Document Number: WG14/N1004 NCITS/J11/03-001 Document Title: Oxford Meeting Minutes Document Date: 08-April-2003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday March 31st 1. Opening activities 1.1 Opening Comments FG: welcomed everybody and described the local arrangements. 1.2 Introduction of Participants/Roll Call Derek Jones Knowledge Software UK Walter Banks Byte Craft Limited Canada Tom Kremer Cray, Inc USA Chris Hills Hitex UK UK HOD John Parks Intel USA Raymond Mak IBM Canada HOD Barry Hedquist Perennial, Inc USA Fred Tydeman Tydeman Consulting USA P. J. Plauger Dinkumware, Ltd USA Tana L. Plauger Dinkumware, Ltd USA John Hauser Self USA Randy Meyers Silverhill Systems USA Douglas Walls Sun Microsystems USA HOD John Benito Self USA Willem Wakker ACE Consulting NL HOD Randy Marques Atos Origin NL Jan Kristoffersen Ramtex Engineering DK HOD Nobu Mori SAP Germany HOD Tom Plum Plum Hall USA Francis Glassborrow Self UK Rich Peterson HP USA Herb Sutter Microsoft USA Greg Colvin Oracle USA Clive Feather Self USA Martyn Lovell Microsoft USA Note: RM_C -> Raymond Mak RM_U -> Randy Meyers RM_N -> Randy Marques 1.3 Selection of Meeting Chair JB to act as meeting chairman. DJ to act as meeting secretary. 1.4 Procedures for this Meeting As per normal. 1.5 Approval of Previous Minutes (WG14/N987) ACTION: JB to revise minutes of previous meeting (correct typos) and publish as N1003. 1.6 Review of Action Items and Resolutions RM_U Lvalue of expression. OPEN Revised words for DR266 OPEN FG ??? CLOSED LJ DR268 OPEN RM_U DR267 OPEN JB Email group for draft TR CLOSED 1.7 Approval of Agenda (WG14/N999) Switched items 8/9 in the draft agenda. 1.8 Distribution of New Documents No new documents. 1.9 Information on Next Meeting TP: Next meeting to be held at Royal Kona Resort during Oct 21-24. Hotel not providing meeting rates until the Monday evening. ACTION: TP to send out Kona meeting information. DONE 1.10 Identification of National Bodies Countries represented: Netherlands, UK, Canada, US, Denmark, Germany 1.11 Identification of J11 voting members 12 voting J11 members out of 15 possible members. 2. TR Status Report (PDTR 18037.1, WG14/N996) (Benito, Wakker) WW reported that a disposition of comments document had been sent out. Aiming for document to be sent out for SC22 ballot after this meeting and for ballot to be complete before that start of the next WG14 meeting. SC22 has agreed that the final TR can be made publicly available via the web. 3. Liaison Activities 3.1 J11 (Walls, Meyers) RM_U: reappointed chair. FT: appointed vice-chair. 3.2 WG14 (Benito) JB: nothing to report. 3.3 J16/WG21 (Sutter) TP: At least nine liaisons between WG14 and WG21 present at meeting. Five year revision of C++ is underway. ACTION: TP to forward N number of C++ Philosophy of revision document to WG14 reflector. A revised C++ Standard document, that includes the contents of the TC, has been published as ISO/IEC 14882:2003. This is now the official document. 3.4 WG15 (posix) (Simonsen) No liaison report. 3.5 WG20 (I18N) (Simonsen) WG20 have a new convenor and the group had a meeting in Korea. 3.6 WG11 (Wakker) Completed ballot on LIA part 3: complex arithmetic. Revision of Language Independent Datatypes document slowing moving forward. 3.7 Other Liaison Activities It was believed that an ISO workshop on Linux standardization (DJ thought this might involve deciding which system files went in which directories) would soon be taking place in the UK. IEEE 754 continues to debate the status of signalling NANs. 4. Rationale Editors report (Benito) JB: A new revision of the Rationale will soon be released. 5. Defect report status (Benito) Discussed the possibility of issuing a TC containing replies to latest DRs. This lead onto a discussion about whether work will start on revising the current standard next year (five years after initial publication) or it will be left to stand for a while longer. No decisions made. 6. Optional Signaling NaN support (WG14/N1000)(Tydeman) FT: Presented N1000 to the committee. The committee agreed to this document replacing the signalling NAN document currently linked to from the WG14 web site. 7. Additional Character Data Types in the Programming Language C (WG14/N998) (Mori) NM: Presented N998 to the committee. After some discussion it was agreed that a new header, uchar.h, contain the macro, type, and function definitions. It was agreed that the functionality described in N998 was of practical benefit to developers and that a TR should be published. ACTION: NM to edit N998 into a form suitable for submission as a TR. ACTION: JB, TP, RM_U, BP, WW to review the document produced by NM. ACTION: JB to forward the reviewed document to SC22 for registration as a TR and concurrent ballot. 9. New defects (WG14/N995, WG14/N1002) (Benito, Walls) DW presented N995. The committee agreed on it being submitted as a DR (DR284). ACTION: RM_U to write the response to DR 284. The committee agreed that the question raised in N1002 be submitted as a DR (DR 285). FT described a number of cases where wording associated with floating point requirements might need clarification. The committee discussed whether any of these cases should be submitted as DR's. ACTION: FT create wording for a DR (number 286 assigned) dealing with correct rounding mode issues in annex F. ACTION: FT create wording for a DR (number 287 assigned) dealing with one or more 'typo's in G.5.1p8. ACTION: FT create wording for a DR (number to be assigned) containing floating-point related typos. DONE (merged into 'typo' DR being produced by JB). Broke up into two groups. One group discussed open DR's and the other discussed the Embedded TR. Tuesday April 1st 8. Interpretation of the Sequence Point Specification. (WG14/N1001) (Mak) RM_C presented N1001. There was extensive discussion (summarized by one person as "we have said all this before"). ACTION: CF, RM_C, RM_U, RP to form a subgroup to discuss sequence point issues and report back before the end of the meeting. DONE. DJ reported back to the full committee the extensive, mostly inconclusive, discussion on DR 219 that had occurred in the Defect Report breakout group. 10. Proposal for TR on C Library Security (WG14/N997) (Sutter, Lovell) ML presented N997. There was discussion about whether the functionality described should be formally included, in some fashion, in standard C. ACTION: ML to post a request for feedback on the contents of the paper to the WG14 reflector. 11. Break out into groups Defect Reports ACTION. RM_U to write a paper discussing the issues raised during the discussion of DR 219. DR 230. Change status from Open to Review. DR 251. Change status from Open to Review. DR 260. Lots of discussion with no consensus being reached. The case of pointer usage in segmented architectures was suggested as an additional motivating example. ACTION. RM_U, JB to find/create document discussing DR 260. DR 266. Discussion with no consensus. To discuss later. DR 261. Clive had potential sticking points and will converse with interested parties. DR 267. Change status from Review to Closed. DR 268. Agreed to accept wording, with revisions between [[ ]] below, from N985 and change status from Open to Review. "- The subsequent effect of a jump statement [[inside the loop]] or of reaching the end of the loop body shall be the same as if the jump [[into the loop]] had not happened and ..." DR 272. CF, RP to discuss revised wording and report back before the end of the meeting. DR 274. Accept wording from N985 and change status from Open to Review. DR 280. Delete the Proposed Committee Response. Add the sentence "See footnote 267." between the first and second sentences of bullet point 3 of the Suggested Committee Response and make it the Proposed Committee Response. Change status from Review to Closed. Embedded TR discussion TO BE ADDED by Embedded subgroup Chair??? Wednesday April 2nd 11d. Continued break out ACTION: TP to summarise issues associated with DR 236 and provide draft wording for committee response. DR 281. Change status from Review to Closed. DR 282. Change status from Review to Closed. ACTION: RM_U to produce wording for DR 284. DR 285. Existing proposed response in N1002 accepted. Change status from Open to Review. 11f. Continue break out ACTION: RM_C to create sequence point document and send to review committee in time to comment for submission to the next WG14 meeting. ACTION: CF, FT, RM_U, TK to review sequence point paper prior to next WG14 meeting. ACTION: FT to create a 'flags and sequence points' document for submission as a DR. ACTION: JB to create 'variable -> object typo' document for submission as a DR. ACTION: CF to draft words describing the four uses of the term constant to be considered in the response to DR 261. DONE merged in here or a separate document? I don't have them. ACTION: RP to draft revised wording for response to DR 272 in time for the full committee tomorrow. DONE merged in here or a separate document? I don't have them. More discussion of DR 236. Thursday April 3rd WW reported deliberations of Embedded TR group to the full committee. Getting a document published promptly was considered to be very important. Unable to reach consensus on annex D, so it was dropped. Various small updates were made to the document. ACTION: WW to send document to Embedded subgroup and interested parties on April 14 for a one week review period. ACTION: JB will forward, on April 21, reviewed Embedded document to SC22 for PDTR ballot. NM described some issues relating to the additional character types TR proposal (emails SC22WG14.9748 & SC22WG14.9750). 15. Defect report review Presentation of deliberations of Defect subgroup to full committee. DR 266. More discussion. Agreed to leave open for now. DR 236. TP presented his thoughts on the direction of a discussion document. The committee were not able to reach consensus. DR 272. TP presented wording which was accepted. DR 282. The wording of the Proposed Technical Corrigenda was changed to (with the status remaining Review): "In most situations the flexible array member is ignored. In particular, the size of the structure is as if the flexible array member was omitted (and may contain additional padding at the start to ensure the flexible array member is correctly aligned). However... ... except that it may have more trailing padding than this omission would imply." Wording changes were also needed for the examples. ACTION: CF to provide modified wording for examples involving flexible array members. TP presented the DR 236 discussion that had occurred during a lunch time break out group meeting. 14. Separate WG14 administration and J11/U.S. TAG meetings There were no WG14 administration issues that needed to be considered. 16. Administration 16.1 Future Meetings 16.1.1 Future Meeting Schedule 2003 2004 Mar 29-Apr 2 in Sydney Australia. Hosted by Whitesmiths/Standards Australia 2004 Oct Redmond, WA USA. Hosted by Microsoft/ANSI 2005 No official host 2005 Sep/Oct hosted by Canadian National Body 16.1.2 Future Agenda Items None 16.1.3 Future Mailings Post Oxford meeting mailing items to be with JB by May 2. Pre Kona mailing items to be with JB by Sep 22. 16.2 Resolutions None 16.2.1 Review of Decisions Reached Sending Embedded TR out for PDTR ballot. Sending Additional Character Set TR out for registration and concurrent ballot. 16.2.2 Formal Vote on Resolutions None. 16.2.3 Review of Action Items ACTION items were reviewed 16.2.4 Thanks to Host Thanks to Francis for all the work he put into hosting the meeting. 16.3 Other Business None. 17. Adjournment 14:40!!!