhs;

struct SumInst intInst = {
  addInt, subInt

and again for float.

A use function can accept the dictionary instances explicitly:

void useAdd (struct SumInst const sumInst, void * out, void const * lhs, void const * rhs)
  sumInst.add (out, lhs, rhs);

and the first evolution of "generic" addition according to the okmij hierarchy starts to look like:

void call (int x, float y)
  int ri;
  float rf;

  useAdd (intInst, &ri, ToLvalue (x), ToLvalue (x));
  useAdd (fltInst, &rf, ToLvalue (y), ToLvalue (y));

  printf ("%d %f\n", ri, rf);  // 12 25.00

Though this isn't really "generic" yet, because explicit passing means manually providing the type resolutions in source anyway.

With _Generic is is possible to define instance-selection which forces the emulation to rely on singletons, and allows them to be identified by operand type:

#include "oper_counter.h"
DefInstance (Sum, float, {
  addFloat, subFloat


Sum intInst = Instance (Sum, int);
Sum fltInst = Instance (Sum, float);

useAdd (intInst, &ri, ToLvalue (x), ToLvalue (x));
useAdd (fltInst, &rf, ToLvalue (y), ToLvalue (y));

From here it is an obvious step that the Instance resolution can be inlined into the call, and also use typeof (arg-expression) instead of a fixed type name as its operand, which unlocks implicit instance resolution:

void useAdd (Sum const sum, void * out, void const * lhs, void const * rhs)
  sum.add (out, lhs, rhs);

// clearer with statement expressions but not required (see link)
#define gAdd2(L, R) ({                            \
    typeof (L) _ret;  /* L+R also an option */    \
    useAdd (Instance (Sum, typeof(_ret))          \
          , &(_ret), ToLvalue (L), ToLvalue (R)); \
    _ret;                                         \

used as

void call (int x, float y)
  int ri = gAdd2 (x, x);
  float rf = gAdd2 (y, y);

  printf ("%d %f\n", ri, rf);  // 16 29.00

call (8, 14.5);

This unlocks overloaded, generic addition, with argument promotion according to existing arithmetic conversion rules, and requiring coherent complete sets of operators with related features. It also shows that the add function itself (useAdd, not gAdd) has an addressable identity despite being polymorphic.

More types can be added:

typedef struct Fixie {
  int rep;
} Fixie;

void addFix (void * out, void const * lhs, void const * rhs) {
  ((Fixie *)out)->rep = ((Fixie const *)lhs)->rep + ((Fixie const *)rhs)->rep;
void subFix (void * out, void const * lhs, void const * rhs) {
  ((Fixie *)out)->rep = ((Fixie const *)lhs)->rep - ((Fixie const *)rhs)->rep;

#include "type_counter.h"
#include "oper_counter.h"
DefInstance (Sum, Fixie, {
  addFix, subFix

and work with the existing definition of useAdd/gAdd2 unaltered:

void call (Fixie z)
  Fixie rF = gAdd2 (z, z);
  printf ("%d\n", rF.rep);  // 22

call (6, 12.5, (Fixie){ 11 });


This syntax is not suitable for long-term use and the point is not to propose that this method for implementing generic functions be copied directly. Instead, the point is to demonstrate that there is an immediate way to model typeclass/trait-style overloading in C23, and therefore that this approach to both generic function definitions and overloaded operators is a more natural fit for the language, because all of the rules fundamentally already exist, than open-set overloading, which requires new machinery in the compiler, (potentially) new machinery in the ABI, and a slew of complicated rules for the user to remember which are easy to break or use in much more confusing ways.

Open-set overloading also forces the language down the template/"macro space" path for definition of generic functions, and cannot be taken advantage of at all by true polymorphic functions. We should avoid this design mis-step at the earliest opportunity and adopt a model that seamlessly integrates with generic function definitions so that C can have provide fully monomorphic implementations which suit the character and spirit of the language, with no out-of-line instantiations; and which enables significantly strong type checking and earlier error messaging than the very delayed approach enforced by templates.


Overloading in C++
Overloading in Clang C
Understanding type classes
Java Language Specification
Rust Traits
Haskell Typeclasses
C++ Concepts
CLOS in Common Lisp
N3051 Operator overloading in C
Typeclasses in C23