Defect Report #413

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Submitter: Willem Wakker
Submission Date: 2012-01-27
Source: WG14
Reference Document: N1601
Version: 1.3
Date: October 2013
Subject: initialization


Consider the following code:
typedef struct {
int k;
int l;
int a[2];
} T;

typedef struct {
int i;
T t;
} S;

T x = {.l = 43, .k = 42, .a[1] = 19, .a[0] = 18 };

void f(void)
S l = { 1, .t = x, .t.l = 41, .t.a[1] = 17};

The question is: what is now the value of l.t.k? Is it 42 (due to the initialization of .t = x) or is it 0 (due to the fact that .t.l starts an incomplete initialization of .t?

The relevant clause from the standard is 6.7.9 clause 19:
19 The initialization shall occur in initializer list order, each initializer provided for a particular subobject overriding any previously listed initializer for the same subobject;151) all subobjects that are not initialized explicitly shall be initialized implicitly the same as objects that have static storage duration.

Suggested Technical Corrigendum

Feb 2012 Meeting

Committee Discussion

Oct 2012 meeting

Committee Discussion

Apr 2013 meeting

Committee Discussion

  • There was no work performed on this DR.
  • Although both GCC and six compilers from IBM provide the unintended answer, it is believed to be such a rarely used feature that it is not depended upon to a great degree, and the compiler venders are willing to change their behavior appropriately.
  • Oct 2013 meeting

    Committee Discussion

    There has been considerable discussion and several proposals ( N1659, N1749) to clarify the standard to no avail. Upon reflection, and consultation with the author, we believe that the proper course of action is twofold. First, simply answer the question asked as the committee believes that the standard already specifies correctly. To add clarification to the standard we will also add the examples from N1659 that leads to this answer.

    Proposed Committee Response

    The proper answer to the question raised according to the standard is that the value of l.t.k is 42, because implicit initialization does not override explicit initialization. We will also provide a non-normative example to further clarify the intent.

    Proposed Committee Corrigendum

    Add the following example to 6.7.9:

        typedef struct {
            int k;
            int l;
            int a[2];
        } T;

        typedef struct {
            int i;
            T t;
        } S;

        T x = {.l = 43, .k = 42, .a[1] = 19, .a[0] = 18 };

        void f(void)
            S l = { 1, .t = x, .t.l = 41, .t.a[1] = 17};

    The value of l.t.k is 42, because implicit initialization does not override explicit initialization.

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